Canadian men

>Canadian men

Other urls found in this thread:

>21 old political commentator.
>She doesnt even have a degree yet comments on social issues as if she knows anything.
>Her books are somehow bestselling.

Why are anglos so dumb?


>lol xdddd >she hahaha >she hehehe every girl is a transexual >TFW no trap gf >TFW no FEMININE penis in my mouth! Lol xd!

It's true.

> She
Lauren Southern even sounds like a drag queen name.

isnt this the girl who thought she was aryan but turned out to be spaniard?

top kek

Yeah id rape him


Yea lol!! She was a Nazi obsessed with racial purity and then found out she was actually black but with white skin.

Haha the meltdown on Twitter was hilarious. LOVE WINS AGAIN

>reeeeeee al canadian men

perfect 10.


>Estonian men

He's only 6 months older than me, and he's already gone to college and started a career.

I'm working a dead end minimum wage job and only finished secondary school. What the fuck is wrong with me?

You are lazy and have a bad self-image.

>TFW she will never fuck you with a strapon

Did she change it to fuck with the new Canadian laws regarding xi and xir or whatever the fuck those subhumans want to be called

Do you have a link to this?

She deleted the video a few days later.
She was really REALLY upset in the video and almost began crying.
She is a wannabe-Aryan. She actually has black hair and always used to brag about her danish ancestors.


this is ridiculous, spanish people are white native europeans christians ...
arguable they are whiter than the average american

No they're black

I read it from a troll post on Sup Forums by a genetics scientist from the university of NEET


black hair????

Confirmed non white by Nuremberg laws. Everyone knows all Nazis including Hitler and Goebbels had blonde hair and blue eyes

Latins objectively had the first empire if you count rome
They will probabbly run things in the US soon enough

The Nazis believed in nordicism and wanted Germany to be blonde and blue-eyed through selective breeding

yes they also did sofas and lampshades out of jew skin, soap out of jew fat, and hitler was a jewish virgin with one ball a micropenis and a scat fetish



TFW Hitler believed he wasn't an Aryan

Really makes me think...

Genetics. They're simply an inferior race.