>Why don't we have drum generals edition
Drum General?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause drummers are not musicians
weak bait
None of you niggas can count to 4
Who is your favorite drummer? Mine is Elvin Jones. I like the way he moves around his pulses. My other favorite is Billy Cobham, purely for his energy and his work with Mahavisnu Orchestra.
Cause Garage Band Drummer made ya'll niggas obsolete.
you could say that about any instrument really
I really like Tim Alexander, usually playing complex stuff takes away from some music, but he can make it fit perfectly. I also like Ringo
it takes forever to program drums that even sound close to realistic
any decent drummer would be playing, not on Sup Forums. i was a bad drummer and i still had to drum for 3 bands in high school.
>wanting realistic drums
>not embracing the fake sounds
depends what youre making
i'm willing to bet i'm the worst drummer to post here
>yo nigga check this sick beat I made on Garageband
yeah no thanks
there are so many things you can do with programmed drums that you can't with acoustic ones that you don't need them to sound "real"
I tried :(
>when drum machines are a thing
You niggers just wasted your life
you underestimate my abilities
post proof
oh jseasus
it was set up well and almost believable. next time, try to make it longer or maybe even reference classical music to make sound more believable.
good try though, keep it up
like i said it depends on what youre making
hey this is actually pretty good, not cringe at all
>Why don't we have drum generals
Lol I hope we answered your question
Because 99% of musicians on moo are guitarists ("musicians")
>a drummer is the same thing as a drum machine
things that people who have never played with other people say
cuz its not an option for a lot of people
this is very poor bait friend
did you even read the context of the post you are replying to?
your move buddo
1 1 3 8
Reminder that drums take more skill than guitar, which is the quintessential retard's instrument
No it's not the same thing; it's so much better.
Practicing with a drummer is a pain in the fucking ass because of the noise level and the amount of space they take up. You can have a guitarist, bassist, vocalist, and fucking keyboard player all practice in a medium sized room at reasonable sound levels while using a drum machine or program. It's always on time - both in beat and by actually showing up to practice. Drummers have always been unreliable fucks.
No one gives a fuck anymore as long as someone is using some machine to make beat noises. No one cares
>still needing musicians
You fucking pleb, just make all of your shit digitally
OK so you have proven you have never played with other people, thanks for your comment
Well I guess guitarists aren't necessary cause we have guitar pro
Drummers make the best music
fuck notes and all that pussy shit
I've played with numerous bands. Drum sharing was a fucking nightmare at shows. Our drummer was usually the only one with a decent set and his shit got destroyed mutliple times by shit ass drummers. It was bullshit and annoying, one of our friend's bands had this electric drum system that didnt require a drummer that could be changed to any volume and it was amazing. They took 2 minutes to setup and people could actually hear their singer.
Why the fuck haven't they released GP7 yet?
Yea you could go that route, GP is amazing. I really don't care though, I play guitar and sing now because it's fun, no other reason.
Guitar is braindead simple to learn though, and it's not as hard to mix well as drums. Might as well just play it.
How does it feel that you guys are all replaceable and not important at all?
that's what we've been saying this entire thread ya dingus
who do we appreciate
Kind of relaxing in a way
not drummers obviously
robots can't make me feel
this one's gonna make you feel... PAIN that is...
hey, that's a cool strong robot
Because we haven't that's why
But since we are now
I can play a polyrhythm consisting of three rhythms at a ratio of Pi:Phi:e
Can anyone else pull that shit off
Ever listen to a song with out drums?
Thesis statement for essay on Awkward, uncomfortable, and directionless
post vid
shut up I don't need to count to for as a drummer I can get by... STOP LAUGHING AT ME MY PROG BAND DOESN'T NEED A METRONOME AND I DONT NEED TO COUNT
You see funny story... I... I... recorded it...... on... VHS, yeah it's recorded on VHS so I can't share it you know
A likely story. I know it's you, Bruford.
>TFW you see two drummers setting up to play at the same time with two guitarists that have 30 pedals on their pedal board and no bassist or singer
Has this fucking happened??
sounds like it could have been interesting but I'd bet good money it wasn't
if it actually happened
>chopin funeral march
>la catedral
>rondo alla turca
Yes it was just terrible Treble noise it was horrible
this is the weakest bait ive ever seen. cmon, you could do better man
Cuz it's hard to record drums. I put down some weird stuff the other day.
It's short.