Why no fluffy thread?

Why no fluffy thread?






>Looking for feels thread
>Finds fluffy thread instead

Eh, close enough. I've managed to get most of the feels out of my system at work tonight.





because its gay



Everyone else must have left...


thats a lot of blood for 4 tiny animals...

You should see how much shit they have


Who says there were only 4 under the monolith when it fell over? There could have been a whole herd.



Wtf is going on here?

a mom keeps stealing babbies and bringing them to her nest which birds take those babies and kill them

Fluffy lost her babies because they are terrible parents. So she wandered away from her nest until she found new babies. Took the lone baby back to her nest, how old babies are dead and being eaten by crows.


I see, thanks for the explanation.



oh yay fluffy thread!

>select all images with sandwiches
this is worse than when people call pizzas "pies"



TECHNICALLY a burger is a sandwich...though there is much debate as to whether or not a hotdog is a sandwich, apparently.

And haven't posted this recently. Enjoy.


I like what I see, but for what purpose?


Production of what?
Decorative fluffies to hang above the fireplace?

TECHNICALLY a pizza is a pie

Factory fluffies are usually either milkbags for foals or used for their extremely high-nutrient fertilizer










samefag some more why dont yah

What the fuck is this autistic shit?

Try again


Love all the /d/ tabs you got open there.

Dont die on me dumping



Least he didn't have "how to take a screenshot" open.

This is better than the "fbi tip" meme



A good moral indeed!



It's 12:30, lad.
Don't judge me.

Not judging. Just commenting. I wander over there from time to time for a fap, myself.

You'll note signs of her being a terrible mother:
1) breaks baby's leg picking it up
2) dumb ass nest.

Also, when Wolfram wants to let you know a fluffy is PARTICULARLY stupid and naive for a fluffy, he draws them expressionless and with huge irises.

Basic torture and torment - farm animals are not treated this badly.

It never made any sense to me, either.

why do we enjoy fluffy abuse? catharsis perhaps?

I feel bad for Vermin.

A lot people do. It's really good sadbox.

wtf is happening here?