Why do kids like this exist Sup Forums

why do kids like this exist Sup Forums

I wanna die

Because of shit tier parenting.
Beat the faggotry out of them motherfuckers. Straighten those pussy faggots up.
Legit faggot.

preach user



Because of shitty culture.

rich parents.

Your damn right

the cult of self

Fuck you hater, this little bro is just too fucking legit. Reminds me of my little brother and he is chill as fuck.

you look like a cuck sucking faggot yknow

OPs pic is like 90% of 12 year olds thesedays. They can't all be rich.


social media was the problem

Did you rape your little brother? That would explain a lot

Wait....whats the problem? Looks like a pretty cool kid.....I mean I would never wear that hat....but him wearing it doesn't bother me....

look him on twitter @carsonlueders he acts like a douchebag for his age

they listen to nigger music and think thugs are cool.

Hell Yeah man, and you. You my man check em!


Every generation has edgy faggots. Nothing you can do about it

nice thumbnail

Aight but what is that a pic for ants?
Here you go nigglet

kids like this?

Honestly this is the true answer, social media is one huge fucking cesspool.

Are you 1 year older than your brother


yes kids exactly like that

My bad wrong file
>Inb4 images.jpeg

Kids like this need to get the shit kicked out of them at least once, maybe at least three times.

his twitter makes me want to kill myself more than i already do

Because soccer moms and hipsters are allowed to breed uncontrollably.

agreed but one day hell get what he deserves

Ayyy lmao

No, they have to be taught the values of being a nice, kind and proper person, they do not need to get kicked the shit out of, you sick fuck

this is more than cringe, this is far beyond human kind

and Mormons. Don't forget those sexy bastards.

Because White people are terrible parents.

why is this often so true

Which ethnicity would you then suggest to parent a kid?

Parenting, social media government taking corporal punishment out of homes and schools. Just s general downfall of society.

what parenting? u know correct parenting's illegal nowadays right?

society is going downhill fast

There are a lot less Asian wiggers in the world.

So I can wank it to them

So is jaywalking.

pic not related towards you m8


Get the fuck outta here faggot. He won't learn though butterflies and rainbows, no one learns like that. He needs a good kicking from some niggers.

to tease the pedophiles


In a few years this kid will get more pussy than everyone on this board combined. Hell, he probably already does.

they need both. they need to see the negatives of this lifestyle they are choosing, then, when they are at their lowest, seeing that their lifestyle only leads to pain and death, you come in and show them the better path. raise them from the depths of niggatry like a slingshot towards the heavens. bring them out of the black pit of gangs and nignoggatry and show them the beautiful white clouds of kindness and proper manners.

its sad because its true

Idiocracy, here we come.

>He won't learn though butterflies and rainbows
Isn't that how SJW's got started with their whole special snowflake bullshit?

>"You are beautiful!"
>"You can be whatever you want to be!"
>"Don't mind the haters, they're just jealous of you!"

Get that shit outta here you fucking faggot. To get a better image reverse search the fucking thumbnail you're about to download and download the biggest one you see motherfucker or you can open the damn picture and download THAT instead nigger.
AND this
/this except we might have to say Asian American* causein china everyone's a nigger

They grow up eventually

because 2 random chicks smiled on camera and he knows how to kick ball?

literally walk off a cliff with that logic.

Please tell me you did that on purpose
The thumbnail/image
On purpose

kek i did

It really is

To keep Sup Forums active.

2 meta 4 me.

That's exactly the sjw mentality
Feeding people sugar even though they don't need it. Sugar coating everything will make those fuckers Fat. Then they won't know that they're fat because those fucks don't have mirrors "you don't need to look at a mirror, just trust me you look beautiful" pure cancer and bullshit. No lesson can be gained from sugar coating and child proofing everything!

Tl;Dr - niggers

Sent from my Android phone.

At least if they're fat they'll die early.

Shitskin culture