Name a flaw with her

Name a flaw with her

Pro-tip: There aren't any

dem lightning-ass eyebrows make her look like she gonna blow your dick off with her eyes

Where's her gun?


No tits.

She's gonna blow my dick off alright

You're right, I can't.


eye brows
looks like a man



doesn't have a dick. that's the only thing i can think of.


she does it with niggers

Not really, they define her facial features more




Disgusting...she is fucking hideous, OP. She looks like a man. Does she have a dick? Was she born with one??

What would you do to her, user?


No she wasn't, and no she doesn't. Maybe you're just blind because she's easily the hottest woman on the planet, you fucking ape

Eyebrows and mean looking face.


A true faggot wouldn't suck a girls juicy cock.



Nice try, you fucking queer.

She's not Jewish, you autist


They're the 2 best things.

huge ass eyebrows
looks like zac effron with long hair
but who am i to judge faggots, that's god's work

dat pit stain
