Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

It's boring, repetitive and the build-up vs. actual gameplay part is way out of proportion.

>the build-up
Play jungle and fuck bitches and get money.

The people on it are fucking assholes

Too much of a pain in the ass to learn, but more importantly I don't like how snowbally it is.

are you fucking brain dead? mute them

Just play Trundle.

Cause i rather just sit in my promo series, in fear of just losing them and dropping a whole league

I never got the whole promo anxiety thing people get. Either you're good enough to advance or you're not. It's no big deal. You aren't getting paid to do this shit, you know?
Just practice some before going in.

Thats not going to change the fact that if someone in a lane other than mine fucks up hard then I'll probably lose the game. I don't like the way that if you're good at the game compared to your opponents, the game makes it EASIER for you to kill them. I don't think it should make it harder, mind you, but nah, not my cup of tea. I think the game would be more enjoyable for me if the heros stats and damage etc were static, but that would take away the dynamic of the items and leveling up in the game.

Still, I might actually play it if it were like that.

You mean get yelled at by retards who will blame you and the support if the game is lost. I wanted to jungle back when I played, but god damn are the people retarded. So many ganks failed because the laners wouldn't follow up. Went back to maining support (big dick leona was amazing ) until I had a carry that made me want to kill myself. Fuck league's community

After playing for 5 years it made me a salty and bitter person, and started ruining friendships. So i stopped finally...

But then you can't coordinate. Its a lose lose situation when the community is so bad.

Because support exists.

Support makes queue last way too long. Way too long queues makes people in high divisions get bored of waiting and making smurf accounts to not-so-high-divisions. Smurfs makes games boring as they're the only deciding factor in the games and rolling a dice to see who wins a 20 minute game after a 10 minute wait is no fun, surprisingly.

Of course I could just make a smurf and start playing on lower ranks myself trying to not climb; but then I'd become part of the problem, and there would be no challenge except when I face another smurf.

Even Heroes of the Storm has levels. There was one game (moba?) that was just about fighting, but it sucked dick.

For me its the fear of getting unlucky to gave 2 or more idiots on my team that feed and bring me down. I just play norms, ranked gave me skin cancer and it halved my sperm count for 2 whole years

Because I'm not a beta, basement-dwelling faggot.

thats what pings are for

Because dynamic queue means if you aren't premade, you lose, and let's face it, we're on Sup Forums, we don't have friends

Because social gaming is meh

I don't like the stigma associated with people who play

What are you, challenger?

Not that guy, but I thoroughly enjoyed Battlegrounds in WoW back in the day; where the conditions are basically what that user wanted. Sure, the gear discrepancy was unavoidable; but it was fun when the battle was balanced. In any case, it was fun while it lasted and I can see where that user is coming from.

What stigma?

League is for casualplebs. Dota 2 is the superior MOBA


Flawed logic. A casual game can be better than a mechanically intensive one.

I'm not denying that you could be right; but DotA has its own set of problems that just makes it unplayable for me.

First, it's incredibly snowbally. If you make a single mistake, there's hardly any recovery but have to wait 20-30 minutes to slowly lose more and more until it's over. If the fucking case is that 95% of the time the team that seizes an advantage at the beginning will win, there's no fucking point in the game lasting beyond 10 minutes.

Community is not that much better than League, to be honest. What I do mind is that very, very often you find people you're unable to communicate with because they simply don't speak English. I speak two languages fluently and can communicate in another 2; while understanding yet another one to an extent. It doesn't fucking help me.

Yes. You can snowball, but the thing that makes dota better is that unlike in league, no matter how far behind you are, you always have the opportunity to turn it around! All it takes is a few smart plays.
The additional out of game stats, duplicate heroes picks and grinding to get everything makes league almost impossible to keep balanced.

