Fuel shortage riots sweep Mexico

>Fuel shortage riots sweep Mexico
The start of real political change or just people looking for any chance to steal?

Just people for looking to steal shit
Makes the real protesters look bad, all of the """""""""""people""""""""""" who went to steal shit should be executed asap

It's not that simple

I do think they should be prosecuted but leaving aside the logistic imposibility of that, much less for a state incapable of investigating even profesional serial killers, there really is a lot of inequality. That stores like the one pictured in OP's post even exist is good proof of that. While we may find flipant the attitude of looters this is people who cannot afford to miss out on any oportunity for economic advantage pure and simple.

Pictured is the part of Mexico that benefits from free trade, the guys in OP's picture have seen minimal wage loose 70% of its value since NAFTA was enacted.

Forgot pic

The weak must perish. Too many Mexicans are simply too unintelligent to be net contributors to your economy. If you'd just dispose of them you'd at least have a chance of converging with the poorer and less developed 1st world countries like Portugal in the future.

What the fuck is it with nukes and genocide on this board?

What do you expect Alberto Barbosa

And Mexicans have the audacity to say we embarass them and make them look bad.

Pueblanon here, the whole city was a mess a few hours back, a lot of people went really at it, you could see them planning and reuniting at parks, there are a few rumors going around, most of them say that the people who started the looting where paid by a political party or the state government itself and they were planned to happen near populated lower middle class neighborhoods so that people would join them. making this new "treat" seen as a bigger problem than the raise in the fuel price, then the police forces and in some parts the Mexican armed forces where sent to calm everything down so that our political leaders could make themselves look like saviors, personally i think all this is a really exaggerated thought but i also think that this behavior is deplorable and really hypocritical to have when a lot of the people taking part in this have complained about our government stealing from us, while i understand their actions come from their needs i am sure that none of this will make things better for anyone of the lower class citizens in the long run, what do you people thing ?

It would not be genocide. It would be a way of preserving your ethnicity. Our ancestors suffered from this in the past, and sometimes did it to themselves by hanging and killing robbers, rapists, thieves, making the poor and uneducated live like human garbage, they unknowingly produced the eugenic effects from which we in Europe benefit today. Your society needs to pay it's dues, by offing the undeserving, like our societies payed.

No, it won't make things better, and while Peje and MORENA are certainly not viable leadership choices we are long due for a revolution tbqh, nepostism, corruption and the incompetence they create have simply become too costly, the whole system is crashing down on politicians not being able to stop themselves from stealing just a little bit more or for a little bit longer, year after year the burden they put on us increases and the effects, such as the drug war, continue to worsen.

Trump could very well become the last straw.


A violent revolution in Mexico has never worked for the poor and the working class, we´ve been in cycle of conformism violence and ignorance, we have the people needed to take down the current government thats for sure, but we are not prepared as people to establish a better one, we need to grow first before imposing another immature regimen that will only damage the nation again in the long run, at this moment we can not afford to rush and repeat the same mistakes we´ve been making along history.

While I don't thing el peje would be what this country needs, I certainly see no other choice, so I'm voting for him desu

>While I don't thing el peje would be what this country needs, I certainly see no other choice, so I'm voting for him desu
This. Even though my view on him has changed a lot since 2012 when I voted for him, the others will keep doing the same shit, and I don't think things could get worse with him.

I hope Mexico collapses.

Y-you too!..

it is right now

You seem pretty mum on the government's role in all this. Why I wonder?

dont worry. US is heading same way because the class divide is huger than ever

No, Trump's election and the apologist attitudes towards his cabinet have proven you see the rich as divine but just resented politicians being your priestly caste to them.

The oil crisis begins,

>petrol prices drop several years ago
>national petrol company isn't making as much profit for the state
>politicians don't change a thing hoping it will come back soon
>prices still.low, national.petrol company is having more and note trouble, especially considering it needs investment and is ridden with corruption and petrol.theft from organized crime
>politicians give themselves a raise
>one of them is finally caught stealing around 800 million USD after several years and dozens of assassinated journalists and police/judges. Stillanage to magically escape in an helicopter never.to be seen.
>currency start dropping like Bill Cosby's date. Inflation is picking up madly
>central bank governor finds a job in Switzerland and gies away right before shit hits the fan.
>politician give themselves a hefty end of year bonus for the good work achieved.
>national.petrol.company is broke, even despite injecting millions of USD in borrowed funds (degrading our credit rating). We have to raise the petrol price for everybody to pay for our shitty management.
>1l now costs.more than the average hourly wage and will drive up inflation too.

