/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Beginner guitar tutorials:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav


Other urls found in this thread:


So i bought one of these last week and am duly impressed. Way way better than it has any right to be. Cheap knockoff pedals ftw.

nobody wants to talk about guitars today. ;-;

do i need a 9v to operate a pedal? it worked just fine at the store, guy took out the battery, took it home, doesn't work

It needs a power source. You have to use a battery or plug it in. Also it won't turn on unless a cable is plugged in the input.

ohhhh. didn't know bout the input thing

Yes, you need a 9 volt battery or an appropriate AC adaptor. If you use a battery, unplug the instrument cable when you're done, otherwise it will continue leeching power from the battery even when the pedal's off

White JM white pickguard. Y/N?
Pink JM ???? pickguard?

which is why generals are dumb

Dubs And Roland eats the pie

>pickguard ever

JM, yes, and it has to have a pickguard. Also it's

How would one construct a sort of stoner rock type rig? I'd imagine it would be a shit ton of fuzz but what else? Also what type of amps or guitar would I look at?

That was a calculated adjustment from the norm to maintain post aesthetics. You wouldn't understand, you do have shit taste after all


You can get anything for stoner rock as long as you have the fuzz for it. I've seen bands use guitars with humbuckers and single-coils, guitar and bass amps.

Says the guy who unironically likes Jazzmasters

100 watt Orange/Matamp/Marshall
6x12 cab cause you wanna look cool

tort looks good on pink

>doing anything unironically
>2017 - a few weeks

I can plug a 6505mh straight into this cab right?

Yes, make sure you use a speaker cable and not just an ordinary instrument cable.

Looking for a decent classic guitar that can play every genre.

Should I trade my Schecter hellraiser for a Stratocaster Elite HSS?

>have a band with my friends
>get invited to do the drummers cousins wedding
>yeah sounds fun
>remember I've literally only ever been on stage during my high school graduation
>social autism kicks in
I hope I don't spaghetti all over the stage.

>2017 - a few weeks

if you can, get a bit of xanax. have bad social anxiety and it's helped me on stage. either that or propanol, but i feel like xanax is a bit better at low doses

like one or two beers if you really can't get either of those, but i feel like it should be a last resort cause it fucks up your motor control and timing (not that xanax doesn't, but it seems more functional at low doses).

or you could just work your way through it and become a stronger person mentally but who wants to do that

Guys I lost the little black tip at the end of the switch knob on my schecter hellraiser. Pic related.

Where can I get a replacement? Will a strat rubber head work? Or does it have to be Schecter?

good shit just ordered it for $115. Going to buy the 6505mh soon.

one from a strat should probably work

>write a song about my suicidal thoughts
>somehow work up courage to play it for friend girl
>"aww, that's a really cute song user"

Newish guitar-learning wannabe here; I wanted to play a LP for a while now; I've only handled Strats and Strat copies and I'm bored of them.
Anybody have any experience with the Epiphone Studio Top Pro? Low, mid-range price tag. Is the buzzing awful/are the pickups noisy/is the action shit/does it just feel like crap/are the electronics shit; that sort of thing.

thanks. Just ordered some on amazon for $6

I took mine in go get the action readjusted 3 times and gave up. Buzz, buzz, buzz.

american elite?

kinda weird question, been playing guitar on and off all of my life but only ever going as fas as learning songs from tabs, what steps would i need to take to start learning how to actually jam with other guitarists? kinda lame going to jam sessions and not being able to play along with other guys cause of my rejection of theory when i took lessons

Any HSS strat is pretty versatile. I love my American deluxe *cough*plus*cough*. If you want to spring for an Elite, more power to you. Personally, I'm going wait to see if santa brings one.


start by learning your blues minor scales and basic progressions

that's probably 80% of a jam

Sad. Looks like a really nice guitar too.

Does anyone have any cool recommendations for that price range; around 300-500 USD.

I think the Hagstrom Super Swede is around that price range if you're looking for Les Paul-like guitars. Maybe the Agile stuff from Rondo Music or Japanese copies like from Tokai?

the problem could be that I treated it like shit, rarely play it, and I try to play it like a strat when I do.


What should I look after in a medium-low cost acoustic guitar? Got a budget of 200 bucks

at that price point, go yamaha

Has anyone here ever built a cigar box guitar? I've finally found dsome that I liked enough to commit to a whole box of.

do it, but only if it's autumn blaze with a maple fretboard

My uncle just built me one. It's one of the first ones he's built, so he's still working some stuff out, but it works for me.

i fucked up and wiped all the tonedust off my pickups and lost some color on my sound. Is there a way to speed up the dusting process?

>favorite cigar has a box that wouldn't make a good CBG

why even live

strap it to the hood of your car and drive it through the woods.

