Any Death Grips fans here?

Any Death Grips fans here?


yes but I would never tell you


Nope. No Death Grip fans here

Sup Forums made Death Grips famous

God damn!

Fantano did, not Sup Forums

Death Grips are barely known outside of the patrician scene

>implying literally anyone in the patrician gives a shit about Death Shits
/r/Music embryo babbycore at best.


I didn't know reddit was capable of having good taste

well, technically.. nah

The general subs like music are where the shit is found

And shit it is...

>the patrician scene

fuckin hate death grips

not true, they're pretty normie now

They're probably the worst band of all time.

NLDW is my favorite by DG.

They have been appropriated by normies entirely

They're the pepe of music

I just started listening to Death Grips recently and really like them.

Just letting you guys know.

They're like the Tesla of music

well you have shit taste

No, YOU have shit taste in music, user.

Yeah. Take that.

best band ever

screencap this

I hope this post is ironic

The one and only time I've played deathgrips around others was during some beerpong when I got asked to put on a song that will get me amped

Threw on come up and get me and copped a bit of abuse and never played them in public again.