I just saw this and it's an absolute fucking mess. Why do you people like it?

I just saw this and it's an absolute fucking mess. Why do you people like it?

Other urls found in this thread:


We don't. It's just a meme

Because it's an artistic masterpiece.

I do

You are a pleb

This. Sup Forums is just being contrarian. If it was successful, had 90% on RT and all, Sup Forums would fucking hate it. Remember how Sup Forums shat on it months before the rating dropped?

The people defending it as art do so purely for bait.

There were some fun people who made memes about it, calling it "kino". A bunch of newfags from Sup Forums, accustomed to console wars, saw this as a serious statement and took it at face value in an attempt to fit in and bring their company war bullshit here.


I genuinely liked it, despite its flaws. I'd give it. 6/7 out of 10m, though it had the potential to be a 9

>Why do you people like it?
For the same reason we "like" the prequels: to be asshole contrarians for the lulz.

It had potential in areas but wasn't realised.

>another fucking thread

kill yourself.

Since when has something been liked because it "totally could've been good, guise"?

The movie is shit you fucking 13 year old Faggot cunt.

>I just saw this
No you didn't

>I just saw this and it's an absolute kino


This is the first thread I've made about BvS.

Yes I did. It's on Popcorn Time.

People don't like it


Some people pretend to like it as a meme

A small minority of dedicated contrarians convinced themselves it's good because everyone correctly identified it as shit

Hit me with some legitimate criticisms

Legitimate criticisms

>Why do you people like it?

DC fans are like Bronies. They defend anything DC, no matter the quality.

That is why critics reviews are better than audience reviews or Sup Forums reviews. Fans are way too biased. They will try their hardest to make a shitty film sound fantastic.

"Lex Luthor" is annoying and impossible to take seriously.
Him creating Doomsday was retarded.
Wonder Woman is not the bixesual bondage slut I remember her being in the comics.

Even Bronies don't defend all MLP property dude.

If this was Moonbutt vs. Sunbutt: Dawn of Equestria, Bronies would hate it.

You fool, he'll just post his latest maymay images about it's allegory and depth...

Jimmy Olsen appearing just to be killed off.
The Justice League cameos, with "Lex" designed logos.
Everything Lois did. Why have her in the movie if you can't write a real role for her? Goddammit. She was so goon in the 90's cartoon.


we only like movies made by disney

>Jimmy Olsen appearing just to be killed off.

You didn't even know it was him til the end credits even

I guess that's that. I brought shame upon my family.

Awful characterisation. Awful plot. Terrible dialogue. No likeable or relatable characters. Misunderstanding the source material, target demographic, and strengths and weaknesses of the superhero genre. CGI fights. Random monster villain at the end, no emotional reason to be invested in the final confrontation. Lois Lane present for no reason. Superman is a terrible character. Watching CGI men fly around at supersonic looks terrible and is very boring because we can't relate to it. Lex Luthor's entire character and plan.

That makes it better...?

Which raises the question of why he was there in the first place. Why did it have to be Jimmy?

She was terrible in the cartoon.

This Lois is the best we've had, she's the only likable one that isn't a non stop damsel in distress.

I'd rather watch that than BvS.

It's like you're typing this during Opposite Day.

>This Lois is the best we've had, she's the only likable one that isn't a non stop damsel in distress.

Except she was literally a damsel in distress all movie

First she gets kidnapped by an African warlord and has to be rescued by Superman(who unfortunately didn't get there in time to save Jimmy...), then Lex Luthor throws her off a roof and she has to be saved by Superman, then she almost drowns and has to be saved by Superman


Her entire plot was just to get her into a situation where Supes saved her.

It's just a meme lad, no one in their right mind actually thinks this shit is a masterpiece.

Except deluded fanboys I guess, but no one should take those seriously.

smart fredposter

All hail the dawn of HorseKino, directed by Ser Zack Lucas.


kys pleb

did she drink lex luthors piss?

Also, as said a billion times, the whole Martha thing was too stupid. 5 mins after he almost kills superman, he tells Martha he's a friend of her son

They go from killing eachother to being friends in a heartbeat without really understanding each others motives or anything~ it felt off

It was fun.

Finally a somewhat sensible list. Add Civil War in good, though.

It was made before CW.

>They go from killing eachother to being friends in a heartbeat without really understanding each others motives or anything~ it felt off
That's what happens in extreme situations.


haha fuk da haters!!!!

dc rulezzz!!!! FUCK MARVEL!!!!

