Math is false, the only truth is in the lord Jesus Christ

Math is false, the only truth is in the lord Jesus Christ.


3/3 is one whole though

Math is a creation of christ. Or is this some shitty copypasta?

.999=1 so this is accurate

Don't be irrational, user


You know what. You are right user.

0.99999999999... is pretty clearly less than 1.

1/3 doesn't equal .3333333....

and 2/3 doesn't equal .6666666...

Those are only approximate values.

Actually, mathematicians have been debating that for quite some time.

Maximum Kek

Ight prepare your mind


Actually, the equality of .999... and 1 has been established mathematical fact for quite some time. Unless you get into nonstandard analysis, which is not for the average Sup Forumstard.


ITT retards who don't understand that when you have infinite repeating nines there is no integer seperating the value .99999 from 1 because there are infinite nines hence .99999 is equal to one because there is no value that is in between them

>Actually, mathematicians have been debating that for quite some time.
no, there's no real debate.
idiots have been debating this for a long time.

This. Proof here

He is the alpha and the omega, user. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

nope, 1/3 equals .33333.... exactly.
same with 2/3 = .6666.... exactly.

i.e. a convergent series.

You're doing math wrong

In Pythagoras' time someone was allegedly killed because they figured out square root of 2 is an irrational number...

Also there's pretty much no debate left, the math checks out. The mistake people make is in attempting to reconcile pure mathematics with real world objects.

Nice proof, faggot

These threads always make me wonder whether everyone is just trolling, or if the average Sup Forumstard truly lacks a basic understanding of mathematics. I keep hoping that these threads are just full of trolls, but I'm worried that they're actually full of idiots.

What do you mean?

To be fair, the idea of a convergent series is not by any means "basic." Calc 2 is not "basic" mathematics. However, simple logic still explains 1 = .9999...

It's basic in the sense that it's taught in high school, or first year college. Maybe I just have unrealistic expectations for humanity.

wolframalpha com/input/?dataset=&i=lim_(a->infinity)+(sum_(n%3D1)%5Ea+9%2F10%5En)


You're gross, please leave

There is a reason 1/3 exists. It's because listing a numeric value for it is flawed. That's why we use 1/3. It's ONE THIRD of the whole.
.33333~ is just the closest numeral we can give it for ease of calculation.

0.999999.... Is an infinite series that converges to 1 you fucking underage faggots go take calculus 2

You do realize that every mathematician on the planet disagrees with you, right? Maybe you should publish a paper describing your new and improved description of number theory. You'll be right up there with Euler and Pythagoras.

>using computer to prove theory instead of a math process

Retard. Also don't fucking /thread your own posts

No, it's not.

>1/a = 1/a
>2/a = 2/a
>a/a = 1

This is discernable for non-zero integers
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

it just simplifies to lim(a->inf) 1-10^(-a)
doesn't take a genius to figure this shit out

>yfw doing things manually instead of using a tool to ease the process

Nope, the proof is valid. 1 - x where x is infinitely small is 0.99999... and also 1-x is 1 since x has no size. Done.

Nah, that's basic math he's explaining, moron.

Except no matter how hard you try, 3/3 =1 , 0.9999999 does not

When Peter said "Jesus, pie are square" he replied "No Peter, pie are round. Cake is square. Where's Mary Magdalene anyway?"

Point to an article explaining this basic math please. You'll help out everyone in this thread who thinks .999... equals 1.

Uh no 1- x - 0.9999... when x = 0 because they are the same number. even if x were small you would have 0.999.... (near infinite numbers) ..998. But that is not what you have. You have .999... forever.

Math is building blocks to understand much greater concepts. It doesn't need to be exact to be important.