What are some shows where all the main characters are bad people?

What are some shows where all the main characters are bad people?

The Wire

Naranja es en Nuevo Negro

The Real Housewives of ______

literally this

Friends. Oprah.

Breaking Bad


Game of thrones

Making a Murderer.

Eeeeeeeeeeeexcept he gets a heros death and finalie.........

The Cosby Show

Saturday Night Live.

It's Always Sunny and Seinfeld

>the shield
>mad men
>the wire
>true detective
>breaking bad
>always sunny
>bojack horesman

And a shitload more


I dont know what you mean, Narcos has Pablo Escobar as a main character, fargo's two main characters a murderers, and bloodline, the main character kills his brother

>and bloodline, the main character kills his brother

Why do plebs think that murdering someone who deserves it makes them a bad person? His brother was clearly asking for it. Never has a character been more deserving of a painful death


>it's a Tony breathes really heavily into the mic episode


I think killing someone doesnt make you a bad person, but your own brother? And the way he did it was pretty bad too, at least do it a more humane way.

Not that one. The biggest misconception about Tony is him being an inherently bad guy. He's not. Are soldiers in war bad people? No. They do what they have to do. The same rationale applies to the mob. Everyone in it knows the rules and those outside (family members, citizens) are off limits. Tony is caring, funny, loyal to principle - a lot of redeeming qualities that most ordinary "good" people lack. Even if its accepted that he does bad things, it doesn't make him a bad person.

this very much, not one "good" person in the entire show

Boardwalk Empire