Full metal jacket
batman v superman, honestly
A clockwork orange
Star Wars: TFA
Just checking
I'll get shit for this but I always felt Fellowship of the Ring drags a lot and takes too long to set up the adventure.
chungking express
cut out the first 1/3, it's complete shit
That's the other way around.
the entire first act and some of the second act
but that third act is glorious...
Yeah I'm here to give you shit for that. Immediately livid... the first hour of fellowship hits comfort levels off the charts
Casino royale
It's a drag pretty much until the moment Eva Green shows up, then it's great.
being john malkovich
the third act is by far the worst and its not a great movie.
same applies here
I kinda liked the beginning, the shit with Finn and Poe
Lol no. The only interesting part of FMJ is the basic training at Parris Island.
Try this: start FMJ, then when they arrive in Vietnam turn on Platoon. Now you have the most comprehensive Vietnam war viewing experience. You're welcome.
And yes I know tarkovsky meant for it to be a pleb filter
>Not loving the film from "I believe in America"
We cannot be friends.
40 minute wedding bullshit.
Amazing movie but if this was released today it would get fucking crucified.
Literally one of the best scenes
Civil War
Love Inception, but imo its weak points are the transitions between acts/dubai. The beginning throws you into the world very effectively without speaking down to the audience and spelling out the exact complexities of inception/extraction.
I saw this when I was younger and thought it was fucked up and shitty. Is this actually a good movie?
It was alright, considering a majority of it was stock footage.
That first scene is pure though, that fucking unmoving light man.
Hot Fuzz.
nah. it's okay at best. depressing at worst.
The first 20 minutes of BvS was the best capeshit we've ever seen you pleb.
the first act is literally the only good part
You deserve shit for that. The first part of the Fellowship establishes the comfortable life that the hobbits have grown accustomed to and draws you as the view into it all.
Then drops the nazguls onto it and dire situation everyone is in. It was done really really well. If anything it's the tail end of the movie that drags.
>Not enjoying the magic of The Shire
>Not enjoying Bree
>Not enjoying weathertop
The Avengers
>The comfiest hour in all of film
You triggered me tbqh fammo
The Game
how did this do at the box office?
kindly kill yourself
>muh comfy
faggots, this is not what the book was about
The entire movie/trilogy is garbage, not just the beginning.
The book was pretty fucking comfy too user
>comfy xD
There is nothing comfy about it, fuck off.
Opposite. The first half was a cool new story with unique characters in the Star Wars universe like we all wanted. Second half was a crappy remake of the first movie.
the wedding scene was literally the best thing about the movie
>confirmed for never having read the book
I think by comfy they meant that the purpose of it was to make you feel empathetic about the Hobbits, watching them enjoy their lives and then suddenly be made shitty
World's Greatest Dad
Literally no one said comfy you illiterate retard. While I agree the word "comfy" is overused here, it's an apt description of the shire. Sorry you're too bitter and lonely to appreciate it.
Scratch that. I thought this was about endings.
The Exorcist
You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
That's like saying "uglier" and "ugliest" have nothing to do with the word "ugly".
Hang yourself, you illiterate fuck.
Suck my hairy testicles tbqh lad
Fuck off, the opening scene of exorcist is better than the entire rest of the movie. Unless you mean the parts with the girl and mother where she still isn't possessed.
The beginning was the good part. After that it went downhill
But the montage showing their friendship is the comfiest part of the movie.
Confirmed for pleb.
>so many bad opinions
>I believe in America
I bet you don't even realize how fantastic that opening shot is either
>40 minute wedding bullshit.
Establishing the characters and their relationships flawlessly. It's not even 40 minutes long. Feels like 20 minutes tbqfh. Would have sat through more .
It's not like The Deer Hunter's opening wedding scene which could probably have been cut down to a third the size that it was.
literally the opposite
the opening is really good and turns shit as soon as they leave not tatooine
>not liking pointless Han Solo vs. smugglers spinoff
>not liking.... oh wait ok the movie sucks after that
>>not liking pointless Han Solo vs. smugglers spinoff
only good part desu
>Reddit doesn't like LOTR
We really genuinely have no idea what we mean by Reddit anymore
The reddit meme is so simple and easy to use too. WTF is wrong with people
the butterfly effect. that shit took so fucking long to get good....and even then...
I don't get the
>middle of FMJ is bad
le screaming army man is gone. the plebs can't into the movie any more because it stops being funny to them. they like the "sucky sucky five dorra" meme though. that keeps them around an extra 15 minutes.
that guy with big forehead killing someone in africa? really?
Fantastic movie if you can get past the long ass wedding scene
The first 15 minutes of Spider-man 2 is him delivering pizzas. Many people consider this the best capeshit ever made
>doesn't appreciate comedy gold
I have never, NEVER, told anyone to go back to the place that shan't be named, but this was a very close call.
Exactly. How long does that go anyway? I remember really enjoying this film but a few parts, mainly the weddings scene just felt unnecessarily long. It could have been trimmed at least 20 minutes without losing any of the important stuff.
>I like Spider-Man but not Peter Parker
Yeah fuck you
If a beginning is the first 1 hour 40 minutes...
A Better Tomorrow 1 and 2
Nigga hanged himself in the womb.
>movie to be considered a classic and watched by families everywhere.
>begin it with a scene of the execution of innocent villagers and civilians.
Memes that are ironic tend to be taken seriously over time.
A new hope:
>entire planet blows up killing millions
>arm is sliced off violently; presumably died of blood loss
>death star is blown up killing thousands
>han shoots some poor alien just doing his job
>obi wan is decapitated/vanishes entirely
>Darth vader is shot out of the sky and flung spiraling into the black void that is space
>another arm is sliced off, less violently at least
>jk that wampa arm was bloody as shit
>man is shot dead in spaceship, body crushed by giant robot foot never to have a proper funeral
>more decapitation; luke very creepily holds his own severed head
>lots of various death throughout
>people eaten alive by not one, but two giant monsters
>ship full of various criminals, junkies, SLAVES, and party folk are blown up by the hero of the movie
>yet another hand cut off, this time a robot one at least
Too tired to add more or do the prequels, but I think you get what I'm getting at
What was Hateful 8. I wanted to fall asleep.
You forgot Luke's aunt and uncle's burnt skeletons.
>violence = maturity
Fuck off
Are you completely retarded or just illiterate? The first dude made the argument that force awakens opened with a dark scene; that dude just pointed out the originals had their share of dark moments as well. Do you people just live to argue and freak out?
Well the problem isnt even that it's being taken seriously. It's just being used wrong by people who clearly don't understand what we make fun of redditors for.
But I see your point
Leave him alone, never speak about him again
Its hard to get through the first half hour, is it worth it?
Jack Reacher
The first two LOTR movies are literally perfect. Zero flaws. Only the third one feels a bit too fast paced.