Why aren't there more Asians in Hollywood?

Why aren't there more Asians in Hollywood?


From my perspective:

Asians, besides in concentrated areas, are not that prevalent of a minority (

Pretty much this, the percentage of asians is low in the US and those who pursue the arts is even lower. This is just the latest generic outrage from progressives. It won't stick.

Blacks make up 12% of the population and about 50% of all television and film roles.

They have their own film industries.With better movies, more often than not.

Why aren't there more Mexicans in Japanese cinema?

citation needed

>and about 50% of all television and film roles.
Do you really believe that?


Turn on your TV right now. There's a nigger on it, I guarantee it.

Because mexicans cant speak japanese that well.

Have you ever seen a TV commercial that didnt have a black man married to a white woman in the last couple of years? Me either.

That Asian out of the fast and furious films was easily the coolest one in it. No idea why they killed him off.

touché, Planet of the Apes was on

Why does it matter?

>doubting weaboo power levels
My Japanese is better than my english

Because asians don't kick up a fuss.

Blacks get pandered to because they're constantly whinging, and if they don't get their way they start riots.

no one considers commercials TV roles, come on.

said no one ever

This. Chances are that Cho's agent told him to try luck in Korea, and he dismissed it as racism. His loss, he could've been big there.

i heard that the only thing a jew hates more than losing money is an asian

>Blacks make up 12%

Fucking really? And Americans make fun of Europe.

Because Hollywood has a large impact on our culture and how people are perceived and treated in real life.

Dis yo

>Blacks get pandered to because they're constantly whinging, and if they don't get their way they start riots.

Let's be honest here, most of that whining is from white people acting upset for the black people who don't really give a fuck and just want to be normal and not segregated and put on a pedestal like the SJWs wants to do.

The term diversity in Hollywood only means more blacks. In the UK its starting to mean more muslims. Besides "liberals" that whine about diversity consider asians white as well, they just don't openly say so, yet.

If I had to guess, 75% of the whining is from whites, 20% is from mulattoes, and 5% is from actual blacks.

I turned the TV on, TNT was on, it was some Vincent Vaugh, Jennifer Aniston movie. Not a nigger in sight.

I do. I am a straight white TV commercial actor and ive been out of work.

At least our population isnt 75% sand niggers

do you understand that this is retarded? You could very realistically see a black on every channel and it still wouldn't automatically mean they occupy 50% of every given role. Just because a sitcom has a cast where one in ten characters is black doesn't mean suddenly that they're 50% of all shows altogether.

What the fuck

yeah dude I just saw a commercial for chef boyardee raviolli and for some reason they put in an interracial sex scene but other than that damn I want some raviolli

A meaningless diversion. There are essentially no Mexicans in Japan. There are millions of Asians in the United States, with cultural roots in California & the West that go back as far as the Irish or Italian communities in the Northeast or the Scandinavian & Low Countries populations in the Midwest.

Media both reflects and shapes society. When an ethnic group is marginalized to the point of being omitted almost entirely from the cultural landscape, it skews that society's perception of itself. Which is why people are able to make ridiculous statements like the above comment about Mexicans in Japanese media - the very idea that Asians are PART of American culture, and have been since the days of the Civil War and the Old West, is alien to that kind of person, because their whole experience with American culture (whether from within or without) has excluded that aspect to a large degree.

I don't buy the "there aren't enough" argument. It was a tired old chestnut 70 years ago when the owners of Major League Baseball were using it in the form of "if there were just any black players good enough we'd hire them." to defend the gentleman's agreement segregating the Leagues, with the owners of the Red Sox & Yankees clinging to it for years, even as every other team integrated. No, it's a series of conscious choices that leads to it. Choices by writers, directors, producers, casting agents, even by talent reps.

Because they're boring.

You're that faggot from neogaf that was posting this nu-age liberal bullshit in another thread a few minutes ago.

>Trying to have an intelligible discourse on Sup Forums

I actually mean no offense but you might sincerely have a better time on reddit

Good post. :)

Because Hollywood has always tried to preserve its status as a predominantly white institution. What have you done to help?

Privilege much?

I'm sure some Japanese people have said that, desu.

>John Cho - 5' 9''
>he could've been big there

He was right.

Who gives a fuck? Do you realize that the very vast majority of these movies/tv shows are made just for money and propaganda? They don't care about being fair or progressive or whatever.

Because there's not that many fucking Asians in the US.