Why does Albania have the coolest flag? It's not fair. They're such a worthless country...

Why does Albania have the coolest flag? It's not fair. They're such a worthless country, they don't deserve a flag so cool.

>Why does Albania have the coolest flag?

they dont though

Discontinued flags shouldn't count though

technically that is a maritime flag

technically that is a maritime flag
and it's not so much cool

its way cooler than black eagle number 74891 on red background which looks like flag of cartoon villian

rising sun=simple, aesthethic af and actually looks like rising sun, japan is country of rising sun, why the fuck does albania use byzantine eagle?

fuck off you faggot the best flag is the cartoon villain's flag.

They don't

The strip in the left is unnecessary imo.Or at least it should touch the edges

>Or at least it should touch the edges
t. ocd

[spoiler]t. ocd t.ocd t.ocd[/spoiler]

Albo one looks better

It does trigger my OCD yeah

Because it underlines their lunatic mentality

The shittiest flag. Ours has been OFFICIALLY voted best looking flag.


My horde of rapists has a better flag than your horde of rapists

Your flag looks like a 3 year old girl tried to draw the japanese imperial flag

I like this, would put a face to that sun tho

It looks superior to Jap flag, weeb boi

dont' be jealous. yours is cool too but edgier


this is the flag that represents freedom the best

I am not kidding.Without the strip it would certainly look way better