And people chose to block highways so we all get to work late and sack the neighbouring mom ans pop store and wall marts...

Ffs we deserve to be ruled by these assholes

Portugal is really salty today. Why?

Qro here.
I am.particularly convinced that a lot of it is staged.
Today was completely ludicrous with a shitload of rumours going on about how there was shot fired in one of the markets downtown etc. Nearly all malls closed preventively and people all got mad.
It was a stark contrast to the reality because In actually live close to where it is supposed to have gone down and it was pretty calm. Some people got nervous because rthey got wats and messages telling them about the riot that was supposed to take place where we were but we just had to look around to see it was bullshit.
Then the police closed nearly all streets and forced us home.
It was all very weird and so many people told me they heard about a lot of riots when there is no evidence at all. Looks like a very well coordinated com op to make people forget about the gazolinazo or hate the protester.
We seen what happened to the teachers in Oaxaca...

could this be any opportunity for like neo-fascist gangs to rise up and restore order and beat down the protesters/thieves, showing everyone that there is another path which isn't socialist venezuela tier and also isn't america's lapdog


There's a couple portuguese posters that insist on convincing us that: 1. they are white; 2. Their country is first world; 3. Their country is relevant in the european scenario, and; 4. Their country is relevant in the world scenario.

They will call you names, you'll hear racist remarks from them, you'll hear things about they being kings and such. You just look at them and hue, pinoy bro.

You're mentally ill.

Seems like most Mexican corruption is situated near and around the north.

it's actually the ruling party tring to get one last big pay day

if invasions, civil wars, and revolutions couldn't do it. this won't either

Pero están bien? Te pregunto porque de tiempo en tiempo aparecen noticias de mejico que dan a entender que en cualquier momento se transforma en colombia, y por Dios esta mierda tiene que terminar en este continente

Fortunately no, nationalists have been left leaning sincce the Mexican revolution. Mexico is not Venezuela, leaving aside even the more radical of regimes would not be able to push for widespread nationalization, re-election or extending a president's term is political taboo, regardless of ideology the overwhelming majority of Mexicans would oppose that, even amongst Peje's brainwashed personality cult.

Ayer estaba en el centro de la ciudad y de un momento a otro comenzaron a cerrar todos los negocios y la gente a dispersarse por miedo a que hubiese saqueos o manifestaciones. Nunca habia pasado algo como eso que yo recuerde

jesus chirst, don't be such a faggot

No, it's all over the country.

A civil war in Mexico would be very unlikely.

Same shit here.
People closing up out of fear.
Didn't see looting or rioting though, but everyone was fucking scared.

Aparte que pinche oso
Si van a saquear vayan al liverpool o al palacio de hierro a robar relojes de lujo y refris, no roben la coca caduca en promoción de la aurrera pinches idiotas.

Esos pobres seguirán pobres por falta de.ambición y imaginación .

Los liverpool y centros comerciales tienen seguridad y estan armados

no realment, tienen approx. 6 a 12 elementos armados principalmente con macanas, raro es que tengan armas de fuego, solo los bancos tienen ese tipode seguridad
para ser honestos creo que todo el desmadre se esta haciendo en barrios populares, mi superama y mi costco siguen abiertos, pero en la colonia popular aledaña cerro el zorro abarrotero y su bodega aurrera
solo el dr simi tuvo los webos de no cerrar alla

Aquí en la península no pasó nada. Nunca pasa.

yo vivo en la capital y solo las plazas comerciales donde va la clase popular cerraron
pero tambien el gobierno se la mama, pinche policia haciendo pendeja como siempre siendo que supone que somos uno de los paises latinoamericanos con mayor proporcion de oficiales de policia con respecto a civiles
a eso si, con los tianguis no se meten por que esos cabrones si los tunden a palos, los cuchillean y los cogen por las heridas

No saquearon el Chedraui? Todos mis amigos de la CD.MX. ponen cosas así

si a la tienda en cuestion acude la clase obrera o esta en una colonia popular si correo el riesgo de ser saqueada, si estas en una colonia pitera que a nadie le importa o en una colonia afluente no hay nada de que preocuparse
hoy pase al starbucks local a la 7 pm y todo sereno

En mi estado no hubo nada de eso, pero si cortaron carreteras, bloquearon las casetas y la central de abasto de Pemex, mañana viajo en carretera, espero no anden de gatos y este 1 hora en medio de la nada esperando a que dejen pasar.

llevate una navaja y si lo peor pasa vende tu vida cara

Se portan bien, si se pasan corren el riesgo que anden bloqueando a un narquillo y se les eche encima.
Los que han viajado dicen que dejan pasar, pero lento y de a pocos.
Son los beneficios de vivir en narcoestado, los cholillos se portan relativamente bien para no ofender algún narco.

pues que te sea ameno, buenas noches

I imagine it will take more. That said, it will likely be a surprise when it comes. Much like the Russians, Mexicans have a fine and subtle line they must cross before they transition from shitposting to armed revolution.

