Alright guys i think im ready, i need advice on what kind of gun to buy to shoot myself...

Alright guys i think im ready, i need advice on what kind of gun to buy to shoot myself. Im not old enough to buy a regular hangun yet so im trying to see what the easiest most reliable long gun there is for suicide, how much would it cost to buy one and where is the absolute best place to shoot?

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just buy a jar of sleeping pills and a soda or Arizona

down the jar chug the drink

and 10/10 success rate to never wake up again

that's what my cousin did

>easiest reliable long gun
moist nugget
>where to shoot
Local police station, and write #BLM on your shirt and all the bullet casings

You want a gun called the Tampax Pearl
>You big soft wet pussy with arms and legs.

Sleeping pills is so unreliable though, and i dont want to be braindead or committed

Go get a large bottle of Tylenol

You're favorite drink

Chug entire bottle of Tylenol, wait a few hours before letting anyone know (if you even plan to do so)

Even if you were in a hospital, they wouldn't be able to save you.

sawed off Shotgun

That sounds like a good way to cause a horrible death

Ok, well what kind should i buy to saw off

Hey, Thats not a bad idea

a simple double barrel shotgun or something similar


dude honestly just do what these anons are saying

plz subscribe to me before u shoot urslef i need subs

You can poison yourself with salt. Works for small children and the elderly. It will work for you. That or you can buy a pong seed and chow that. Unless you are rushed straight to a hospital and the doctor is told what you ate, you'll die
Nah it just destroys your liver and releases a large amount of ammonia in your body which basically turns you into a vegetable.


I figured, and no i dont want to poison myself in any way

Really? I mean the pong seed works pretty damn fast by most accounts and shouldn't fail. Using a firearm can be retarded because people can and will flinch while attempting. Leading to a shit job and you still breathing.

no problem bro

Dude, if you are going to kill yourself, do it in a blaze of glory. Go on /k/ and see what they need to you to do. Those bastards are crazy clever, and they are doing gods work, pic related. Whether you learn how to make c4 and conceal it in your missing eye socket under an eye patch to blow up Hillary at a rally, or you do something meaningful. Literally the world is your oyster. If there is someone you really hate/deserves to die in your eyes, you can do the world a favor and then off yourself. You can incite a racewar, or move to africa/the middle east and kill jihadis/warlords. A man who has nothing to live for has nothing to lose. Goddamn I wish I was you, you have a shit ton of possibilities. Do whatever you fucking want. Am I going to try to tell you to not kill yourself? No. If you do go out and shuck the oyster that is your world, you may find something to live for in the process. You can turn peoples lives around, or do something for the betterment of mankind, like offing Hillary. If none of that makes sense to you, then move to Israel with a bible and hiking gear, and explore the deserts/mountains and tell us what you find. Even if what keeps you going daily are the small things, thats still better than offing yourself. The only ties you have left to your country/family is emotional. You can leave at any moment, be a new person and do whatever the hell you want m8! God damn, there is nothing that moves with more raw fervor than a suicidal 4channer, and nothing that can make more impact. No matter who you are, or what you do, make it worth it in your eyes before you die, if you die.

dude pong seeds are huge
how does you eat it?

You eat the center and not the whole thing?

By a cheap single shot breach loaded shotgun. Then buy slugs or buckshot. If you need to shorten the barrel a hack saw will work. Good luck and have fun. Or take up hunting there's always that option.


Yay I second this guy

Lol asking people how to go kill yourself, god you are fucking useless aren't you? Can't even kill yourself by yourself. Good fucking riddance.

Thats way too much time to regret the decision though, yhe gun is just boom done

No interest, just not worth living anymore

I can see youre not the funny guy in the group

Can I get some sauce on that? Sorry about ur life btw Sup Forumsro

I'm not seeing why with your back to the wall realizing something you couldn't before like say, the high chance of death, is a bad thing.
Why is the regret bad?

I'm a hardened /k/ommando, and when I got suicidal, I didn't spend time pussyfooting thinking about which gun to use and buy, I just booked a trip from Kodiak Alaska by boat to Russia, with my hunting rifle. I lived in a wooden shack in Siberia for about 6 months. Gave me perspective. I could survive on my own, and I could live on my very own, without the emotional burden I was experiencing back home. When I came back, I moved all of my shit out of my old house, away from my problems, moved to Oklahoma city and got a job at a gun store with all the stuff I knew from /k/.
That's what I said. If you don't find it worth living, then go to some third world country and help starving kids, at least make their lives worth living. Thing about fighting in a place like IS territory is, if it isn't worth living, you won't have to take your own life, somebody else will, and they can carry the emotional burden of murdering a man. No pressure on you, and you may kill some hajis in the process, and then you would really be doing gods work.

Alright OP here is what you do.

Get a credit card with as high of a credit line you can and buy a plane ticket to Vegas. When you land in Vegas, rent the flashiest/fastest convertible you can find, buy a parachute and some razor wire.

Here's where the fun starts.

Put on the parachute and speed around through Vegas like crazy. Find as many cops as you can and instigate a police chase. Once you have a sufficient amount of police following you, speed into the desert and find the longest straight road you can find, redline the car, tie the razor wire around your neck and secure it somewhere in the cab.

Once all of that is in place, drop the roof of the convertible, wedge something on the gas pedal, stand up and pull the rip cord of the parachute.