He was good in CW though


"For the entire run of the production, he spoke in that accent, whether he was on camera or not," the filmmaker reveals. "He’s that kind of actor, he has a very specific process. It’s very intense performance."

Other urls found in this thread:


method acting is such a stupid meme

>Talks with accent the whole time
>Wow method acting

Forget Black Panther, Haruo Nakanima went full method for the role of Godzilla

>"For the entire run of the production, he spoke in roars, whether he was on camera or not," Ishiro Honda reveals. "He’s that kind of actor, he has a very specific process. It’s very intense performance."

Sounds like he just wanted to stay consistent

his accent was fucking awful


Apparently he worked on the accent by mixing different African accents of the place where Wakanda is.


>he went method by pretending to be an educated black man who wears spandex unironically.

Nice try tbqh

No, he went method for his accent.

>method acting for a capshit role
>he kept his accent during the whole shooting

wow impressive

I don't get it. What's the problem?

>a nigger literally playing a nigger

This is gonna sound dumb but did the accent sound like combination of the guys from Captain Philips and Blood Diamond to anyone else?

Like it had the gravitas of the somalian guy but the start stop nature of south africans

>Gib me dat dare free movie tickets whitey

why are black american actors so bad at african accents?

will smith's was fucking awful in concussion, almost a singular reason why he didn't deserve an oscar

>get welfare
>get to protest everything
>get free tickets
>get to say nigger

Man I love being black

I like the accent


>Black folks should get free tickets as reparations
marvel should do that, to prove that they're making BlackPanther for the right reasons and how proressive they are.

Hollywood should start remaking movies and adding all female cast and all black cast.

>Disney caring about anything but the bottom line.

damn he had the accent even when the camera was off? do I smell Oscar?

i'm not black and I get to say nigger, nigger.

>ooga mandinga booga

"10/10 groundbreaking performance" - liberals

He was great in the James Brown biopic. Good movie too.

by that logic Kingdom of heaven was a shitty film for having white people play christians.

Yeah, he's great. I was just pointing out what a shitty clickbait article this is.

what? I saw the james brown movie and didn't know he was in it. Which character was he?

Yeah, talking in accent all the time makes sense. You get into the habit of it so you're less tempted to slip back into your normal accent while performing.

Got a source on that? I'm curious which accents he used.

Blood Diamond was set in West Africa, wasn't it?

Isn't it only whitewashing when they change the race?

As far as i know no superheroes had their races changed in MCU

Can you imagine how many people will be claiming that they're black?

Actors keeping an accent throughout a whole production is quite common. I remember a wrap party and talking to one of the stars of a series I was working on and holy shit she was Australian. I never fucking knew.

He wears vibranium battle armour you mong

My fadda and yuor frend were boat victams

>He thinks the costume is real.

Epic, simply epic.

Isn't Panthers suit fantastically more advanced than starks, though that depends on the comic i guess.

MCU so bland and generic Disney needs to pay people to write articles like that.

Christian Bale did this shit for all the Batman movies. It's not impressive.

he went very method. he cucked several married white male marvel fans including myself.


It's more advanced in some ways and not in others.

>Blood Diamond

Oh yeah, Sierra Leone

Somalian accented english and Sierra Leonian accented english sound nothing alike. You're just a retard who's trying to combine the accents of two africans in box office hits.

Temne and Somali are two distincally different languages that have nothing in common. Temne is a mel branch of the niger–congo languages family tree found in central/west/south Africa whereas Somali is a cushitic branch of the afroasiatic language family located in North/Horn of Africa.

Anyway he has already stated that he based it on South African accent (Xhosa primarily) which if you had any clue, would be very obvious straight away.


>which if you had any clue, would be very obvious straight away.
>if you had any clue

They won't, the whole point of the movie is to get a larger % of the black demographics in their movies. You are asking for them to do the opposite of what they are doing. Sneaky Jews.


>implying everyone hasn't seen a movie based on SA

I believe what user posted was not meant to be taken seriously.
user was not sincere in his belief.
You retard.

It's supposed to be stronger since Black Panther has all the Unobtanium in the world.

The point is that anons in general don't have a single clue on what they're talking about.