Would you sit on it for an instant A* exam grade

Would you sit on it for an instant A* exam grade

I'd have straight a's and still do it.

HELL YEAH!!!!1!!



i finished my uni 8 years ago. and no, i'm not a faggot like you, OP.

Only thing you get from sitting on that is a D

Not a sore A?

Yes i would XD



depends what exam, what course

Yes. If I could get A autometacly through out the year I would also sucked her clock and swallowed


I normally don't accept bribes from my students, but I'll make an exception this time.

Would sit on regardless


i'd do it for absolutely nothing other than getting a big fat womanly dick in my ass



balls are gross man


>Womanly dick



I'd rather just take the test and not end up with aids


you mean you'd have straight O's

She can go ahead and give me a D if she'll give me the D




