
slag edition

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do west/northern european girls have larger tits or do i just look at more of those types of girls?

plymouth is actually an alright place

Alright dickheads. How are yeer under developed homonculii.
>be me, walking through rural town on a Thursday night .
>`how are yeer flaps ye mangeie trollips'
>witness boner fee day chimp out, with gurrierillas in the misht leathering a local
>college boys stood around sipping their tinnies, wouldn't say boo to a goose
>I'm not afraid of any man woman or child, and I'm a fighting man
>walked over and dindus scramble away, leaving only a bloody nose on freckles
I could not for the life of me understand such a cucked non-reaction from the upwards of 20 onlooking undergrads, as one of their own ilk (possibly even friend) was being clattered up and down the street by about 8 groids.
Either those Drake videos really be lettin honky know whut taam it iz, or millennial leaving cert education has them terrified of being wayciss, and just terrified in general


just tell me i wont laugh


I think black people have every right to conduct war-fare because I know every rorke in here would genocide all the blacks if they could

fucking hell lads i was only taking the piss about rape

don't tell the old bill


doing a listen

Good thread

*unsheathes rosetta stone*

All working class girls have massive norks. Primarily because breasts are mostly fat and their diet is mainly made up of pies and sugary drinks.

>copying my post

absolute sad case, fuck off


good luck to the black people conducting "war-fare" on white people. whites are better at war.



too late rapist scum. enjoy prison.

>he said he won't be fighting for justice
That's the end of the discussion.


>He'll get his justice swiftly
>Police have already come out and declared that the attack wasn't "racially motivated" and that the kid was targeted because he has special needs and it was just kids "Being stupid and ranting and raving stupid things for the most attention"
Aye lad. Sure.

Blacked is amazing. I never gave a damn about interracial porn because it was always hood rats gangbanging the shit out of some coked up slut. But blacked is art. The set, the story, the actrices and even the dudes keep your attention to the scene. The whole 'oh my God your dick is so huge' shit is obviously fake and the camera angles make the dick look bigger than it is, but the chemistry between the actors is great! Especially when it's multiple girls involved. They have some scenes where the girls are obviously into each other and into the dude. If some of you are interested I can list the top 5 black scenes.

simply ADORE american slags.

that's not a slag baka

he goes hard in this youtube.com/watch?v=i1rUeV51NxE

the final was shit, my guy couldn't even make it through is bars yet they still won? Leicester were robbed Tbh


doubt they'll be that many
i think it's pretty much in agreement that the line has been crossed here
maybe i'm completely off base but from what i've seen, read, and heard, both sides are fucking fuming about this


Read the first sentence of the page


Fuck off spineless dublin cunt

Well, may the best race win


>shaun king

ah yes very black

Question: Did we get a new janny while I was on holiday or is it still the miserable arsehole?


Ok guys, it's time for you to listen to my opinion


fuck off with your identity politics


I told you I'm in Galway last night you west brit shitstain


it's still the miserable arsehole

i'm just repeating what he said, you took his quotes out of context

the guy's an idiot but he's not supporting these criminals in any way shape or form. he's doing the exact opposite

as for the police, it's fucked they said that. but ultimately they don't decide do they? (genuinely don't know that much about legal shit)

surely there's no way these kids are getting away with this

if they don't there will be anger from both sides


They didn't say that though

Will there ever be a battle as large as Stalingrad ever again?

>remove aid
>airdrop assault rifles into African capital cities
>drone strike any leaders who begin to emerge
>stand back and shoot anyone who crosses the med

That was easy.


South Dublin? Spineless insect



my mans sweet like midget gems

Answer: yes got new

honestly he looks black to me

just mixed and lightskinned as fuck

and america runs on the one drop rule so if he's got a black parent he's black


Identity politics are part of the toxic narrative of post-truth Brexit Britian

got any more of this fluid druid?

Really tickles me pickle

Chicago had 762 murders in 2016

England and Wales had 574 in 2015

stai zitto, animale


Slag filmed in black n white

Copying my post because you yourself could never weave such words of wisdom or tell a tale like I can. Fuck off child.


Is this Rosy?

The battle for Chicago in the American 2018 civil war


americans are dumb and have a "one drop" rule

because they're fucking dumb

On the horn to The Hauge as we speak

some of the dicks are pretty damn big

>Justice is always swift and easy when black folk mess up, but you know who’s not in jail right now? George Zimmerman.
>You know who’s not in jail right now? The officers who fired 41 shots at and killed Amadou Diallo on the doorstep of his Bronx home.
>You know who’s not in jail right now? The officers who killed Eric Garner and Rekia Boyd.
>You know who’s not in jail? The men who murdered Emmett Till.

Ah yes


I was the engineer of that post you talentless hack

>it's real

oh my ddddaaayyyyssssss

aint scared of my man i just hit him with a pole and (poland) i ran (iran)

any good anime this season lads

yes very likely

what is happening here?

Dong see what's wrong in that post

he's blacker than this black science woman


lad looks like he's got quite a nice body

why the fuck does he need to give hundreds to this fucking trollop

yeah fair dos if this is your fetish you fucking sad case but at least give it to a fit bird rather than Rosy, bird literally looks like a horse

what's with uk rappers and their obsession with these weird punchlines

was interesting at first when krept and konan first started doing it but it's getting a bit cringe and forced now

just rap normally

Lads why are Americans so obsessed with the aspect of race in sex?

I thought you said Louth?

You're an idiot.

>Chicago police don’t believe a man beaten in an assault broadcast live on Facebook was targeted because he was white despite profanities made by the accused assailants about white people and President-elect Donald Trump, a police spokesman said Thursday.
>"You know although they are adults, they’re 18. Kids make stupid dec– I shouldn’t call them kids, they’re legally adults. But they are young adults, and they make stupid decisions. That certainly will be part of whether or not a hate crime – whether we seek a hate crime and determine whether or not this is sincere or just stupid ranting and raving." - Police Commander Duffin


Good answer
Good pic

Shan't push my luck though


>Its real

is he /ourguy/

paul joseph watson is actually a pretty handsome lad, shame about the accent though

A bout time some whitey cracker peace of doo-doo got to experience racial equality




Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

all chavs are slags but not all slags are chavs

he'll go far


Thanks for proving me right lad

Love how he says "black folk mess up" like torturing a guy for days and livestreaming it was a cheeky prank which got out of hand.

Slimy cunt


what makes girls like this?

is2.Sup Forums.org/gif/1483475332627.webm

Seriously every british chick that visits here in Amsterdam has straightened hair and massive tits.

How do they possibly get so deliciously THICC what's the isle's secret?

Compare that to our lanky twig "women" with A cup "breasts"

I fucking hate sub-human niggers, they're so annoying. *opens incognito tap and wanks to skin diamond and chanell heart*

I used to like the accent but then met a couple of proper cunts at uni with exactly the same accent and I can't stand it now
why don't you like it, it's pretty popular?

on the right > in the middle > on the left

going to smash the head of the person that made this

fucking hell this is what i'm on about here it's so fucking forced stop naming countries and just rap