What was his fucking problem? he went into hiding like a fucking coward. Pussy. He aint no jedi master

What was his fucking problem? he went into hiding like a fucking coward. Pussy. He aint no jedi master.

he only went hiding in the prequel canon tho iirc

in OT canon hes the only one left BECAUSE hes so hard to find

he survived behind the shadows

How can you hate on /yoda/, the dude is based. Probs SWs second most recognisable character.

He also molested poor Luke



lmaoing @ this fucking kid

there is literally no such thing as OT canon, Jedi don't spread out for fun and stay hidden. They provide 'help' and act as diplomats or fast responders etc

since he has no sword hes not a jedi knight but a jedi master. He teaches people the way of the force if they come to him and only if he finds them worthy

hes no diplomat or something gay like that

He would do so at the jedi temple, people don't come to a random swamp unless they're given the specific coordinates or the name of the planet

he has obviously had many padawans so at one point when he was younger he likely transported random force sensitive babbies to coruscant by himself whenever he was out on missions

and he was also definitely on diplomat missions, jedi are cucks so they need to do that shit sometimes

of course the people who trained with yoda would send their padawans his way and then they would send theirs but

>when he was younger he likely transported random force sensitive babbies to coruscant by himself whenever he was out on missions

that is bullshit and prequel shit. Force sensitive babies? Come on man

maybe jedi knights to keep the peace or something like that. But why would a jedi master get involved with something like that?

In my 1980 headcanon, Yoda was the only survivor of a Clone Wars battle on Dagobah. All ways offworld were destroyed in the battle, and with no way to contact others, he was presumed dead.

pretty cool

Where do you think they find their padawans?

they are literally babbies when they begin training. No bullshit or prequelshit, no such thing. The prequels are truth. Luke is a loose canon, the only reason he prevailed was because his resolve was even stronger than Vaders. So it doesn't really matter if he started training at 19, because the eventual conflict ahead of him was so clear-cut it would have made him more determined than a lot of Jedi probably could have hoped to be.

>they are literally babbies when they begin training. No bullshit or prequelshit, no such thing. The prequels are truth.

well yeah its canon in the prequelcanon obviously. But not in the one George and the other thought of when they made the OT

stay in denial, pal

none of this shit existed in OT

Not every jedi, but obviously different people are strong in different areas. Yoda is pretty wise so at one point in his lifetime, it's only natural to assume that he may have been excellent at persuasion and may have gone on a few missions like this. A Jedi master might sometimes be more suitable for heated situations.

art is an organic process so whatever the outlines were at that point, aren't really worth speculating anymore

obviously not because the OT explores a very specific journey

>art is an organic process

yeah thats true but its more retconing than an organic process for star wars which is a shame. Pretty much everyone i know agrees that the original ideas and plot for the universe were vastly superior.

also the reason why i bring up the OT canon is because you can only really discuss the OT in its own canon. If you use the official one there will be plot holes, stuff that makes no sense etc.

>plot holes, stuff that makes no sense etc.

>Pretty much everyone i know agrees that the original ideas and plot for the universe were vastly superior.
There weren't any ideas, only extrapolated head-canon born from unclear offhand comments by non-authorities

you are lying, most people would much rather have a Jedi temple on coruscant and clone troopers with t-visors etc etc

just the usual stuff like

>obi wan wearing offical jedi robe when he is in hiding
>Anakin/Darth Vader built C-3PO
>Obi-Wan doesnt remember R2D2 and C-3DO, 2 droids he already had countless adventures with
>where are the swords of Yoda and the Emperor?
>Uncle Owen should recognize R2D2 and C-3PO too theoretically
>Padme has a strong connection to Bail Organa, so where should Leia hide...hmmm oh i know she will grow up with Bail. Also Luke is sent to Tatooine, Vaders home planet, shouldnt be that hard to find.

i know that there are many more but you get the idea

a temple full of idiots who get killed by the most basic enemies with green and blue sabers training literal babies and being essentially warriors for the government


mysterious wizards which are rare but powerful and fight for balance in the universe

hmm whats cooler i dont know



>in OT canon hes the only one left BECAUSE hes so hard to find
In other words, he's hiding like a BITCH.

