/got/ general
First for Jon
very soon :^)
Reminder that Jon Snow wants the equivalent of niggers on and south of the wall
Third for Khal Drogo
>It's a based Dany episode
first for seeing the cool obara girls today
Preston Jacobs is an autistic faggot who should kill himself
I swear to god if they do the Jon reveal without going into who Rhaegar and Aerys were im gonna be so fucking mad. Most people dont even know what the fuck is going on in the show.
Who /Highgarden/ here
>Promise me, Arthur.
she's so pure
Who? What? Why?
>If Dany was married off to Khal Moro, her dragon's name would have been Moron
>mfw /GoT/ general manages to be 100x less cancerous than capeshit
what did he mean with this?
He's a big guy
>friendly reminder that the SNEKS will have Highgarden under siege by the end of the season
that made me chuckle
damn Isaac
Fuck America
You know I'm starting to think that Canadian bloke was right
You people really are rather FAT
You are rather LAZY
you really are rather UGLY too
You fat asses need to calm down and simply shut these thread up, especially after having the gall to post in the previous thread about how we are somehow fatter than you
Honestly, it takes no wonder for anybody from a civilized country to see how and why guns are allowed to be purchased by any retarded cunt to later on be used to shoot and mow down tons of fat asses
Piss yourselves, and don't forget your heart medication!
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on /got/ by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't r/asoiaf, kid. This is /got/. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
>It's treason then
What did he mean by this?
>I don't need an army. I need three good sneks
Damn he was handsome
Resurrection when?
Reminder Cleganebowl is NOT happening this season
From that clip Ned actually looks like the better sword fighter than Dayne. Dayne barely even swings his other sword, what was the point of making him dual wield.
"Where is Lyanna? Is she safe? Is she all right?"
"It seems in your anger, you killed her"
>"you don't get to bring any friends with you"
what did he mean by this?
Did anyone else get a really minas morgul feeling from that white walker place? the one where the baby boy was held by the nights king/ice maul?
how many hours till episode
Cant wait to beat my dick off to another qt jew girl
8 bongs
8 hours
Minas Ithil you fucking pleb
What's the Night King's power level?
Tied with Ramsay for first place at 6 gorillion
No, it's morgul
you know, like morgul blade
will we see her naked today?
>what was the point of making him dual wield.
great question
What's up with everyone ressurecting?
Is this becoming Warcraft?
Did people really have hair cuts like that in the game of thrones days? I imagined Dayne with long hair
why is sophie so kinky
But does the Night's King have 20 good men?
Night's Watch: Maester Aemon, I'm Night's Watch
[shakes hands with Maester Aemon]
Bowen Marsh: He wasn't alone.
[motions to three prisoners wrapped in pelts he has brought]
Night's Watch: Uh... you don't get to bring Wildlings.
Maester Aemon: They are not my Wildlings.
Bowen Marsh: Don't worry, no charge for them.
Night's Watch: And why would I want them?
Bowen Marsh: They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the turncloak. The bastardo man...
Night's Watch: SNOW?
[Marsh nods]
Night's Watch: Get him on the Wall, I'll call it in.
>tfw i might not be able to get weed for the episode tonight
she's a young lesbian slut, why would she not be?
what timezone though? I'm in central US.. so a few hours earlier right? 6 hours not 8
orcs out, reee
thanks qts
>tfw it airs at 6 am
He's an actor and is still alive ,he is handsome.
What the hell are you talking about? It airs in 8 hours no matter what timezone you live in.
That's not how time works......
8 pm ct, m9
No but he has Come At Me Crow, a far more normie friendly meme
And normies are the most powerful of all
This thread is back, again?