>They go from killing eachother to being friends in a heartbeat without really understanding each others motives or anything
Just like the Avengers!

Yeah, it belongs in Dog Shit, dumb list.

So you dislike every capeshit

It's kino

Reminder that if you like BvS you are literally tumblr.


No I'm actually interested in why people don't like the movie

>"Lex Luthor" is annoying and impossible to take seriously.
Only Lex in name, I somewhat agree

>Him creating Doomsday was retarded.
Was Doomsday always part of his plan? How could he have known about Doomsday?

>Wonder Woman is not the bixesual bondage slut I remember her being in the comics
I said legitimate, user

>Jimmy Olsen appearing just to be killed off
And nothing of value was lost

>The Justice League cameos, with "Lex" designed logos.
Lex was working on a 'metahuman thesis'. Clearly this was part of his research

>Everything Lois did. Why have her in the movie if you can't write a real role for her? Goddammit. She was so goon in the 90's cartoon.
I don't know what this means

>Awful this
>Terrible that
How so?

>No likeable or relatable characters
Did a pretty good job of humanising both Clark and Bruce

>Misunderstanding the source material
How so?

>No emotional reason to be invested in the final confrontation
Clark literally makes the ultimate sacrifice

>Superman is a terrible character
Why? Because "m-muh Supes doesn't kill! Why does he always got the frowny face?!"

>Lex Luthor's entire character and plan.
The plan makes sense and is even backed up by his ideals

Because in that moment he realises the person he's been so fixated on killing for being an uncontrollable and dangerous "god" is just a man

It'd be the same shit. Imagine Celestia as a dark brooding character who resents raising the sun and being seen as a god. Then, she fights Mechaluna, only to become friends after finding out they're sisters.

>Rocketteer in bad tier
Fuck you.
I agree with most everything else tho.

It needs more. Hopefully the directors cut can tie up some loose ends when it comes out. It won't be able to completely fix this movie but hopefully can improve it

>A Sup Forums ranking I actually agree with
I didn't know Hellboy II was appreciated here, its one of my favorites too.

>DC for starting to get their shit together, they seem to have nailed something that's never been done in the big screen before
What did BvS do that was never done on the big screen before?

Can we just admit that DC is shit and their characters don't work at all in the movie medium?

It's simple. They are overpowered and goofy as fuck.

The worst characters in the MCU are Thor and Hulk. It's no coincidence that they are the strongest ones and the ones that most resemble a typical DC character either. Simply put, having a real life human flying around with magic and fighting with his fists looks fucking stupid. Big CGI monsters look shit, like Hulk. Hulk and Thor work in MCU when they are relegated to side character status, like The Avengers (2012). As soon as they become main characters, things go south quickly. Iron Man and Captain America are the best two MCU characters and the highest performing so far because they are the most grounded in reality. In a Captain America film, they will be doing barely above what is possible. The suspension of disbelief is still there. People know that Cap will die if someone shoots him in a vital area or if he does something too crazy. He's superhuman, but compared to Superman who flies around the world seemingly instant, fires lasers out of his eyes, has x-ray vision, can breathe in space, escape orbit by himself, and is weak to a SPECIFIC MAGIC ROCK like he's a fucking pokemon - the difference is clear.

Superman is simply dated, as a character. He is a product of the early 20th century and simply has to be scrapped and redone from the ground up if he's ever going to appeal to contemporary audiences. By now it's too late and they'll have to wait a good decade before relaunching their franchise though. In all seriousness if DC want a successful cinematic universe they're going to have to ground their characters in reality a lot more and reduce the power levels to MCU-tier.

Ok, abandon thread, the BvS was good meme is seeping in.

>I said legitimate, user
Okay, I know you don't actually read comic books but that is actually a huge part of who and what Wonder Woman is. Cutting it out is basically taking away what made the character special.
>And nothing of value was lost
Oh, so you were just baiting all along.

I don't know if you meant this as bait or not, but I completely agree with this post.

superman has always been a bitch to portray in any medium because of how powerful he is. going campy and lighter toned has produced the best superman films to date (superman 1 and half of superman II), so they should probably stick wiht that style instead. grim dark works well for batman though, stick with the tone there.

This is accurate

Civil War is great tier.

