My coworker is asking why Western women often look down on Asian women

My coworker is asking why Western women often look down on Asian women.

What should I tell her?

Please be polite, she's a loving wife and mother.

Other urls found in this thread:

Because of those young whores that go with disgusting old fat white men

Because they are the cheap alternative to Western women. Much like Slavs are the discount version of whites.

All western women are bitches against all women, including their friends.

Best answer itt

>cheez balls

Usually it's because they're jealous

you haven't heard of racism? white scums didn't treat Asians as Human several decades ago.



is this newspaper from the UK? oh fuck. how can they chuckle at our slanty bad eyes

But they don't ?

east asian women are viewed neutrally by western women.
The same as say indian women or latina women.

in terms of prejudice or looking down , on average white women look down on or have negative feelings towards blacks by far the most, then probably arab and asian muslims (the kinds who wears abayas and niqabs and hijabs), then probably low class mexicans and latinas.

Then middle class mexicans, east asians and indian women are all viewed pretty well normally without much negative feelings or looking down at all

The same reason she most likely looks down on 'black' people


Pretty sure I've already seen this thread being posted



its natural and normal to be cautious/fearful of the unknown and foreign

Stealing their men

>I saw an asian woman with her halfbreed child walking across the street, I wanted to run them over

Women are fucking psychos

t. chink

I think White women tend to view Asian women similar to how some white men view black men.
A challenge to their place in society maybe?

Both equally stupid.

*tips fedora*

>coming from int
wew lad

>Not recognizing an obvious troll
Welcome newfriend

> This

Because asians are prettier and more submissive


>someone wants to murder a race traitor
First day here eh?

>White women
>Using a term like "genetically inferior"

White """women""" know that asian women are superior, so they get jealous

asian women are usually shorter so they have to be looked down on

>white supremacist race mixer

Hello, cuck!

Because they are short af

T. Roastie

>she's a loving wife and mother
that's why they look down on her

because they are sexually available cheap whores, more supply drives price down, economics 101

Because the submissive Asian stereotype is the epitome of desire by pretty much every man alive.

It's just jealously.

>a jap accusing anyone else of racism

You aren't wrong, but I'm still laughing at you.


I thought the pic was Fred armisen from the thumbnail


Because they know they can't compete

no not really. It's huge facade.

Wrong. any non-white being a threat to the white women social hierarchy will be denigrated and slandered or caveat that nullifies something.

we despise white scums but they would be hated by everyone

Western women are more demanding of white men and they want to keep it that way. Asian women subvert the process by being more accepting. White guys can get an asian wife easier and she will usually appreciate him more.

kinda funny. but would feel very racism and sorry for her especially when she is very serious to him.

How could he be a White supremacist if he thinks Asian women are superior? Are you even thinking before you write?

She reminds me the triggering meme.
Anyway, maybe because of stereotype that some asian women are golddigger, especially Thai?


White men arent the most masculine, and Asian women are very submissive, so it works out. I dont get the craze either, their culture is so odd.

Aren't black men considered more masculine, body wise?

Western men want Asian women, therefore western women dislike Asian ones

asian women are not submissive this is a stupid meme, however they are much more approachable and more receptive of compliments whereas a white woman would look at you like you farted in your face

Cute post

Sure, but not really in a good way. Hard to explain, but its sorta like how you imagine villains to be tough. I meant White men arent as masculine because of their culture. Theres nothing In American or Canadian culture that screams "we're manly men"


Women are always like that with women that men prefer to them. You will never see such vicious jealousy coming from men, even the most pathetic /r9k/ poster will not be like that.


That's obviously a man

American culture is everywhere. I bet American music is very popular in your country, isnt it? I dont hear any German hip hop in my country.


She's not even that attractive, lmao. She has such a masculine jaw I thought it was a tranny at first.

Keep going, a couple more arrows and it might actually make someone laugh.

>I-I swear I'm u-usually very c-c-cc-c-c-c-confident!
This has to be fucking satire.

They're jealous cause Asian don't raisin

Apparently not, unless someone kept up the act for 8 years.

Some people here pretend to be Japanese for longer than that

>American or Canadian culture
Found your problem there. Arab and Germanic cultures tend to be ranked as feminine, while Latin, Slavic, and Asian cultures score high on masculinity.

>Asian cultures
Lol no they dont. Asians are stereotypically the least manly.


Your mixing their physique and their culture.
Asian culture is still very patriarchal and strong career women have a lot of trouble finding partners and obtaining equal positions.

Asian collectivism usually suppress a lot of the more visible aspects of masculinity, but their cultures still rank as very masculine nonetheless. Also,

They get really offended when White men like them or find them attractive.

Pic VERY much related.

Sorta. Im talkimg about how the men act. You cant say a man from Japan, which comes on top in terms of masculinity, is more masculine than a stereotypical Russian.

All cultures have different ideas of what it means to be a man, and being tough isnt a priority in some.

Because they tend to be taller.

>asian woman get lusted after by white men
>white women lust after black men

I'm glad we latinos don't/ barely have this weird complex.

I only like White women, theyre a lot more caring and sweet.

I've never a white guy jealous about a black man, you're making shit up

The jealous ones should be Asian men. Their women don't want them

You can't be fucking serious. This happens on a daily basis on some boards.

Is that a male-to-female tranny trying his hardest to be feminine?

I don't browse any other boards

Just how gullible are you exactly?

>You can't be fucking serious. This happens on a daily basis on some boards.
I have never seen this happen but a lot of people certainly project the notion that anyone cares. Women that are into black guys are viewed as pathetic attention-seekers rather than missed opportunities.

This without a doubt

Slav women>"white" women

White women are jealous because white guys love asian women. It's simple really.

t. my girlfriend

>Bras and panties didn't match
Don't blame him

White women haven been indoctrinated by feminism to be shallow, soulless bitches and despise seeing women in more "Traditional" roles happier than them

I dont see why this germ is complaining, they voted in a leader that wants to wipe out his """culture"""

>asian women

it's all an act retards, they're actually batshit insane from supressing emotions constantly

it only works if you had one in the first place.

this But lots of women here think that you can't speak for yourself, that you are just a housewife and not independent. Maybe it's also enviousness, I'm not sure.

it doesnt matter, all women are shit and will cheat on you, remember she is not yours, its only your turn



It's just roasties getting mad they're being abandoned by white guys. I mean seriously, a white woman in 2017? LUL

An Asian girl had a crush on me when i was young.
We didn't hook up but she did chase after me a bit.


do you really want to know why? competition

people usually see asian women as:
>good grades/smart
>good looks
>extremely hard to attract (and this of course attract men)

so they may have not even one of these traits, but thats how people see them

The real question is why do Jews like slants so much?

A woman that looks like a tranny is making other women insecure.

women are crazy

Isn't Sup Forums one of the most virgin boards tho?

no, those are /c/, /h/ and Sup Forums

jealousy and