
Sushi edition

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first three posts are cancer...go figure

shit thread

My ex texted me at 2:30 am to ask if I wanted to fuck and I was fucking asleep


this stuff is really good

Tomoko is best waifu

>click video
>click random time to se what's going on
>look how he is dressed
>''i like jews man i really do... BUT..''

come on, sometime is hard to be tolerant ans ''see what's underneath'' and see a rela comedian
i would feel like shit thinkinh someone like that convinced me that he is a comedic genious

I see that I have to go to the overpriced american market once again. This sounds like it'll taste like diabetes, but I want to try it.

My phone is a fucking potato

We must secure the existence of our lolis and a future for chinese cartoons

it's so good, most places don't have it though.

can't stop hiccuping buds
think my stomach lining might be fucked

Too bad, if you can't even find it everywhere in the US I doubt they'll have it, but I haven't been to that store for longer now anyways so maybe they got other new stuff.

cherry Dr. Pepper is good too. Dr. Pepper cherry vanilla is disgusting though

vanilla coke is fuckin disgusting too

If you don't understand the context then your first reaction would be to think he's just doing shock comedy. There is an element of that, but it's not what makes him funny.
>i would feel like shit thinkinh someone like that convinced me that he is a comedic genious
I wouldn't call him a comedic genius (everyone has a different idea of what that means), but he is funny. He is also inconsistent though, because of life problems and possible mental issues. But when he's funny, he's exceptional funny.

shit taste pleb

I don't really like dr. pepper for some reason, but I have a weird taste in general.

never had it. always been a pepsi man. like my dad and his dad before him.

hispanic celebrities are hotter than anglo celebrities
becuase i say so


Washington with dubs!



why are journalists so retarded when it comes to science and tech?

those two """inventions""" are retarded and useless

My favorite comedian is mike birbiglia

that means what I said was true



Hey what's going on it's Bill Burr and it's time for the Monday Morning Podcast

>put cat infron of something random (preferably eatable)
>meme of the yearrr guys omg i want a kot le c8 kooot loool!!!

>tfw hate jews but think israelis are kind of based

What is this called?

Mental retardation

it means you hate american jews(for which there are many good reasons) but don't mind actual israelis

All professional comedians are contrarians in some way by pointing out political/social/cultural conventions or opinions that look absurd from another perspective. In feudal courts, jesters would examine appeasers to the king for inconsistencies or character faults. If you don't know the context of a comedian, then you won't always be able to empathize with their routine.

Not familiar with him. I like George Carlin, but he's not obscure enough for people to take me seriously.

now watch me whip

>tfw just got a lenovo t430
brand new shitposting machine boys
i should get a phone next though

>people are still watching scripted comedy and stand up in 2017

there's much funnier shit on the internet

i can't even laugh when i watched scripted comedy or stand up anymore because real life shit and internet memes dwarf it

feet are unaesthetic and they smell like shit

Israelis aren't the degenerate kikes that promote faggotry and niggers

>he didn't get a macbook

I think that's because most Israeli Jews are non Zionists and just want to get on with their lives but american Jews are Zionist scum

Pick one

stay dumb

It's called the pill.
Those are the transient jews that control your banks and media.

Israel is nearly a fascist state. It's also a true nation state.

But that's not a problem with the format as much as it is with the general output of stand-up comedy in the last few years.

Have fun with your shit battery life and dongles

I'm poppy

>shit battery life

no, that shit sucks and we have transcended, just like how people don't go to see symphonies or plays anymore, or listen to radio plays etc

it's a dead form of entertainment

you can tell school started. So dead at the moment. I hope school goes well for everyone.


They're only good if you're a normie and don't know computers.

MacBook battery life is usually decent though.

>don't know computers
because macs are for dummies? xD

fuck off bud

macos fucking sucks and i both have an ipod already and wanted something that looks professional
so no

Women played no part in Athenian high culture. They could not vote, attend the theatre, or walk in the stoa talking philosophy. But the male orientation of Greek culture was inseparable of its genius. Athens became great not despite but because of its misogyny.

