This is the best Swans album.
This is the best Swans album
This is my least favorite Swans album actually.
I personally prefer some of their post-rock albums, so I wouldn't say Cop is their BEST. But I think it's much better than Filth and easily the best album from their no-wave era
Plebeian alert.
Retard alert.
Patrician alert.
is it just me, or do the Cop demos sound better than the actual album?
the fact that anyone could believe Cop is better than Filth blows my mind
See >Retard alert.
Dubs confirm.
post your ratings
1. The Seer
2. To Be Kind
3. Soundtracks for the Blind
4. The Glowing Man
5. The Great Annihilator
6. Children of God
7. Cop
8. White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
9. Holy Money
10. Filth
11. My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope to the Sky
12. Love of Life
13. Greed
14. The Burning World
1. To Be Kind
2. The Glowing Man
3. Soundtracks for the Blind
4. Filth
5. The Seer
6. The Great Annihilator
7. Children of God
8. Holy Money
9. Cop
10. Greed
11. Love of Life
12. My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope to the Sky
13. White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
14. The Burning World
well then please enlighten me, faggot
i'm listening to Cop right now, i still can't see how it's better than Filth
Cop is the conclusive end to the sludge punk impetus of Filth. It's the same energy potential fulfilling its natural limit. It's 100% better and more mature than just assorted table banging and screaming on Filth.
People just like it because muh iconic art which is bullshit.
>more mature than just assorted table banging and screaming on Filth
i'm going back and forth between Filth and Cop, i'm not getting that impression in the slightest
>People just like it because muh iconic art which is bullshit
i'd say most people like it because it was their first Swans album
Do people like Pablo Honey because it's the first Radiohead album?
Not an argument, embryo.
>it isn't children of god
faggots, it's Burning World or Anonymous Bodies. if you disagree, you're simply wrong
>Do people like Pablo Honey because it's the first Radiohead album?
you must've misread what i said
it's not the fact that it's Swans' first album, it's that most people listened to Filth first
besides, Pablo Honey isn't good, whereas almost every Swans release is perfectly solid
>Not an argument
don't pull that shit on me
go be a nigger somewhere else
Ok but you said nothing to the effect of the inflated value people stake in the (fairly uninspired) music on Filth i.e. no an argument.
>"People just like it because muh iconic art which is bullshit"
>i'd say most people like it because it was their first Swans album
well shit, i thought it was pretty clear that i was against the notion that people like it because "muh iconic art"
1. Holy Money
2. Cop
3. Filth
4. Soundtracks for the Blind
5. Children of God
6. Greed
The rest are not worth it.
what makes the others not worth it?
Against the notion without anything vaguely pertaining to the music itself. Not how you discuss.
Tell me specifically why Filth is better than Cop how I argued the converse
>i'd say most people like it because it was their first Swans album
Both of your opinions are sweeping dumb generalizations. It's a favorite because it's the least monotonous (ie most accessible) of their angry albums. It's groovy as hell and has a better range of tracks than Gira groaning over the same plodding beat every song
I just mean they are not worth mentioning in my point of view. I don't like them as much.
it appears i've been stumped
i can't think of anything other than the fact that Cop seems to be too no-wave-y simply just because it can be, as opposed to the rest of their no-wave albums
i suppose you're right
fair enough
but have you tried listening to To Be Kind?
even if you don't like their newer stuff it's still worth a listen
1. Soundtracks
2. Children of god
3. White light
4. Cop
5. Holy money
6. To be kind
7. Filth
8. The seer
9. The glowing man
10. The great annihilator
11. Greed
12. Love of life
13. My father will guide
14. The burning world
>it appears i've been stumped
I'll play devil's advocate on your behalf.
Filth is the superior album by sheer primal intensity. It's an abrasive and brutal ride but it's becoming and honest to the disordered emotional character from which it was composed. Cop may be the more composed album, but only in throwing that same composure aside is the facilitated chaos of an album like Filth is made possible.
Swans are shit and Michael Gira is a rapist.
Soundtracks For The Blind is their most overrated album and also undeniably their best.
If we're going /fullcontrarian/ I'd have to say I really love Holy Money and Greed, and obviously Public Castration Is A Good Idea.
did michael gira get raped by a swan? what the fuck
sorry i've not really been following this case don't know the full details
This. Children of God is the best blend of all Swans eras in one album
1. White light
2. Love of life
3. The Seer
4. Soundtracks for the blind
5. To be kind
6. The glowing man
7. Children of God
8. The great annihilator
9. Holy money
10. Greed
11. My father
12. Filth
13. Cop
14. The burning world
Not a fan of no-wave
i still don't agree with Cop being the better album overall, but i'll concede that Cop was definitely more well thought out and restrained
hats off to you for the thoughtful reply
the seer
love of life
don't care about the rest desu
Nailed it, OP. Good job.
Anyone got that swans flow chart?
1. Swans Are Dead/Soundtracks
2. Holy Money
3. The Seer
Best from each of their eras. Everything else is difficult to place objectively, but there are a few obvious contenders for the bottom three.
What are the "obvious contenders"?
I do love that across the board Burning World is at the bottom of everyone's Swans power rankings
even Michael Gira says it's the most amateur album he's ever recorded
>falling for the "Pablo Honey is bad" meme
not good =/= bad