Serious Thread

Serious Thread

What's the worst thing you have seen on Sup Forums?

>be me
>22 years old
>Checks b for fun
>sees a little girl being raped
>feels sick
>feel like shit the rest of the night

Other urls found in this thread:

The guy shitting on a baby made me feel weird the first time I saw it. Faggot deserves to die.

Some gif of cheese grater fisting, followed by slashing the knuckles with a straight razor blade.

this thread

Anything that involves dog abuse. I know all the thumbnails to avoid, but sometimes I get trolled by a gif or new content

Fuck that shit

This kind of shit... Got more?

that one is mindboggling. I'd love to know what's going on in that guys fucking brain. How screwed up do you have to be in order to tie up a baby and shit on it?

Once saw OPs mother. Nothing is same anymore

The guy who live streamed his suicide.

He came on here, gave the link, and then proceeded to hang himself.

I watched it. Then made some coffee.

I gochu fam

Those animal abuse threads never fail to piss me off, especially when it's shit involving cats.

Are you for real!? shitting on a BABY!? holy shit!

Suicides never bothered me

I cant really watch beheadings any more though

Withnessed that thread.The OP filmed not only that but how he sliced his wrist.He died soon after uploading.He had an necrophilia fetish that was never saidfied thats why he killed himself

3 pics of it saying "OLDFAG FROM YLYL '05" were posted yesterday.

Beheadings have never bothered me. Suicides bother me a little though

and what they were?

Suicides never bothered me

I cant really watch beheadings any more though

Nothing. Nothing was the worst thing. I have yet to see something that phases me and I have seen some very bad things on Sup Forums/b. Try your hardest. Not baiting.


I've seen that several times. Yes, I know it's wrong and fucked up and I would have hurt that guy for doing it but it still hasn't affected me. That's how the world are. People are sick. I have a friend who is involved with a gang. He told me a couple of his gangster friends killed somebody and brought the body to their house and proceeded to cut it up into small piece and put the pieces in boxes in the attic. It's their way of getting rid of a body. I had no involvement in it, their gang or their activities. It was just a story a friend told me.

a guy fucking his dog

Probably animals being set on fire.

That one ISIS execution video where they crush the guys head in with a rock and the blood just starts pouring out of his face. I can watch any other vid, but that one just gets to me.

yeah seen that too hope that mother fucker gets caught

same here

so hows your summer?

I haven't seen that one in a long time. Mind posting it?

Dogger getting blinded by high heels

newfag is obvious

Beheadings have never bothered me. Suicides bother me a little though

Here's winter not summer... can't believe yet there is a video of a grown up shitting over a baby

I cant stand see someone breaking a bone :( it makes me sick , no problem with any other gore

My first rekt thread was a cartel execution. Dude got his throat cut, obviously, but it was listening to him breathe through it for the next minute and a half that made me quit the internet for a couple of days. That sound always gets me. I can watch the other shit all day, but every time I hear that sound, I can't sleep for a while.

Pretty tame as far as gore goes. I wonder why the dude did it though.

I once saw a fat bitch eat her own period chunks. Time stamp and everything.

To this day I haven't seen anything so unsettling.

He was mentally ill.

pretty much all animal abuse or any animal getting hurt for that matter, have almost to no sympathy for humans, rly dont care what happens bt I believe animals are "pure" and that they almost never deserve to have any harm done to em. So I always feel shitty whenever I see an animal in a tough position

The vid of the kitten getting its head cut off and then thrashing around always gets me.

This thread

The animal abuse ones bother me. I don't care people or babies.

Feel the same way, I can see people dying in various ways, but animal abuse I just can't stand it... although... once I saw a video o a lil girl that died in elevator, and heard her mother crying next to her, made me feel sad (PS: I check bestgore dot com almost every day)

Wow you sure pwned me!
Now quit being stingy, and post the goddamn picture.

Worst ones I've seen were the ones with a child getting beat and pretty much tortured by a bunch of others. Was a pretty long webm. Other one was when a kid had a kitten, started petting it, then kept swinging it at a metal pole only to be followed by throwing it to his dog to chew up or w/e



I need to see this

I get weirded out when there is a gif or webm of a chick slowly pulling her big tits out of her shirt and it turns out NOT to be shoveldog.

Go to bestgore dot com and look for "ISIS" there are plenty of fucked up material

Haven't seen it and hopefully I never will
Try adn dodge those vids as much as possible, kinda know whta to avoid
However sometimes curiousity takes over and u see som shitty stuff I guess

the video of the dead little girl being carried out of her room by her father while crying gets me. and the one where the kid blew his head off with a shotgun in the tub.

Op fucked his dick up sticking his fleshlight in a blender.. he was bleeding out his peephole..

Not hatin, but the vid where he carries his daughter? Rly?

The vid of a girl eating the smegma from a guy's penis.

Lol that thread was hella funny

>Referencing a screen cap

A fat fuck shoving a life gerbil up his ass. That done me in.

I missed that. Someone new should step up for my amusement.

I once saw somebody pouring chocolate milk down the drain.




That WEBM of some woman in a car right after an accident, still alive, with her face hanging off, eyes bulged out grabbing her hanging face off as if she's trying to put it back on.. Haunts me

Probably the one with the toddler with her legs tied back behind her head crying her eyes out.

Oh shit. I saw that too. It was horrible

The banana

I guess the worst I saw is that guy who chooped his dick head off. Worst is very relative imo, by society standards I probably saw worst than this I guess.

I think you're a big lier about the felt so bad that night bit, did not phase me for more than a few hours, I just don't think about things I don't like to think about, its masochism


yeah anything with children gets me man.

Pics like this

its on liveleak

Omg yeah that one was pretty fucked up! could you imagine being her? not being able to realize you face is not stick to your head

So you saved it?


The rat gif...

Oh,you mean this?

Where the person cuts his itty bitty dick off?

Don't worry user, she survived and is alright.


Okay I will not! see that video. hell no!

underrated post

Actually, the last time I saw someone post it, the thread was die.

I was once watching judge judy or some shit and i saw that chick in pic related sueing some other chick idk but it was funny as fuck when I saw her on TV

We believe you. We really do.

LIES. That bitch got fucking rekt

Reminded me of this

Child porn. It's bad

user is telling the truth, she is alive

I like watching just the first 3 seconds of that webm and no more. Happy kitty will be happy forver...


the only thing that really gets me is animal abuse.

Any proof?

Yeah, I agree. Those fuckers should be shot in the back of the head and left for hyenas to assfuck their corpse.

Pics of what happened after

Yes that is exactly it

Post it or GTFO, fagget.


I remember the first time I saw CP on here. I wanted to kill myself afterwards.

Well.. Shit.I stand corrected :P

If you don't find that hilarious, you haven't been here long enough. Lurk Moar

I watched a video of a state trooper or something being shot by a crazy old man. You could hear him scream and then trying to breath and choking on a blood. I don't know why that one got to me.

I wanna see