Are you ready for current year's celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection, Sup Forums?

Are you ready for current year's celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection, Sup Forums?

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A celebration?

You should ask America.

Hi there

Xenu will save the enlightened.

>Leave the Pole to spew Catholic zealot-like posts

I'm very excited. Imagine if Hiro and janny shut down the board for easter sunday.

Oh no
Why has it almost been a year already
Pls no

why don't you celebrate easter?

I am Orthodox
I celebrate much later

>Implying 84% Catholic Croatia don't celebrate the holiday of Our Lord and Savior's passion

But we do, why are you spreading lies?

A celebration marking the resuscitation of a certain holy man?

>Tfw now have over a hundred and fifty EXTREMELY rare exquisite toads
>am I ready


>tfw recognised 105 and 106 as own drawings.
>somehow that 112 just a recolour of own funland toad.

You are more than enough.

I am really looking forward to Easter this year.

Oh, my friend, this Easter I'm gonna share new toads. I want to see the catalog full of Easters and crying Americans (and some leafs), deal?

Can you post toad-118 please?

Pls upload

A ritual, maybe?

Post the hue one

an Cháisc?

Not seeing Easter buddy

Thanks for the love and support friends! You may have one (1) EXTREMELY rare exquisite toad.
The brazilian may have his specifically asked for toad but ONLY if he says "Please Mr big strong first world Australia man, bestow upon me your gracious gift"


What's this guy's name again?

They will be ready too


>he numbers them
>he numbered one by one more than 130 pictures of a smug toad from an anime imageboard

You are unironically autistic.


>tfw 654 pics in my easter toad folder
at least some are duplicates, r-right?

This is my favorite one

Good choice m8. My personal favourite here

I wait for the day

118 please?

fugg :DDDD I meant 101

Please, don't denigrate the toad and use the correct version.

Post a self made toad and it's yours. (doesn't have to b gud)

I replaced it, thank you for pointing that out

Hmm I wonder

Fuck it's too fucking far away

not him, but I will take you up on your offer

Brother, can you spare some oats per chance?

and I wanted #118 if you would be so kind


stop impersonating me fag :DDDDDDDD

I specifically said, "not him"

Alright fair's fair, don't konw what it is and haven't seen B4 so here you are my matey. (shitty r9k meme?)

I have dyslexia shitlord.

I wanted 118

he wanted 101


Sry friendo, should have put that in your post, it will now cost an additional rare exquisite self-made toad to purchase.

Your mom wanted my dick lol.

yes, from r9k

Here is a shitty one I made, can I have 114 pls?


fine, here is a kangaroo toad

#118 please


That's one fine exquisite self-made rare pepe, friend :)

Thanks :^)


thanks friend


A joyous celebration enjoyed by all but a select few?

Superb post.


thanks canada

This thread's still active? Here are additional marvellous and exquisite rare toads available for you to purchase.

>tfw own all of them

An exguisite evend celebrading the birth of Chrisd Berhaps :DD?

You keep making these claims user, but...