Is this accurate?

is this accurate?

>Lawful Good

At best he's Lawful Neutral, for a while he was essentially Lawful Evil.

here's template if u need

Morrissey is neutral. He upsets people because he says what he honestly think without concern of how it looks to the media, which is a no no to the media.

Lennon was a shitty father, but had good intentions as an activist.

GG Allin threw poop at some people. He played the bad guy like Alice Cooper, but he never actually did anything that bad. He was a showman.

Mariah Carey makes music that's so terrible it's evil.

Khaled and Prince must be switched

Are you kidding? GG Allin sexually harrased audience members

With his micropenis.

Yeah, he punched a couple people. Compare that to Varg killing people.

Help me finish this

I don't understand this.


>white people

all lawful evil tbqh

Please make Bonham lawful evil
Make Ginger chaotic evil
neutral evil should be bill ward
Lawful good is Neil Peart


Even Ringo?

That seems about right



mariah and khaled should be switched desu, she's more kooky/crazy than him


>Mariah Carey is Neutral Good

nah man she's a total bitch

Brian Wilson is Lawful Good

Can someone explain what Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Neutral are?

>Lawful Evil
Nah, he's one of the neutrals - maybe Lawful Neutral

Hello eminem!



I've heard not only celebrity stories, but also from people who've met her or worked with her that she's an absolute cunt. So nah.

Best one so far, Iggy's best Chaotic Good

>Ozzy as lawful good


Also explain Cobain as lawful evil

None of these work. Shame on you Sup Forums

i like this one

How the fuck is Kanye neutral in all of those. Since when being greedy and treating women like trash is neutral?

>Since when being greedy and treating women like trash is neutral?

Since hip hop was created?


shit sry bros

Ozzy is a tamed grandma who bakes cookies now

Cobain was from his personal diaries and notes and shits hinted that he was extremely anti-social and pretty crazy. You can tell it from him jumping into drum sets and shit anyway.

>Jumping into drumsets

Where would you put Gira on this

Waka could also be chaotic good

What I'm saying is that Kurt was a really fucked up dude who tried his best to not show it to people, which is I guess lawful in a way

lawful neutral?

who chaotic evil?

levon helm shouljd be lawful good

B.o.B I believe

>tried his best to not show it to people

Not really, actually the opposite

Robert Fripp should be Lawful Evil

Definitely LN


>Jello Biafra

Jello was one of the few goddamn punks to actually make an effort to better his community.

>Not Chaotic Neutral

the man had a code

the code was getting fucked up but it counts


>puts in the time to find all black and white photos

CilvarRingz for lawful evil

panda is neutral good compared to deakin

>doesn't know how simple it is to use filters in image editing programs

heard a song is kind of boring...
the rest is solid though, definitely one of the better pop albums this year

>Brian is true good
That's extremely accurate

they were actually colored but when I pasted in paint they turned b&w

spot on
pretty good


Diamond Dogs could also work as Lawful Evil

the only correct one in this entire thread

>Chaotic Evil

Hank shifted from Chaotic Neutral to True Neutral to Lawful Neutral over his entire life.

I don't particularly understand most of people's use of "lawful". Chaotic is easy to demonstrate, you just need a particularly energetic or unpredictable artist.

I think lawful is people like Fripp and Prince.

Ringo's big fucking nose should be lawful good

Considering Halloween Jack is Diamond Dogs era, it would be a bit confusing.

If it were just albums Lawful Evil would be the Man Who Sold the World.

what did Mike Will ever fucking do to anyone? FUCK YOU

always thought that 'lawful' implied some kind of a code or standard eg; lemmy did crazy biker shit but had respect

conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules.
"it is an offense to carry a weapon in public without lawful authority"
synonyms: legitimate, legal, licit, just, permissible, permitted, allowable, allowed, rightful, sanctioned, authorized, warranted, within the law; informallegit
"the lawful seizure of weapons"
(of a child) born within a lawful marriage.

As far as D&D goes, that's nothing at all what lawful means. The mafia are lawful evil, for instance, despite being criminals. Lawful means more like doing things for personal reasons regardless of pragmatic benefit, like stopping at stop signs even when there's no traffic anywhere near you.

>doing things for personal reasons regardless of pragmatic benefit

kind of, i always interpreted it as sticking to a code or set of principals regardless of the situation at hand

Switch Johnathan and David

He made 23 and a couple of other trash pop songs. He's not that talented but famous. Hit or miss as a producer (though he has his share of good beats). Seemed a good fit for lawful evil, plays by pop rules but simultaneously makes music worse, infected with his shittyness, all for the moneys and clout.

He made it

also he's not doing dirt like Gucci and 21 were, but seems equally as shady

GG is chaotic neutral

>conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules.
>conforming to...rules
Yeah, that's what it means; whether it be law, personal beliefs, etc. It's not that hard to understand

don't be rude in my thread

fuckin tru


Who's top middle?

I believe that's Fenriz from Darkthrone

That's fucking Fenriz dude

Sorry, didn't recognize him from that angle or with that beard

Jonathan definitely seems more evil than David, despite singing about rainbows and snowflakes.

Thom is most accurate true neutral in the thread


You could probably fill a whole chart with Gira's different phases.

BriWi for lawful good, no discussion
Mike Love for chaotic evil

This pls.

>where would Michael "come on Grimm, let me put it in" Gira fall on the chart?

don'y you mean Michael "lipstick smear across your face, I won't leave no semen trace" Gira?

>michael jackson
>lawful good
oh buddy

GG and morrissey aren't evil

prime gira, early swans, certainly lawful neutral
not really sure where after that, probably still some sort of neutral

morissey is the most evil thing to walk this earth since stalin


>prince = lawful good


>middle left


Lawful good-John Coltrane
Neutral good-Keith Jarrett
Chaotic good-Albert Ayler
Lawful neutral-Chet Baker
True neutral-Miles Davis
Chaotic neutral-Charles Mingus
Lawful evil-Kenny G
Neutral evil-Bohren & der Club of Gore
Chaotic evil-John Zorn


why is flylo evil?

Seconding this.