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wow i love this second rate japanese band of GENRE what no i have never listened to GENRE CLASSIC DEFINING ALBUM, JAPANESE COPYCAT is so much better

crossboarding shitposters


Grimes, Bork, Charlie, Carly Rae Jepsen poptimists

Bandcamp circlejerks

>mah undergrund musik

>le ambient musik

"hip hop" beats in soundcloud threads


Where does this happen? Most people don't talk about Japanese bands except ones that are genre classics

racist murdering norwegians
stupid retarded filter-dodging goblins
memerap threads
p4k threads
fantano threads
scaruffi threads
christgau threads
dorito bitch threads
memepop threads in general
people acting retarded for fun on a latvian snowshoeing blog
people talking shit about total

Aaron fucking Ellis

I don't know if I should say it...

>hey Sup Forums rate my taste in music

>my favorite albums are

>OK Computer

non repeating digits


Japan is evil user.

>kpop general

These shitty meta threads and the waifu threads (especially grimes.)



Grimes has no more substance to her music than Taylor Swift, she's just less commercial.

>tfw thankful there are guitarists on Sup Forums
>tfw 80% of them are Schecter distortion driven metalheads with rich parents
>tfw 20% is pretentious artrock "game changers"

The ironically liking Bon Iver meme. It's gone on since forever ago, it's a dead meme.

Monotonous shitposting
every general
Trout Mask Replica
Go back to pol is used as a remark in political arguments
Various other irony

Not enough

Z git hit in ya soul

Fucking everything
Go back to Sup Forums

Plebs who can't handle raw black metal demos except the popular shit like Orgy of Carrion.

Nowhere near enough Herbie Hancock threads.

Nowhere near enough porn music threads.

>go to /metal/
>nothing but awful memes and shit posting
>discuss metal on Sup Forums
>Oh yeah, I like metal. Hey I just heard of this really weird band called Liturgy, you might like them
Y-you too

I felt like he was referring to Boris in his sentence but, like you said, that's a genre classic.

He makes more than that, you silly waffle.

>More like A Love Supreme and Kind of Blue?


>No one ever talks about Current 93 or Foetus
>They should

the list goes on

grimes sits down and writes music, this comes out
t swift does and this happens
then 12 people fix it

>want to discuss funk/soul/r&b

>le ambient musik
Holy shit this. I can't think of a worse "genre". It's not necessarily bad, but there is nothing exciting about it.

Background music for a movie, that's all it is.


>Grimes fans actually believe this

>board full of white male rockists

But if you made a thread about Megadeth, it would get an easy 150+ replies.

too many white ppl

Radiohead worship.

Protip: They suck

Taking P4k seriously

people having different opinions than me, they should just fucking leave Sup Forums

They're quite good actually. Not gods though, not even close.

The constant Molam music threads.

Like we get it already, uh!

this so much

too many black people pretending to be white

the idea that anything that isn't the best is shit.
or the bitching about how something could've been better and not appreciating it for what it is

but thats a generally pervasive idea on the internet in general.

too many white people pretending to be black

>Music is objective

No way he was talking about boris unless he's retarded


Way too many Tim Koh circlejerk threads on here.

I know hes hot but still guys cmon

Too many pinkos.


Too many threads about cute ladies. Have a wank to porn amd come back we discuss music here

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't go to /metal/ too much but the few times I've been there people were absolutely shitting on "hipster black metal" like Liturgy, WITTR, Deafheaven, Alcest, etc.

>block and filter all /daily/fags
It hurts you know :(


literally nobody likes any metal unless its doom / drone / death / black

This so fucking much

Too much nigger worshiping. Too much Marxism.



i love u guys :))

People thinking you can't like female musicians for their music. Not talking about Grimes btw, but this happens a lot with a lot of artists and bands.


i don't care if it's some shitty pop singer but when it's a cool female artist who does nothing to invite thirst just keep it to yourself yeah?

thrash is the only other good kind

That's not mickey mouse, THATS TIT DIRT

The overwhelming insecurity (due to true or perceived lack of knowledge) which causes people to lace their opinions in n+1 layers of irony every passing year so that they have an impenetrable shield of non-sincerity about their musical likes and enables them to relentlessly attack anyone who believes anything contrary without actually exposing them (or their favorite pieces) to any criticism which might hold water and God forbid spark an interesting discussion.

bashing an album simply because it's popular or entry level

especially when Sup Forums praises a more obscure band which is basically just a watered down mixture of entry level bands

>the olivia tremor control

This. I think the real icing on the cake was when it became normal to call anybody who is actually knowledgeable on a subject, or even just cares about it enough to discuss it, autistic


I don't think I've ever actually met a person who has heard The Olivia Tremor Control and didn't like them, and I certainly haven't ever heard of someone who considers them "watered-down" anything. They wear the Beatles / Beach Boys worship on their sleeves and put their own touch to it, which is great. That type of insult doesn't even make sense.

People thinking it's funny to spam Christgau/Scaruffi "reviews" (if you can even call them that)

Wow you're fucking clueless

Sup Forums hasn't unanimously worshiped Radiohead since about 2007 or so

People who think surfjan Stevens and frank ocean's new record are good
Like, what the fuck man, I have to pretend to like them now

omg shut the fuck up youre embarrassing are you autistic?


Bork bork

KPOP General is trash

Is this bait because this couldn't be further from the truth. Try these on for size:
Yes you need to actually have an attention span for ambient, but ambient is great; you just have to find a kind you like.

the pretentious fucks at /daily/ and RYM

honestly the poseur meme was the best thing to ever happen on here because it pissed them off so much

Can I just ask you what "personal touch" or "own spin" you seem to think the otc have?


>Grimes, Bork, Charlie, Carly Rae Jepsen poptimists
do you mean anyone that likes them or just those that do nothing but post pics of them

The same guy on here always seems to find me and knows every time I share that I like Marina and The Diamonds first album, calling me a limp dick faggot.

>"lol dadrock sux" idiots
>avant garde autists
>hip hop worship
>kanye worship
>waifufags (inc. grimesfags etc)
>extreme contrarianism

did I mention tripfags?

KPOP is trash, but compared to all the other shit here, at least they stick to their containment thread. they do always steal the gets though

>people to lace their opinions in n+1 layers of irony every passing year so that they have an impenetrable shield of non-sincerity

this right here is the reason the internet sucks

This actually.

Just want a good soul thread from time to time, y'know?

That retard who used to spam pictures of cats
That retard who spams pictures of himself
Ktt crossposters
Meme posters
People who cry about no one wanting to talk about their shitty genre/sub-genre that no one actually listens too

Waifu poptimists. At least kpop generals are only for fapping, but there are actually people on Sup Forums that unironically listen to taylor swift

Ambient music is easily my favorite genre. I am completely serious. Although my idea is fairly broad to include noisy artists like Tim Hecker.

It doesn't matter how much is put into it, you get very little back
I don't like the rascist under current, it is borring
How easy would it be to get a feed for album release dates and gigs?

Chan wants paying and adverts? Get with it then

Most types of music aren't discussed on Sup Forums.

>At least kpop generals are only for fapping, but there are actually people on Sup Forums that unironically listen to taylor swift
And Grimes.

I'm so tired of irony. So tired of sarcasm. People lying, hiding all the time. SO TIRED OF IT.
Why are you scared? All you people. Why are you so afraid of yourselves?