What was Zod thinking in this moment?

What was Zod thinking in this moment?

I wish i was making take shelter 2.

Why are our spaceships shaped like dicks?

>wait until my snapped neck hears about this!

>well, I DID find him. :(

>Your probably wondering how i got here.
>It wasnt always like this.

>at least I won't have to kill myself before BvS

>i wonder if I should set up an email account for my snapped neck?

>im in charge here!

I'm destroying the Metropolis with a huge terraforming machine right in the middle of the city. Why are people still going to the museum and acting normal like nothing is happening?

Chris Stuckmann will avenge me!

> It's gonna be okay. Superman doesn't kill.

They're probably hiding like they did in the Day After Tomorrow
Or was that a library? Even so they're large old buildings people hide in during end times for some reason.

Can't wake up, Save me

>At least I missed batman vs superman

>i should have stayed on Boardwalk Empire

the bald man is about to this motherfucker's neck

Holy shit Superman snapped

That perhaps he should had attended some of all those self defense courses the Kryptonian military offered?

>It was me James!

You'll have to ask that to his snapped neck.

>Did I leave the stove on? XD

>My feet hurt.
>He's holding me too tight.
>I miss my dick shaped prison.
>I wish Faora was here.
>I could be genociding right now.

Then he did.

*record scratch*

>record scratch
>stops frame
>You must be wondering how i end up here? Well, everything started 2 weeks ago...

>If you love these dubs

>Would you mourn for them?

double the failure
double the shame




>DAMN! Kal-el is going to call my bluf-
