Somehow this fag has reached 4 million subscribers. What does b think

somehow this fag has reached 4 million subscribers. What does b think.

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I think he's funny and congrats on all his success.

Same shit with justin bieber

This world is becoming more and more degenerate and i'm part of it.

Hes basically Sup Forums incarnate so good for him I guess.

so basically a edgy teenager that fakes reactions?

your words not mine


Mark my words: he'll have 11 million before november.

we should mass spam report it

>Sup Forums incarnate
GTFO newfag



Wont work though. Sadly.
fucking cancer with his 12year old followers, just as shit as pewdiepie

I don't think so

feels badman

didn't work to some guy called weegee or some shit

He is proof that humanity is fucked

use to watch his videos apparently his parents did drugs no wonder why he acts like such a ass on the internet.

Now he's basically just doing videos that mrrepzion and the amazing athiest do, except just more watered down for his kid fanbase.

Hold on I gots something, one sec

He is a cunt.

He's just meming and making more than you in a year by doing so

Suck it fags

have you seen his intros its so cringey.

leafyfag detected

Clickbait as hell niqqa

holy shit chad tore him a new asshole

Yeah, on his twitch stream he showed all the nasty shit Leafy says about everyone except for like Grade, Pyro and bunch other commentary channels.

anywhere where you can find it.

He's not getting roasted. The autist in the video is roasting himself.

He has a channel called monk rage which he does stream highlights but I think that's it. Someone on the stream could have highlighted that specific bit.

Sure whatever you say bud

Can't wait for summer to be over.

Look I think Leafy is a little bitch too, but almost all the people "roasting" him are far more cringe.

Rather watch idubbz

id love to see leafy pound jacob santorious' butthole

What are you fucking gay?

I watched some of his videos out of curiosity and they're kinda boring and lazy. He just rambles and keeps repeating himself over and over again without making one single point. What bothers me the most is that he actually is the reason why more people overuse words and phrases like "autistic" or "kys I fcked ur mum", it's so exhausting to read this everywhere. He's a talentless, edgy teenager that is a hero of many edgy teenager. But then again, what the fuck Co I know

Oh yeah you are most certainly correct. And you are entitled to your own opinion of people. I'm not gonna splatter verbal autism over your monitor cause you don't like a certain thing.

I have no idea who he is, but nothing surprises me anymore with people's stupidity (if he sux, which he may not)

Hey that's pretty good.

>giving shitty commentary about web drama over some faggot video game

Yup, sums up millenial shit stains to a tee

He comes across like the 17yo loser that would hang out with all the 13yo because he cant find friends his Age.
Him reaching 4 Million is making me kinda sick but i cant change that for shit

Someone needs to seriously hire someone to kill this fucker.

How? That guy has some serious resolution problems..

He deserves it. People are gravitating toward this kind of media nowadays and he just happens to be the poster boy for it. I don't have an ill will toward him for making his fame through what the world over wants to see. His fame falls on us and I'm happy for him since it means he gets that much more money and that much more fame. I can't speak on his happiness though. I don't like how he misuses his influence sometimes and how he is trying to hop on the bandwagon as well but it's how he makes his money. I would probably do the same in his position as a twenty year old. I'm happy he reached 4 million and maybe with this growing responsibility of fame he'll be a good role model and content creator. But as I've seen the ones who have the power to lead are increasingly unqualified for it. So I have no hope for him.

Good for him. I like his content and he puts a decent amount of work into his videos. Of course he isn't the funniest and most original but it's something.

He can be funny. I myself enjoy his content. Sometimes he misuses his influence but otherwise I'm happy he's successful and wish him even more. You have a great attitude about it

wow, a chad dissing some guy

It is what this world has come to
chads everywhere

I hope he saves money for future projects.

pls die tumblr fagt

That's okay, Chad's dad rightfully disowned him after seeing IDubbbz's video hog tying Chad and being gay as fuck with his friends

this thread is pure disappointment

summer is over soon