Japanese women

>japanese women

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Can't wait to study abroad

>being honest

Breddy sure they're imagining a good looking, socially competent foreigner and not the western version of their own hikkis.



hahaha those women almost sold out!! please come and get Jap women in a hurry!!

She looks like a stereotypical Asian female who would appear on The Simpson's bt w

I have heard it's because it's considered bad to be jealous in Japan. Sounds really stupid to us but I guess that is how they do it there.

>I have heard it's because it's considered bad to be jealous in Japan.

I too have heard people only tell lies about Japan in foreign countries

As if there is any nation whose women would answer no to this question.

I hear in Japan you never disrespect your elders.

My old man is a bit of a cunt. I couldn't do that, so props to you my Nipponese froemd.

I've heard Moroccan women are cockfiends.

Some Marocanon said if you visit Morocco, leave the big cities and go to an Atlantic coastal town. The girls there run away with foreigners all the time.

pic unrelated

That goes for any country though. Women love exotic foreigners. As a European, I've had tons of American women crave my cock. Meanwhile I see local women crave after Spanish and Italian cock. It's normal to like foreigners.

> Meanwhile I see local women crave after Spanish and Italian cock.
And Moroccan, and Turkish, and Syrian cock as well, Müller.

They get that cock, involuntarily

You mean it's normal for women to like invaders and not men.

what a beta female

Watch it Björn, or i'll invade your women ;)

Come on, what is manlier than invading someone?

they are only saying this to not look bigoted. if given the choice between a foreigner and a japanese man, they would choose a japanese man

Sounds too true to be good.

t. Peter Takeshi

From biological point of view, why should woman be overly concerned about her partner being unfaithful? She already secured access to his desirable semen.

Competition for resources

Because being a parent is a two man job.

I meant women like invaders, men don't.

but your mom and sis are working hard for you

Korean Comfort women 500 people arrested, caught the Korean prostitution organization, In Canada


Yellow fever faggots are the bane of the white race.
You are just as bad as white women who fetishize niggers.

They often do it to improve their English, rather than seeing it as something serious

dont you know the scale?

I used to date a Japanese girl while I was living there. She rarely put out, and told me to bang other girls instead.

Ooga booga.

Where da oriental wimmins be at?

>do you want to date a foreigner?

>answers yes

>answers no


>not korean

Why pick the inferior bunch just to save a few bucks?

I wouldn't date foreigner unless I was myself a foreigner.

engrish teachel prease

they are cheap desu senpai

Korean Comfort women 500 people arrested, caught the Korean prostitution organization, In Canada

>in canada
You don't fuck the ones that are overseas, silly.

not their fault chink men are all MGTOWs

>half the country is virgins
>asking them about dating preferences
That's like asking /r9k/about their preferences. Who cares?