Clones are cooler than both

>a temple full of idiots
>mysterious wizards which are rare but powerful and fight for balance in the universe
same thing

it's the irony of it, it's like poetry, it rhymes

they didnt even do clones right

the actor for jango (who is also a shitty/unnecessary character) is a faggot

you're mom is a faggot

Does anyone have that hurr I was only pretending Yoda version?

what I like about clones is that they have it so simple

they all look alike and none of them have ever had an existential crisis, except maybe the special forces guys that are given more free reign in their job

>dissing temuera morrison

You can't possibly think a Maori Boba (Jango whatever) Fett was a good idea?

what? are you racist towards Maori or something?

I normally hate the nz accent but I really like the way the clones sounded. Boba being a Maori is one of the few OT edits I actually prefer. There's just more smugness and flavor to Jango's voice.

I didn't think so but I don't want one to be Boba so yeah, I guess I am.


how do you go from this..

to this..

to this..

to this..


just the usual stuff like

>obi wan wearing offical jedi robe when he is in hiding
Jedi robes are purposely generic robes as an allusion to real-life monks to establish their humbleness and devotion to the force. So Ibiza-wan felt no need to change because everyone else was wearing similar clothes.
>Anakin/Darth Vader built C-3PO
So? More than likely he fixed a broken protocol droid and just claimed he "created" it" as kids tend to overstate their accomplishments.
>Obi-Wan doesnt remember R2D2 and C-3DO, 2 droids he already had countless adventures with
You can tell he was joking by his cheeky response. And no, he never did "own" either of them
>where are the swords of Yoda and the Emperor?
No need. Yoda was teaching Luke the force, not combat and Palpy was just toying with Luke and felt no need to use a lightsaber
>Uncle Owen should recognize R2D2 and C-3PO too theoretically
You think he cares about some random droids? He can't remember the name of every single droid he's met and 3PO was gold plated at the time
>Padme has a strong connection to Bail Organa, so where should Leia hide...hmmm oh i know she will grow up with Bail. Also Luke is sent to Tatooine, Vaders home planet, shouldnt be that hard to find.
Bail offered and Vader hates sand.

We're my response reaching? Yes. But it shows that those are not plotholes and have explanations. Just because you don't like the Prequels doesn't mean they never existed and they didn't ruin the OT

My mistake

>accepting the prequels
You're doing it wrong

>Bail offered and Vader hates sand.
wow nice argument
>And no, he never did "own" either of them
i never said that, just that he spent a lot of time with them
>So Ibiza-wan felt no need to change because everyone else was wearing similar clothes.
Yeah in the OT everyone was wearing similar clothes because they are meant to be normal clothes. Retarded people behind the prequels made them the official jedi robe because they cleary didnt understand that

in the PT they generally took stuff from the OT and made it something else (see the helmet luke uses to train, which is the official training method in the prequels)

imo stuff like that hurts the OT and i think if you actually consider the prequels canon when watching the OT the experience will be a lot worse.

In the long run it doesn't matter, the Prequels exist and you just have to deal with your autism

i can deal with my autism as long as there arent some idiots asking prequel question about the OT, since the prequels retconed everything alot wont make sense in the OT, as i previously said

you can still watch your shitty PT and clone wars and whatever but please dont discuss the OT. I dont mind other people eating shit, i just dont like getting in on it

>imo stuff like that hurts the OT and i think if you actually consider the prequels canon when watching the OT the experience will be a lot worse.
I think those aspects enrich the OT and I've never felt a sense of retconning in any respect. I always thought they transition smoothly from one timeline to the next. My biggest problem with the OT is how restrictive and intimate the story is and how that translates visually onto the screen. We're only shown the bare minimum of everything. This is why Episode 4 came first because it was the only feasible project at the time.

>I dont mind other people eating shit, i just dont like getting in on it
This could essentially be said about OT purists or fake-fans who enjoy TFA

George Lucas said in an OT era interview that Yoda only trained jedi, was not one himself, and would lose in a fight probably because he was a three foot tall goblin

At some point you'll have to realize that lucas has some sort of mental disorder when it comes to changing things for no reason, it's like a god complex except more retarded.

Never talk to me or my son again.


>he doesn't know what real operators look like