Esta Policia Bancaria e Industrial los cuales intervendrian y ciertamente cuentan con armas de fuego. Estrictamente hablando estos solo harían labores de aseguarmiento inicial y logistica, el gobierno usaria a los granaderos. Atacar un Liverpool supondría un escandalo intolerable para la opinión pública, finalmente le pega a la clase media en la adquisición de pequeños articulos suntuarios (eg iphones) ya que el riesgo adicional de que se esten metiendo con proveedores grandes significa que le pueden pegar a cualquiera y eso se traduce en un riesgo que aumenta costos.

Que se chinguen Aurreras y similares es malo pero no trae tantas repercusiones económicas (no va afectar los precios de lo que se roben) y el precio politico de defenderlos con fuerza no vale para el estado lo mismo que permitirle a los afectados deducir las perdidas. El que si se jode es el comerciante pequeño al que se lo llevan por las patas.

Para la administración de Peña esto es en parte un cálculo económico del costo que tienen que pagar por el gasolinazo. Ahora detesto al copetes y no es por defenderlo pero al estado no le quedo de otra, el gobierno ya va en su pinche cuarto recorte y esta tan acuciado por la austeridad que muchos de sus componentes estan buscando sangrar piedras para sacar mas lana (por que eso si, no van a dejar de robar) por eso se ha incrementado en los ultimos meses el uso de requerimientos agresivos para asustar a la gente, aumentos en impuestos locales, etc.

Dejando de lado que sería fantasioso pensar que el gobierno tiene capacidad de controlar lo que se pierde en la corrupción han tenido que recortar muchisimo despues de haber empezado como buena administración Priista gastando como locos (para que haya de donde robar) Peña endeudoal estado en sus primeros dos años lo mismo que Fox y Calderon juntos hasta que se lo chingo la caida de precios del petroleo, que les vino a dar en la madre justo cuando querían resolver la quiebra CONT

We don't want a revolution though, and it wouldn't benefit the people, what we need is to revamp our government, change our way of thinking and fight corruption in the system.
A revolution would be like a doctor putting a band aid on a person mauled by a tiger and then charging him as if he had healed him.

Gracias, buenas noches

CONT de Pemex (y pendejo el que crea que con las deudas del pinche sindicato era administrarlo o salvarlo) vendiendo pedazos. Ahora lo que antes era una de las mayores entradas de dinero del gobierno es un pinche hoyo negro que nomas traga lana y el subsidio ya no se puede, despues de tanta austeridad el gobiernop tendría que quemar sus ultimos cartuchos (reservas, la linea de credito el FMI) y quedarse con ZERO capacidad de maniobra para lo que viene cuando el payaso gringo tome posesión.

Y de nuevo soy alguien que detesta al PRI (y a PAN y al Peje) pero no querer darse cuenta de la situación real es pasarse de pendejo. Como lo de criticar que Carstens se vaya a Suiza cuando mas nos sirve tener amigos en el sistema financiero internacional.

Al que no le quede claro estamos peleabdo por la supervivencia, el gobierno se quedo sin lana tratando de evitar que el desplome del peso fuera peor y todas las protestas del mundo no cambian el hecho de que apenas aguantamos otra media docena de tweets del pendejo de Trump antes de que el pais desplome, y entonces si, agarrense cuando el gobierno no tenga dinero para pagar pensiones o servicios de salud.

Pero sigamos con la chaqueta mental de que nuestro gobierno tiene opciones o de que saliendo a las calles se va a resolver un carajo. No sabemos hasta donde va a llegar esto hasta que se negocie con el animal en Estados Unidos y sepamos con certeza como van a estar las cosas, e incluso asi vamos a tener que vivir con la incertidumbre de que cualquier proyecto importante de inversión se nos cae por al imbecil se le ocurrió mandar un tweet.

Lo peor, Goldman Sachs salió hoy en un reporte apostando contra Estados Unidos, creen que su economia se va a chingar y el efecto domino si eso pasa nos va a pegar muy fuerte. Esto esta empezando y el golpe de inflación que estamos sufriendo es solo la ´primera parte, podriamos facil acabar como estuvieron Brazil y Argentina el año pasado, y esas no son mamadas.