Cinegrid thread

Cinegrid thread.


Kill yourself Gregg.






they have a cinegrid subreddit and they do a bang up job





This and The Lobster tied for my MOTY 2015.

So basically you're going on reddit and posting what you find here?

It all comes full circle I guess.




Someone asked for a MCU movie last thread.

OC here

I watched this recently and I didn't even know it was Chris Pine. He was pretty good.

Why is he so perfect?

>le black and white looks more cinematic maymay xDDDD



It surprised me too. Also, I couldn't recognize Jeremy Piven.

anyone can make a beautiful film in color but it takes a real master to make a beautiful black and white film





Also Jack and Richard from LOST.







Cinegrid thread? Cringed thread




So you disagree with making cinegrids for black and white films? What?


Cinegrid is an anagram for "I Cringed".
Take that as you will.

Kino as fuck

Is there an easy way to make these?

>that clock tower symbolism
>that wide shot of the flower store

Most underappreciated cinematography?

It might be.

Anyway, how's your sex life?


Photoshop, arrange all the screenshots on another large image.


Nice one


what movie?


Requesting THE THING


Man of Steel. How do you not know?


Literally just blue & orange filters and some boring gray stuff

please someone post a The Thing grid



clearly the 2nd unit director was doing all the work




Is there Vertigo cinegrid?






>anyone can make a beautiful film in color
No. No, they can't. Fuck, is this bait?


someone do one for Suspiria

That piano sunset scene was kino in its purest form

I have this one

What movie is this again?

Entertainment (2015)

I turned entertainment off halfway through, which is the only movie I've ever done that with. Does it get any better?

Do the master please

essential cinegridcore

>Only God Forgives
>Beyond the Black Rainbow
>The Revenant
>Enter the Void
>Barry Lyndon
>Eyes WIde Shut



Saved some from here so i'll contribute a few





>Does it get any better?
not for you

You're a big guy.



>all MCU movies have shit cinematography