It wasn't that bad. Jesus Christ. It was perfectly fine. I didn't like the casting of Jesse Eisenberg but whatever.

The plot is literally the same in Captain America: Civil War. And people loved that because of "fun" and "quips" (the comic relief of Ant-Man and Spiderman. Take those two characters out of the movie and CA:CW is about as humorous as BvS).

Why doesn't a parody like this already exist...?

Weak bait.

at least Nolans batman was DC kino. the most grounded of all capeshit

>Okay, I know you don't actually read comic books but that is actually a huge part of who and what Wonder Woman is. Cutting it out is basically taking away what made the character special.
A sexualised fantasy is core to the character? Oh right forgot I was on Sup Forums.

>Oh, so you were just baiting all along.
Do you really think there would have been a purpose for Jimmy in the movie? Even establishing him at all only to probably never be brought up again the future JL movies? Complaining for the sake of complaining.

fixed it for you

Batman Returns is meh? Fuck off.

Yes this is why Batman succeeds where others fail. Batman is completely different to the rest of the DC characters.

>I don't know shit about WW or Jimmy Olsen
Here's your (You), enjoy.

>MoS/BvS has loyal fans
>so do the Detroit Lions

>no one talks about CW anymore
>daily threads about BvS

This is what art looks like

>A sexualised fantasy is core to the character?
Yes. That's exactly what she was supposed to be. Look it up.

This is what memes look like.

It's not bait. People hated BvS due to the lack of MCU jokes.

Name the funniest line in Civil War not said by Ant-Man or Spiderman.

And in Civil War, how exactly did the murder of Tony Stark's parents get caught on film? There are video cameras on random trees now?

the fuck? The Rocketeer is easily the best movie on this chart

>literally showed where the camera was

Based user

Is this you trying?

Where was it? There's a car driving down like a forest road and it slams into a tree. It showed Bucky shooting the camera

Why even crash a car right in front of a movie camera? It's fucking retarded.

CW's The Flash works perfectly fine on screen. And arguably so does Supergirl. In fact all DC's characters can (and has) been done well in the past. I will admit that Superman's the hardest to pull off though as he's often drawn too perfect to be relatable.

BvS had jokes though

Off the top of my head
>Batman's 'n-no please don't' gestures as the effects of the Kryptonite wears off
>Bruce: "My foundation's already issued a statement in support of, uh.. books"
>Perry: "Crime wave in Gotham! Other breaking news: Water -- wet!"
>Clark: "Is she with you?" Bruce: "No, I thought she was with you"
>Bruce: "Oh shit"
>Alfred's lines
>Bruce: "I like those shoes"

Autism Speaks.
It's time to ignore the dumb cunts.

BvS and CW have the same plot!

Oh noes! There's collateral damage and we need regulations to keep these superheroes in check!

Oh noes! Some bad guy has come up with a way to get the good guys to fight amongst themselves! Oh wow! It's all just a big misunderstanding!

Quick! We need some cameos of new characters so we can launch their own movie!

The guy who can fly's mother is the key!

Now name the funniest line in Civil War that wasn't said by Ant Man or Spiderman. Don't even get me started on the endless reboots of Spiderman. And Marisa Tomei might be hot as fuck, but she's no Aunt May.

Yeah it's significantly better now


>Now name the funniest line in Civil War that wasn't said by Ant Man or Spiderman
Can you move your seat?

No, because your posts contain zero information, you retarded shitposter.

That's the last one you greedy sausage.

>>Bruce: "My foundation's already issued a statement in support of, uh.. books"
fucking got me t b h

Aside from the meme, the problem is when enough people pretend to be retarded the actual retards show up.

Yeah, that was funny.

But "The Winter Soldier" is basically the most boring Jason Bourne-ripoff ever.

There is also a funny line when Iron Man calls him "Manchurian Candidate" but having Tony's parents murdered by Bucky is fucking stupid. Bucky? Seriously? And the lengths that Captain America goes to to protect Bucky is also retarded.

Not to mention that Agent Carter the show is about 1,000 times worse than BvS.

Sure, but it rarely done at the expense of the tension in the scene. My biggest problem with the airport scene in Civil War is nobody seemed to feel a bit sad about the state of affairs (or at least it was rocking back and forth too much between humor and tragedy for my liking).

A good story can be told with any concept no matter what if it's well written. You cant say this based on a few bad movies when you clearly have such a limited view on them as characters and what you know is based on said movies.