
Thailad's new king edition

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He looks like a faggot.

Thailand is fucked.

i am white because i can get sunburnt

why are YOU white?

Stop eating meat.

me having a sit

they had a military coup not too long ago anyways


cara is such a slag

>living in a climate that burns your skin

thailad btfo

feli city

thialad about

feel sorry for all of them

real talk for a second?
the cold is actually a bit shit when its REALLY cold out

when its from 15 to -5 its alright

I can't dance.

post your tiny asian cock for all of us to see

hope he cracks down on nonces and noncing

running on empty
fooooooooooood review

always fantasised about moving to some nice cold country like norway or canada but today it was 0c and I wanted to fucking kill myself it was so cold

never again. I'll move to brazil or something

*says something rude or disparaging about the thai royal family*

am i banned from their country now?

>living on an island that kills your food


Mate have you seen the guy?

DEFINITELY a nonce. Just look at it. I think a military coup will happen by the end of the year. Look at these poor blokes.

Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred.


very good video
also describes Britain as a whole and not just London

shame what happened to this country. British architects and planners should be round up and gassed

Hi I found this post offensive and upsetting. Would you please delete it? Thank you.

mongs on here were moaning about the heat all summer and how this weather is comfy but it's just depressing desu


>he isn't a utilitarian
loving every laugh

Do you like hafus?

did i do good lads?

but you're far to busy
busy scissors
busy clippers
hair dresser on fire

t. Bing Wu

whats with her tits

I need quick help here
About to play Fifa for the first time and I can't embarrass myself
Which team should I choose?

what's wrong with her tits? they're like pancakes but she's wearing a larger bra

Hey lad, mind if I punch you in the face?

I would really really really enjoy it (+5 utility points), and I promise I won't hurt you that bad (-3 utility points). Overall a net positive for the world.

>could you imagine the french doing this sort of thing in paris, on the banks of the sei-

being half asian is a blessing for girls but a curse for blokes

are greeks white?

need mates


play all of these at the same time

weird things happen

yeah you did good lad

they do not have the blessing, but they give the blessings

howling at the runt who thought he was 5'9

i'm also 5'7 but it's funny to see a wanna be lanklet get knocked down a few notches

oh my lord those are some droopy baps

ill be ur m8

Think I'm gonna take up vaping lads.

Won't get addicted. Hahehe


the ol' popcorn lung be with you


Third Eye Status: busted open with a musical fucking crowbar

i vope back in 2015 and got bored after like 2 months, its really not addictive

i'm unironically 6'4" and built like a etc. and i could take both you runtlets on with both hands tied behind my back


am so ugly its depressing

christmas gf STILL hasn't arrived in the post lads

Leonardo DiCaprio vapes, and he's not a neckbeard.

I was told I was 5'9'', what did you expect me to do?

leo literally has a neckbeard


wouldn't go to paris if you paid me

would unironically prefer spending a week at a cozy bed n breakfast somewhere in Moors to paris

weird how leo was a babyface in titanic but now he's a fucking middle aged man

1997 doesn't feel that long ago

sick shit SICK

what are you in cm?



>2000 was 17 years ago

>1997 doesn't feel that long ago
its been 20 years

really can't stand the yank that posts here all day

insufferable cunt

the worst

popcorn lung is just nonsensical shit to stop tobacco kikes losing money on people being addicted to a lethal product finally quitting it

>some obscure chemical from popcorn production killed some cunts decades ago
>we bought the worst shite we could from chynah and it had some of this in it too
>most vape has none of it and no vaper has ever gotten popcorn lung
>but we're capable of making the assumption that all vaping causes popcorn lung

It's literally just the varginal Jew going


t. quit a pack a day habit to none in under 3months with vaping and quit vaping all together in 6months


wew i wasnt even born then grandad

>americans in charge of not being dyslexic

yeah weird how people age after 20 years aha




Bet this is from Reddit and someone printed the notice themselves. Sad!

switzerland is angry his entire country is downwind of paris and he has to smell the stink of poo and curry all day

190cm masterrace here

bloody hell

talking heads have lots of great tunes

never realised they were so good



kek im barely 5'8 and i know i break 170 cm

I like the feel of nicotine but don't want to smoke

dont you have a kid to get ready for school or something

i like the feel of penis but i don't want to be a bender

Of course it's fake

>anyone accepting a return from 17 years ago without needing managers authorisation
>manager not knowing who was responsible for each return
>reverse image search
>from /r/funny

I'd rather watch the world burn.


If you aren't half Irish and Half German then you truly are not anglo.

r u a twink

suck off a ladyboy

love it when young twats act cocky without realising that in 4-5 years time theyll be the ones called "grandad"


link so i can pretend i loved it

id bash your head in old man

yeah you


really thinking

start injecting Heroin

Become a girl (male)

hahaha alri pops it's just banter mate

i'm sure you can still do a kickflip like back in the day hahaha you old twat