Are immigrants natural cowards?

Since this is a right wing board, let's be real - it takes a certain kind of coward to immigrate to another country

So are immigrants cowards?

>since this is a right wing
No thanks
I'm radical centrist

>hurr durr the USA is full of cowards then

Different circumstance, idiots.

>right wing
cringed. please go back to your political ifunny account.

Well, We can see this from two sides. Is it coward to escape from your country and not to try to improve the general situation? Is it brave to leave your homeland and go to a foreigner country for having a better future?; By me It depends on the inmigrant.

>. Is it coward to escape from your country and not to try to improve the general situation?

That's the very definition of cowardice

>right wing board
The concept of nation states is completely outdated in today's world. I don't feel a stronger connection to Norway than I do to the US or Australia.

>man who rots in some shithole never doing anyhting to improve his life besides occasional complaining
>man who goes to some strange foreign land in a most likely doomed attemp to improve his life
What a coward!

Enjoying all the """"refugees"""" in Scandinavia? They're cowards

Men, women and children. Instead of dying in Syria honorably, they push their problems on us.

This means the US consists of a clear majority of cowards?

>The concept of nation states is completely outdated in today's world
For you.

For you and many people it's that way. But to me and also many people, we feel something about about our own countries. Don't speak for everyone you faggot piece of fucking rotten fish

Honestly, most of the countries in Middle east are artificial nations that were created by the great colonial empires after the ending of colonization.

Then every country in the western hemisphere was founded by cowards.

My ancestors weren't fleeing from anything in Europe, you stupid fuck.

They built this nation out of nothing.

So why don't they die for it? Some things are worth more than life

so america is a country of cowards?

Native American here. What are you talking about?

M8, Dying for an artificial country that was created by the baguettes and the enternal anglos is not really worth more than life.

if cowardice means pic rel, then I'd gladly be one

I wouldn't want to die, and I have complete understanding for their disinclination to die.
Dying in Syria would be a pointless death. You either fight for a brutal dictator who has willingly killed civilians, or you fight for he islamists who willingly slaughter civilians. Nobody in Syria cares about the laws of war. There is no honor in Syria.

And that you want children who have absolutely no stake in the war to just stay and meet an "honourable death" is honestly laughable. We have the means to care for them, so why shouldn't we?

Americans dream about dying in service of their nation, they can't really understand why somebody else might not feel the same patriotic fervour.

Because its not our fucking problem

Why do you have sympathy for complete strangers who don't speak your language nor care if YOU live or die?

so you're not coward but a cuck?

Trump is going to change that, thankfully

America for the Americans.

b-but his grandfather immigrated from germany

>Instead of dying in Syria honorably, they push their problems on us

They dont really think in that way, it is only a meme. There is a motto in Spanish that perfectly describes what I want to tell you. "Perro ladrador poco mordedor" . He is talking much about dying in a honorable cause but I am 100% sure that He would think more than three times if He were in a real war.

So you would rather America be poorer by getting rid of foreign investment? Doesn't sound very patriotic to me.
His mother immigrated from Scotland.

>Americans dream about dying in service of their nation

I served in Iraq. I do know what real war is like.

I had no inkling of running away from America

Have you accomplished so little? Are so you useless that you need to support some archaic remnant of the past in order to feel a semblance of belonging or identity? Can't you stand up for yourself as an individual like everybody else?

No, it's not our problem. But we have the means to help, so why shouldn't we? I feel sympathy for people who are in a bad situation, regardless of what language they speak or which skin color they have. What makes a Syrian I've never met different from a Norwegian I've never met? Very little. I probably have more in common with a lot of Syrians than I do with a lot of Norwegians.

And I'm sure they wouldn't want me to die either. I think it's human nature.

Proofs pls

>the strongest nation in the world bullying a third world nation with a gdp less than a 1/3th of Belgium
>real war

I moved across the country and just that change was a little scary. Immigration is brave.

Thew bullet doesn't care abotu wage ofg guy who shot it or its target's.

The only non-racist thing in this world are the bullets.

