French colonies

>french colonies

Other urls found in this thread:

>Brazilian colo-

Oh wait

>French propaganda


Still better than Haiti.

Haiti's a special case. it's a mix between nigger incompetence and eternal karma-ing

can you stop being so edgy.

>eternal karma-ing

God is French?

>Every colony made independant turns out shit
>Brazil was a colony

You do the math caralho

u were saying friend? :^)

>being so edgy

im not, just look at haiti's history. from duvalier to dessalines it's a show of incompetent fucks. As for karma stuff, just check the natural disasters occurrence here.

Excuse me

I wish you would take it back and pay them back for the 1804 massacre. Monroe Doctrine be damned.

That's because of it's location in the Caribbean.

Just say incompetence incompetence no need to distinguish incompetency based on race when worldwide it all stems from the same causes. incompetency is a worldwide phenomena and attempting to relate it to one area leads to people being unable to detect it when it manifests in a form that doesn't fit their stereotypical lense near them.

You sound non-white

name one competent black country

If you think corruption only manifests in the form it does in the third world you won't be able to detect it when it happens in the EU.

United States of America

Botswana, Jaimaica, Trinidad, Namibia, Kenya is pretty decent. A lot of Carib nations are pretty decent as well.

Do you want nations that are developing well.

What does it means ?

Governor said: Great France attachs with peace, like rural farmers with field soil.

Colonist ranks
>Japan before ww2

>Italy and France better than Spain

is empty because all the people packed their bags and went to paris, yes?

What colonies did they have?
Oh Papua New Guinea?

Australia 1
G*rmany 0

WTF I hate Australia now

Spain should be #3

>not Norway
shit list

>Portugal not #2

Which part is better? Never been there

Should be
Norway>Denmark>the rest

what is this shit?

Comparing the expansion of prehistoric cultures to historical colinialism is anachronistic as fuck. That would make every ethnicity on Earth colonists.

t. archaeology student

>italy, portugal and france better than spain

of course he is
jesus moses mohamed and buddha were originally french as well btw

have you ever looked into French colonies and French administration of colonies? It is quite amusing.

If anyone ever managed to successfully colonise anything, that is doubtless France.

>Native americans: Dead
>First nations: Dead
>Aborigines: Dead
>Maori: Dead
If I was a nonwhite I'd agree to be colonized by anyone else but the Brits

*kills you*
Study those remains nerd lol

Cameroon isn't a french colony retard


>pay them back
They already did and you already invaded them

I really wouldnt say that, full of murder, robbery, poverty and drugs

Trinidad is ok
Trinidad is just small enough and under enough white control to be orderly

To be quite honest we ought to have set off special enclaves in the african colonies and had all the British colonists move there after independence so the blackies can do their own thing without murdering/robbing us.

I think about the area of liechenstein or the isle of wight
3 next to each other in kenya
same in namibia
same in rhodesia
4/5 various costal bits in SA

Funnily enough people have basically done this of their own accord, concentrating in areas

theres actually more black french people than white french people

What did we do?

Non-whites wish they were dead though, we did them a favour.

you mean francophonic


spanish sahara

So like a lot of 0.7 tier HDI nations?

>Trinidad is just small enough and under enough white control to be orderly

Jesus Christ you are shifting the goalposts whites are under 1%

>To be quite honest we ought to have set off special enclaves in the african colonies and had all the British colonists move there after independence so the blackies can do their own thing without murdering/robbing us.

You have no knowledge of you colonial history man if you say stupid shit like this. Literally 'Murrican post material here.

If your colony does nothing to set up a stable state and civil society over those 50+ years of course the country will be prone to instability.