>I wanted something that looks more autistic

Sissy americans


>it's a dead form of entertainment
Because it isn't popular, but being popular doesn't mean it's good.
>no, that shit sucks and we have transcended
Except it doesn't. Carlin's routine is still witty and funny.
>just like how people don't go to see symphonies or plays anymore, or listen to radio plays etc
Except they do.

>Except it doesn't. Carlin's routine is still witty and funny.
no they aren't

>Except they do.
a tiny niche 0.0000001% of the population doesn't count

no one is going to be watching sitcoms or stand up comedy in 10-20 years


>because macs are for dummies?
Yeah, in the context of computers.

Then why the Muslim countries aren't great? If you're right the Arabian Empire should rule the world and cuck the USA

You know what kinda fills me with joy?
Doing the dishes.
When I think of how I can waste like two days ration worth of water on a dirty plate and some nigger in Africa has to walk 45 minutes in the sweltering heat to manually pump a gallon of water in a fucked up dirty jug only to survive.

Living in the first world is pretty fucking great.




>Yeah, in the context of computers.

eh ive seen you shitpost better than this

my great uncle died in a gun "accident" when he was drinking with his "friends"

but really his friend knew my uncle was fucking his wife so he shot him, but nobody did nothing cause them old school cowboys know how it is you know

Not a shitpost, just a thought of mine I wanted to share with my cumfriends.


the woman at my work came back from vacation and must have got a bunch of perfume as gifts

it's so fucking strong it literally burns my eyes if she gets within 10 feet of me

she just came back here to ask me something and my eyes are still burning and i can still smell it, she's been gone for 2-3 minutes


I agree. Also mowing the lawn too.

drop the ukrop proxy you absolute faggot

i feel sick

Well, he's kinda right. I would be considered a "creep" by normies.

i don't have any of those

i guess i technically have snapchat, but i don't understand how that even counts it's not really social media

i do have an instagram i use to follow some people for gun/history stuff but my profile is blank and i havent uploaded anything

the term "having a skype" just sounds bizarre to me, i don't think that really counts either

>no they aren't
Of course it is. Even if you don't find it funny, you can appreciate his performance or his descriptions of people or society. He put a lot of thought and effort into his routine (like historical artists who are obsoleted by popular media).
>a tiny niche 0.0000001% of the population doesn't count
Why not? You're saying that popularity is equal to quality.

Suck my dick.

my boss cant add up to 16

go bug esp español

>Why not? You're saying that popularity is equal to quality.
i never said that, i just said that many forms of entertainment have fallen from favor and are only consumed by tiny niche audiences, and i'm saying that's what will happen to scripted comedy and stand up

>Of course it is. Even if you don't find it funny, you can appreciate his performance or his descriptions of people or society
one guy standing on a stage giving monologues is gay and boring compared to what we have now

>Chicago kidnapping incident from yesterday will be considered a hate crime but only because the guy is retarded

America, you've done it again.

You should slowly neg him over the next year, carefully planting the idea that he's stupid into his head until he becomes depressed and kills himself.

how about I fly to louisana and kill you lol

Hard Task:
Find something worse than Carpool Karaoke that isn't Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon or John Oliver.

is he able to pick out and hire people who can?


I'd LOVE for you to give me a legal reason to shoot you, friendo.

Here's Seth Myers crying about Trump

what'd I win?

Ellen Degenerate

It's better than nothing, at least now there's a focus on black people committing these "hate crimes"

anything from david letterman
good choice. she is the most nonfunny comedian i have seen


>way overpriced
>aggressive planned obsolescence
>closed hardware
>closed software
>proprietary standards (that ensure you have to buy apple accessories at a markup)
>spotty build quality (frayed cables, cheap plastic)
>negligible tech support (if you ship your pc to apple for repair, they backup your data and toss the entire thing for a premium)
Apple products are acceptable if you have specific requirements, but I wouldn't buy one.

You would never see me coming, bitch boy.
Hit you through the window from half a klick away.

I'm going to start a second job in the middle of January, feels bad man.

At least I'll be able to pay all my debts.