If a person comes to work and live there because his company assigned him, is he a coward? What would you do if you live in a shitty country and want to provide for your family? Also I bet a lot of euros are not against simply experiencing life in another country

Yes it does. Wars are won with money. That has always been the case.

forgot to say all of it has nothing to do with cowardice

France is doomed and will become a muslim shithole by the year 2050 (I predict a muzzie president in 2033). Since for 1 guy I can redpill, 3 others get bluepilled all hope is lost. I despise my countrym8s fot being such stupid cunts that keep complaining but voting for jews. Does it make me a coward if I leave for an actual non cucked country to raise my family ?

>an actual non cucked [sic] country
Which country would that be? And why would they accept you?

Not him, but:

1. Any country without Arabs
2. Because I am rich

Because I'm educated, got money, can work, white (but not by Sup Forums standards) and with a conservtive white gf that also despise brown people.
This country is fucked to oblivion with no redemption path, no way I'm staying to pay for those niggers.

True, they are merely homphobic

Dress like a faggot in a firefight to avoid geting shot.

Some east asian country like Japon or South korea where the muslims are a very little minority.

Try Singapore

> So are immigrants cowards?

Singapore is full of Muzzies.


Ok. This I can accept.

But you'd be a different race than the local population. Don't you think that's kind of hypocritical?

>40% foreigners
>14% muslims
>virtually impossible to drive around
>no countryside

Depends which country you land. Also I don't mind blacks or sandniggerd that integrate, work and actually feel patriotic in France but they represent less than 1% of niggers.

>paying taxes to some niggers rape your race


Not going to read all the idiotic posts ITT but

it takes a lot balls to leave everything you know and love to move to a foreign land. Think about it, would you have the guts to do it?

so since, USA was founded by immigrants

does this explain why it so full of cowards unwilling to revolt against their jewish masters?

t. immigrant

Sorry to dissapoint amerishart, I'm left wing.

Running away takes balls?

Wow, I learn something new everyday

>Since this is a right wing board,
hahaha lmao

Most of us would die before leaving the United States.

Sorry your country is full of cowards and they leave to Germany, France and the UK

America has been through much worse than Poland has as well.

So I'm a coward because I studied my ass off and learned english to get into a good college overseas rather than staying here to study at a shitty one?

Fuck you.

Home of the BRRrrrrrrrrrttraaaaaaaappppppppppp

>right wing
I'm a centrist.

Poles work in France for summer jobs but don't immigrate here. They're not that stupid

You fail to realise what it really is, I'm not saying I'm proud of being born in Brazil, I'm saying I AM brazilian. Not something one can earn or have, like in citizenship, but to be from these lands os something bond to me for all my life, the same way you'll be Norwegian or whatever the fuck you are.

It's not about achievements, but it's simply who we are. I feel like it'd be ungrateful of me to not be proud of what my ancestors did.

And who said nationality is something that dictates entirely what you are? Nor does religion, race, wealth. Everyone's different.

And go fuck yourself saying "archaic remnant of the past", go back to fucking reddit or the hell you came from

OP is a pussyass nigga

Sage on all fronts

lol your "country" isnt even a country itself.

it's like a concentration camp of idiots all slaving away for their jewish factory owners

So your ancestors were cowards?

>inb4 : "different circumstance, idiots."

OP do you use interpals?

The "countryside" of Singapore is... the surrounding countries.

It's easy to go.

>Since this is a right wing board


damn, go based brazil

Weren't your ancestors immigrants? Are you basing your nationality on the fact that your ancestors moved to South America less than 200 years ago?
And you're criticising present-day migrants for leaving their country. You don't see that as a slight incongruity?

But Richard Lynn told me that only high IQ people immigrate anywhere.

He hasn't said anything against legal immigrants, and it's legal immigrants starting all these wealthy start ups. And why should we have a problem with rich people bringing money into our country and giving us jobs?

>right wing
>implying Sup Forums isn't 100% scandinavian-style social democrats who occasionally role play as racists for the lulz

Having ambition and creating a life for yourself takes balls. Immigrants don't get everything handed to them on a silver platter you know.

