2 letters from district prosecutor's office and 1 from district court

>2 letters from district prosecutor's office and 1 from district court
this can't be good can it?

Open them
What are they

summons to a court

For what

Hire a lawyer! Supastat!!

>I am the LAW

>Pedopole has finally been caught
Good day

>You put order to chaos

>spam cp
>get a cease and desist letter

>Sentence: Death. Court's adjourned!




enjoy Auschwitz, sucka!


*hope it is just a slap on the wrist sort of deal la ngl. keep ya chin up, k?

What have you done?

jury summon probably

tldr in English?

>developed world

ya, nah

>HP 620 Multimedia computer System
>Nazwie (Nazi?)
>Anonymous forum Sup Forums

But what does it mean?

didn't do nuffin, I post cute women and prosecutor tells me it's pornography, stupid man, my photos are artistic and pleasing

user is fucked for posting cp

nazwie just means name, title

apparently OP wants us to think that you can get busted for child pornography if you visit Sup Forums in Poland.

OP got sum CP

Poleboo finally got done?!

pedopole is an Israelii with proxy so no

thx and
> nastepnie

means nasty penis, right?

its mean NEXT

no debil poprostu

po prostu* debilu

No ale czemuś zamazał ile miałeś? Pochw0al się.

poprostu debil normalnie janiemoge

I also got summons for 9th February

jak coś mów że chcesz do plugujących

Nawet mi cię nie żal



no jak tam to ile będziesz siedział? te wyroki się łączą czy jak? pozdrów łysego i grubego

>6 moths for cp
wtf it should be 20 years

