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i remember my first fingerbox. They were much bigger back then and I had a deluxe model with extra features

that's a modern fingerbox? jesus, that makes me appreciate the one my dad gave me even more

Looks like it might be for cleaning something, like, the sides of a tube, or something

Thats a ginger box i used to have one made of wood with lots of holes it. Was realy fun

Yeah I remember my first fingerbox, my dad got me it for my birthday and I couldn't believe it

>Tfw I sold my fingerbox in a pyramid scheme

A dildo. Try it OP

Come on that cannot be a jetson's fingerbox

Not brave enough

whats a fingerbox


Look at all the hivemind idiots

Hahaha! This broadcasts your thoughts directly to your TV.


It's used in tea kennels or anything with a long narrow tubing to keep the liquids from spilling

Its for cuck mens, seriously, its for taking the semen out of the woman vagina.

There is no fucking way that this thing is meant to go in someone's ass.

>tea kennels

You wish cuck

a jetsons fingerbox?

i have the second generation. it has given me a realy satisfying feeling, and it still does.


but what the uck is a fingerbox

Don't you remember the jetsons?

A box for fingers you fingerless cancer

but whast is the ponit to have your uking fingers in a box?

and whats the uck inside?
its like a colletion of thextures?

You're not even wrong. It's a butt plug designed to stop leakage in incontinent people.

Yea better stick it in your butt

looks like a modern version of a fingerbox to me, but I just dont think it will ever be as good as a proper wooden one.

Nice design seems like it would work.

shoot the uck up nigger

Only the greatest invention ever!

but what the uck is iside????? or just air space?


i thing you are just tolling me

Inside is your fucking finger you fucking idiot

You sound like a retard

so just space, i don get it this shit