>Since this is a right wing board,
nice try, cletus. this isn't your safe space.

Trodde alle Quislingene ble stilt til veggs i Akershus Festning jeg.

Jeg gir ikke bort landet til en fremmed makt. Jeg bare onsker våre nye landsmenn velkommen.
Etterhvert vil de integreres, begynne å betale skatt, innfore nye kulturelle goder (som absolutt er nodvendig, ettersom vi så å si ikke har noen egen kultur), og landet vårt vil berikes når alle lærer å like det nye systemet. Det er ikke innvandrerne som gjor integreringen så problematisk, men kantete hoyre-radikale FrP-tullinger.

>Since this is a right wing board
was the other way

>less than 200 years ago
Brazil is over 500 years old.


Holy shit. Got him.

You're kidding right? Immigrants have more rights in the West than non-immigrants do.

Not legally.

your country has repeatedly participated and outright started several conflicts that utterly destroyed whatever chance the ME had of nurturing secular countries while your electorate did absolutely nothing and thus doomed its people to a state of perpetual crisis and religious fanaticism, at least the spaniards managed to get their country out of interventionist behaviour
you reap what you sow

Fuck you fuck, I'm not a coward, Russia is fucking hell, I do not want to live in a country where for the post on this forchan you can go to jail

You're lucky that you were born in the US but not in fucking ЯUSSIA

Do people in real life really feel sorry for war refugees? Jesus Christ people are soft nowadays.

I feel absolutely nothing

Then start a revolution and DIE for change. Don't force the rest of us deal with your bullshit because you're scared of dying.

>Fleeing from poverty and famine
>Fleeing from poverty and famine caused by war
Totally different circumstances

Yeah, who were the Puritans fleeing from?

Get the fuck out of here, Swedecuck. I'm glad the US isn't infected with the idea that immigrants are equal to human beings.

>have your intelligence agencies fuck shit up in practically all central american countries
>leting your private corporation have a say in your foreign relations, including illegal black ops, murder of key figures and creating general unrest
>selling weapons and supplies to waring criminal organizations to preserve the drug money flowing into your cunt
in any case, if it bothers you so much, why don't you do something about it?
Or perhaps you are a coward?

Then die for change.

I don't care how many problems your shithole has, that isn't our problem

What does Joe the Plumber have to do with any of that? Nothing!

When the British were oppressing us, what did we do? Flee? No we fought and 10% of our population was slaughtered for it.

Why can't you do the same?

>What does Joe the Plumber have to do with any of that? Nothing!

He consents by not demanding his goverment to end its foreign meddling
Your nation IS responsible for either causing or exacerbating the conditions that cause people to flee
Whenever a popular revolt does happen, your country has intervened against it to conserve whatever powers are convenient to your goverment
and yet, your nationalism blinds you to the ills that your country has caused, so yes, it is your problem as much as it is ours, at least until your citizenry demands a cease to your corporate mandated illegal foreign policies and no matter how much you sperg out about it

also your a fag

>Leftist scum
Day if the Rope when ? Leftists are utter trash that should be sterilized

>I don't mind shitskins

>I'm a retard Sup Forumstard, pls give me them (you)s

We're doing something about it by making sure cowardly immigrants such as yourself will never step on US soil without feeling the wrath of the common person.

Die for your country. I almost did.

"My country" is shit and has zero redeeming qualities, I have to go.

>Intégration of shitskins

What make you belive anybody sane want to integrate them ? WE don't want them in the first place, my moronic lolberal garbage remember that WE never wanted your shit at anyway point.

I'm no leftist, I look at a situation and decide with common sense.

no, you almost died for big oil interests and directly participated in the series of conflicts that created the current migrant crisis in the first place, hilariously making you a wee bit more responsible for the shit you are sperging out about like a retard, but it's ok, you clearly don't understand what responsability is about and are reduced to bitching out on the internet, truly a modern american hero

>the wrath of the common person

lmao, as if it wasn't already too late, judging by the "foreign" demographic growth in your cunt