Would you forgo the dawn of personal computers and the internet in order to live in the past?

Would you forgo the dawn of personal computers and the internet in order to live in the past?

You get to keep what memories you have of this age

Possibly Roman times or America when it was great. Nigga im talking slavery ftw !!!!!!!!!

You should go back to Roman times where you were the slave


>you would give up being with gabeN

yeah, because every white person was a wealthy landowner with a bunch of slaves back then, right?

you would be as poor and useless back then as you are now

>we wuz rich n shieet

I'd go back to a time where I could joust.

Too damn right I would! I would BTTF 2 for all its worth.

Hell ye, capitalism was a lot easier to pull off before Marx and Engels fucked shut up with Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto


I would love to live in the 50s. 80s seemed like it was a cool time to grow up as well

Agreed. I'd enjoy the Mash era and the debut of Miami Vice. Women would be far less able to shoot down men like they do now with the internet.


Yes, probably back to the pirate days. I'll be hanged in my prime, yea, but at least I'll get to rape, pillage, and plunder in the name of freedom and liquor.


found the chimp

I think about this pretty regularly.
First, questions:

Do I have time to prepare before making the switch?
Can I choose time and place?
Can I bring anything with me?

>Learn to build a really basic handgun/rifle
>Go back to medieval times
>Be the mightiest wizard in the land
>Have some asshole king start a holy crusade and burn me at the stake in the name of God

Found the failed science major

You got time to prepare
You can choose time and place
You can't bring anything physical that would be out of place in said era but you can retain the knowledge of the present