What do you call a group of gay midgets?

What do you call a group of gay midgets?

>fruity pebbles

> crickets chirp


What do you call black scuba divers?

>sea monkeys

Ok I admit this one is better
Go on...

Now that's a good joke.
Not like OPs.
His was shit.

What does 80 year old pussy taste like?


How do you get a witch pregnant?
>You fuck her.

I liked that.

How do you fuck a quadriplegic?
>Kick her in the pool.

I went dancing at the Seafood Disco.
I pulled a muscle.


What do you call a broken fence?

>Shit posts.


What is brown and rhymes with snoop?

>Dr. dre

What's the worst part about eating vegetables?

>hiding the wheelchairs

You're both stupid
and that joke was the shittiest reach I've seen anyone attempt

Wanna give me a reacharound user? ;)

How can you make a little girl cry twice?

>wipe your bloody dick on her teddy bear

What do you the male version of feminism?

>Sup Forums

What's the best part of fucking twenty-five year olds?

>there's 20 of them

Wow that punchline was stretched far.

No thanks, and I wasn't questioning whether or not you've seen shittier.

Whats the hardest part about rollerblading?

>telling your parents you are gay

What's the difference between a dead baby and an apple?
>I don't cum on an apple before I eat it.

Whats brown and sticky?

> A stick

You suck mcbain


You don't? You're fucking weird dude

What do you call a cross between a elephant and a rhino?

>hell if i know

What do you call a woman on Sup Forums?
>tits or gtfo

What's the best part about babies learning to crawl?

>they're already in the right position

Oh I thought the answer was my dick when I fucked your sister later on that night.

Shit tier

What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay?

>a bagel

How are spinach and anal sex similar?

>if you're forced to have it as a kid, you'll hate it when you're an adult


How many dead babies in a basement does it take to change a lightbulb?
>I don't know but it sure isn't 43

What's the best part about anonymous message boards?
>Most of the posters will never leave town let alone their homes.

It's 44 you quitter

I highly doubt that
>I'm sure you secretly still love it

I like this thread. This is some nice thread.

A man and a little boy are walking through the woods in the dark, the little boy says "Boy these woods are scary."
The man replied "Imagine how scary it'll be when I have to walk out alone."

And then?

Two muffins sitting in the oven...
> Muff 1: Man it's hot in here
>Muff 2: Holy shit a talking muffin!

Guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender if he serves Helicopter flavored potato chips.

Bartender says:
>"No, only plane."

This is dark and borderline pedo but you get three creepy Mickey Mouse chuckles out of 5

I got a joke my dad told me. It's kinda funny coming from him considering at the time he worked at Disney. Wanna hear?

>Muff 1: holy shit a talking muffin
>Muff 2: so...wanna fuck before we die?
>Muff 3: sure

You're the joke




What's better than winning a gold in the special Olympics?

>not being retarded

What do you call a homosexual in a wheelchair?


What's the worst part about fucking a 12 year old?
>Getting the blood out of the clown suit.

Pedophiles are fucking immature assholes


A man walks into a bar and reads a sign behind the female bartender. The sign reads "sandwich: $3.00. Handjob: $10.00"
He asks the bartender
>are you the one who gives the handjobs?
>bartender says yes
>man says Well wash your fucking hands I want a sandwich

A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. It quickly chugs the Coors light and asks the bartender, "How much do I owe you?"
>Bartender: "for you buddy, no charge."

Mickey is standing in front of a judge and the judge asks "So let me get this straight Mr.Mouse, you strangled your wife because she was acting crazy?" and Mickey says "No your honor, I killed her cause she was fucking Goofey."

bu dum tsss

What's the difference between a Mexican & a cue ball?

>the harder you hit them the more English you get out of them


Mexican jokes and black jokes are all the same.
>Once you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamaal.

Why shouldn't you throw rocks at a nigger on a bike?

>you might damage your bike

Midget whores on stilts

>tall tales from little fucks

>Being low enough to steal jokes from the big bang theory
Might as well say this, Why did the chicken cross the mobius strip?
>To get to the same side


Pretty gud

god I hope that's not a joke from that show.. because it would be wrong....
the chicken isn't crossing anything.. its walking in a straight line...
it would have to be like.. why did the chicken walk along the Mobius strip.

I wrote that joke for TBBT

How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen?

Three in the back, two in the front and six and a half million in the ashtray.

What do you call a feminist rally?

a gaylord party :D

hahahahahahahahahahahahah :D

That and of course my penus weanus!!!!!!!!!

:D :D

A man comes home one day and says, "Guess what honey? Pack your bags, I won the lottery!" The wife squeals with delight and says, "That's great! Should I pack for the mountains or the beach?" He says, "I don't care, just get the fuck out!"

what do you call that bit of hair in between your grandmas titties?

>her pussy

What do you call a cow that's had an abortion?



What's blue and comes in brownies?

>cub scouts

What do you do when you see a bleeding Mexican on your lawn?

>stop laughing and reload

A blonde was driving down the street one day listening to a radio show that was roasting blondes for their stupidity. She is livid and sees a blonde in a boat in the middle of a grass field.
The blonde immediately slams on the brakes and gets out of the car
>"What the fuck are you doing!?! It's blondes like you that give us a bad name! If I could swim I'd go out there and kick your ass!"

why don't you people try writing your own jokes instead of being hacks?

Ashtrays aren't in cars.

>writing such jokes for a terrible show that gets half of it's information incorrect

What's blue and comes in brownies?

>cub scouts

only if you're 15. While I get that this is a dirty joke thread, but, almost every one has already heard that one... every one....ever.

What do a silver medalist and a priest have in common?

>they both came in a little behind

Like a gay mans anus.

How do you save a drowning nigger?

>You take your foot off of the back of his neck.

"Oh bother!" said Poo, as he hid piglet's mangled corpse

How are tires and niggers different?

>tires don't sing when you put chains on them

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate

What's the hardest part about shooting an unarmed black man?

>the recoil

you wrote an old ass joke?

Very punny

Heres the 2 my dad taught me to adults when I was 4.

Whats the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?
>you can unscrew a light bulb

How do you make a hormone?
>don't pay her

knew the puchline was coming, laughed anyway

Yup, wrote it in 1932.

Knock Knock


who's there?

Why don't you ring the fucking doorbell, neanderthal