Do you play both games? I find it a lot easier to come back in a League game. There's literally no comparison as far as my limited experience can tell me. in LoL, all it takes is a single pick or someone out of position; or simply stalling the game until you outscale. Winning at the beginning is important, but it doesn't mean everything.
In DotA; even if you get lucky enough to pick someone; your whole team can still be destroyed effortlessly by 1 or 2 fed guys so it didn't matter in the end.

Project reality is the better f2p game.

because im playing mount and blade

not same guy but even in dia1 queue take shit loads of time...

I dooo

because i don't want to deal with a bunch of screaming retards....outside of Sup Forums

Why did Olaf feed double buffs? I'd be so mad.

I have literally no idea

low silver on turkey is a magical place

going to bed now though

>there would be no challenge except when I face another smurf.
thats where im at, ive gone from plat to silver 5 with decay+placements and the game just plain isnt fun in this elo. 90% of the time my lane opponent straight doesnt understand the game, I just feel bad when i kill them. Still cant carry though because snowballing is 100% dead and my mechanics are and always have been pretty mediocre. I have to duo with a support main just to ensure i have a support that builds sightstone... I literally beg people to build it and they never do...

i once fed 15 kills in a row on ryze and still won the game... kills mean nothing this season, literally all that matters is who is strongest at 30 minutes with 14k gold

Same guy you quoted. I played Top and Mid. Mid in order to basically always get Top. Queue times in LAN were about 15 minutes. I dropped that and went Top with secondary jungle; which I now play 80% of the time. At least queue time is in average 7 minutes, at least. I played supports this season because it's ridiculously easy to get an S on support for more chests; and queue time then was less than 2 minutes; so I conclude that with no supports, queue times would be around that.

And yet there's people like insist that League is more snowbally. Bet he hasn't even played the game...

Getting rid of supports would vastly change the style of the game the Riot seems to like.
Hell, even Dota 2 has supports.

the last podcast they talked about removing supports as a position with less gold/exp but keeping the support identity of buff/cc guy

sounds like s7 is gonna have the support gold items on roids and maybe some other changes

I have a fair knowledge of league, yet whenever my team falls behind its pretty much over, surrender option means most teams would rather just quit and requeue, rather than giving their all.
In dota you can turn it around just from one kill also but there are many other ways to turn it around, one smart item purchase, a sneaky roshan or split push can also win you the game.
Its much harder to split push in league because to effectively do it you would have to choose the teleport spell which is not only locked for the entire game but also makes you lose out on the utility other spells provide. Whereas in dota every hero has access to any utility they choose.
Its much easier to lose the game in the picking phase of league

I'm not saying just getting rid of support. I do believe 5 is the magical number of players for MOBAs. I just think they should be reworked to absurdity to a point in which we don't even recognize them as supports anymore. Fact of the matter remains, people hate playing support and for good fucking reason. It's a goddamn chore.

I get it, there's people who like the role. I commend them, I approve of them, I would really like them to be more of them; but there's not. The support mains are fucking rare because outside of high elo it's ridiculously hard to carry yourself with that role; and that's what League is about most of the time. The queue times of waiting for those good Samaritans are fucking killing us and killing the game.

The second hardest role to carry with is undoubtedly top; but people love top since it sort of gives them the 1v1 experience in which teammates interfere the least; which is again diametrically opposed for supports. I do realize top mains start to be more and more rare as your elo rises; but they're hardly scarce anywhere on the ladder.

Cause I'm at work

>Its much easier to lose the game in the picking phase of league

it feels like pick/ban decides most games these days :/

your other arguments are trash tho

>Its much easier to lose the game in the picking phase of league

DotA's banning system is leagues and leagues smarter and more effective that the quasi-retarded shit LoL gets; I'll readily admit that any day of the week. Picking is a lot better on DotA; there's hardly an argument there.
However, I do disagree with your statement there. Hard counters exist and are very abundant in DotA. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I personally like it. However, it can also mean you have no chance to win the lane no matter what you do.
Comps are important in League just outside of the solo-queue environment; any comp will work so long as you start winning early and don't give up the advantage. Split pushing doesn't require teleport, I can vouch for that personally.