How many times do I have to tell you people? Nobody wants to see your god damn shows, you fat fucks
Seriously, go kill yourselves
I want all do you to take 10 steps away from there monitors and jump out the windows right now
If that is too much of a vigorous exercise for you, then grab your 53rd gun from your kitchen pantry and shoot yourself in the face
But, if you don't want to do that, then redeem yourselves and Google up a Canadian show
As I've said before and will keep on saying, our shows are much better than yours
Generally everything about us is much better than you, which is why Europe looks up to us while laughing at you
Hell, my brother who served in Afghanistan told me that the Canadians there would always complete the missions before he Americans and would save civilians as oppose to you guys who would kill and maim them
If it were us, or any other 1st world country that didn't have a structured social hierarchy of Orc-like mentality, then that war would be done and done as peacefully as possible
But no, you fat fucks have to make that more difficult than it has to be, don't you?
Fuck you, and fuck America.
sry bro, just got mine
Where the fuck do you live?
to bring back the better actors
Dude he got stabbed in the neck, he died for the show
I almost knew that feel. Luckily I found my old grinder filled with kief
How do you even use kief without weed though?
i tried using a lot in a tobacco rollup but it barely does anything.
I used to actually think this as a kid
Sorry, but Minas Ithil got BLACKED. It's all Morgul now.
Lyanna: Promise me, Ned.
[Ned leans over Lyanna and softly speaks to her.]
Ned: You have twins, Lyanna. They need you...hang on.
Lyanna: I can't . . .
[Lyanna winces again and takes Ned's hand.]
Ned: Save your energy.
Lyanna: Ned...there...is good in him. I know there is...still...
[A last gasp, and she dies.]
Characters who have explored the Far East the most:
>Marwyn the Mage
>Euron Greyjoy
Characters who have explored the Far West the most:
>Gylbert Farwynd
Characters who have explored the Far North the most:
>Qhorin Halfhand
Characters who have explored the Far South the most:
>Yezzan zo Qaggaz
Characters who have explored the Seven Kingdoms the most:
>Davos Seaworth
Characters who have explored Essos the most:
>Oberyn Martell
>Jorah Mormont
>Viserys and Daenerys
>Jon Connington and Aegon
had a long reply but thanks to realized nm your right
know the feels
try booze instead
It's basically just concentrated powdered weed. You can make it into pucks and smoke it (a waste), you can use it for some quick firecrackers, or you can do what I do and vape it.
Holy shit, HBO is in full damage control
>user leaks the whole thing on reddit
>gets banned
>thread deleted
Reddit on HBO payroll?
Somebody fucking tell me you people capped it?
Also shit, I cant find the leaks from Episode 1-3 anymore, not even in WotW
somebody post the leaks
>tfw you'll never make the eight
Holy shit. Why has no one mentioned this before?
Promise Ned, me
just wait 7 hours jesus crist you people
>tfw no vape
not a huge drinker desu
Minas Ithil was supposed to be the whiter city, tower of moonlight...
Why is Robert Arryn a mexican?
Leak from 6x04
-We move to High Garden
Mance Tyrell is made an offer from a masked man covered by his hood, he rides away with his horse
Quiet isle: Sandor is alive and ebign rescued by Ian Mc Shane who revives Lady Catylin, now Lady Stoneheart
.We move to the Eyre and we see Stannis Baratheon riding with the Mountain tribes
-Back in Meereen a priestess of the fire God makes her appearence at court, Tyrion is suspicious
-Back with the Dothraki, the council decides Dany will be "pure" only after being raped
-In king's landing jaime moves the whole city watch to attack the high sparrow
Are you new?
We've known this for months
Also the whole series esp DND is banking on surprise deaths
you don'n drink untill you do
What's wrong with it? It's the same length all over and going out naturally (like you just had a shower, let it dry and that's it) Nothing is done to it outside of being cut.
Generally dual-wielding is much like a shield. The second weapon is for parry, block and counters. Why thrust with two swords? Stupid if you do.
Can anyone tell me why this is not the single most based character in the history of everything?
Pro tip: You cunt
any "surprise deaths" that were actually major characters would get leaked stupidly quickly.
to show that he is the best swordsman is westeros