I can't get my slide off my finger someone help aaaaahhh

chip some paint off the body

Phew, it's off. That was more of a hassle than it usually is.

only an american could turn a slide into a Chinese finger trap

I always heard that breaking the surface tension of the paint caused a decrease in tonality

thats only if you play with a pick. when you play with your fingers less paint gives you more mojo


this is true don't do it.

little known fact, these are two of the five biggest reasons behind why lap guitars were invented

what happened to the last thread?

> implying not every guitar can be a lap guitar

I can see technical reasons for wanting to play a guitar like this, but holy shit

what the shit

what did you want or expect her to say

But what would be the specs I should pay attention to? Any tips?

Gibson SG
assortment of fuzzes
big tube head
unnecessary number of cabs

>Epiphone Studio Top Pro
I had a plus top pro that i got for like 550 a few years back. It was great until the neck warped recently, but that may have been my fault. Cheap-ish pickups, but that's to be expected

You know theres more to buzzing that just the action, right? Neck relief, nut, etc

the more I listened to the song, the more I realized how normal people wouldn't view it through the lens of suicidal depression

It's kind of funny because gives me hope that my music could actually appeal to normies.

>Finally ready to debut my blackened celestial ambient folk death proposal song to my girlfriend.
>Final lyric is "Will you march with me into the evernights eternal sun of blood as our enemies scream for mercy and the forests breed unbecoming doom songs."
>She says no


do us all a favor and channel that rejection into your next tropical goth power ballad

Honestly, that's the dream isn't it. Writing personal and honest music with the potential for widespread appeal with minimal embarrassment to yourself.

Imagine if you were Rivers Cuomo writing Pinkerton

>that's the dream... Writing personal and honest music with the potential for widespread appeal with minimal embarrassment to yourself.

jesus christ that rings true

Guys I know you probably won't take this seriously, but I am playing in my school's talent show in a little over a month. I am planning on playing this: youtube.com/watch?v=ARI0XyTiips with the song playing behind me on the PA. How do I avoid my hands going to spaghetti in front of 900 people.

Just bought another glass slide today after i broke my first one.

Slides are alot of fun

>playing a 9 minute metal song at the school talent show

user, i hope you're baiting us

It doesn't work unless you're standing in front of a high power fan so you hair flows majestically in the breeze.

People have been asking me to play since I was in middle school. They all know I am pretty good and that I am a metal head so they kind of expect something epic.

Are you seriously planning to play a 9 minutes long song at a talent show? At least play some good techwank instrumental if you want to show off, jesus christ

>9 and a half minutes
>of metal
>at a school talent show

fucking lmao what are you even thinking

tbqh they probably expect you to play whatever Avenged Sevenfold song is popular these days

assuming he's not nordic

Like I said nobody else really does anything worthwhile except a few non self aware kids singing shitty covers of the latest pop song ten times over. I would everybody said they wanted me to play something cool/epic this song is my favorite and has some cool sounding riffs.

isn't it like 4am on a school night in norway

there's like no sun in norway, hence death metal and them not giving a fuck way time it is

>he doesn't wake up at 4am to get ready to start grinding away as a wage slave


user you're making me sad

Don't play anything with growling vocals at a talent show, trust me. Here's a suggestion if you want to play something cool

Hey guys, i'll be performing a vocal cover of this song for the school talent show, with the song playing behind me over the PA. How should I approach this


Below is the confirmed GOAT highschool talent show setlist:

>Back in Black - ACDC
>Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
>Sweet Child 'O Mine - Guns n Roses
>Who You Love - John Mayer (for the ladies)
>Stairway to Heaven - Led Zep/Panama - Van Halen/Purple Haze - Hendrix (Voodoo Chile if you have chops) for your showstopper

these songs are the perfect mix of:
>relatively easy to play
>impressive guitar work (at least one solo or lead riff in each)
>fairly easy to sing
>very well known


Stairway is too long, but you've got the right idea

this. you're in middle/high school. don't get fancy with obscure shit no one will appreciate


I am literally a semi-normie person who everyone knows as the death-metal guy. Everyone expects a growling song with some fast riffs

How big is your school

Like 900 people.

wow what a terrible tune

Then they can't all possibly know you. Listen man, I don't want to psych you out, but you're going about this all wrong

Play this one then :^)

That's like the most atonal guitar lead i've ever heard

Here you should play this instead.


Hey gg,

I'm depressed

My hands are hurting to the point of not wanting to play and I have been feeling tingling in my forearm

I am going to start doing exercises and stretches for my hands and taking vitamins

Hopefully doing those things will help me


Don't overthink it and you'll be alright. Guitar is one of the easiest instruments to jam on because you generally don't have to be too consistent and mistakes aren't that noticeable. Just learn some chord progressions and scales and you'll do fine. Practice with a metronome though; keeping time is the challenge that all instruments share.