
Christmas Edition

>How do I into classical?
Browse the folders linked below. It's easier for us to then rec you stuff if you have an idea of what you already like.
>I'm ~20 years old and I want to become a concert soloist. If I practice really hard, will I make it?
Almost certainly not. However you can still become a very accomplished performer with enough practice and if it makes you happy, then go for it.
>Do I need to know music theory to listen to classical music?
No, but it won't harm your listening experience if you do.

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. Mostly Romantic up to 20th century/modern, but also includes recordings of music by Bach, Mozart and others
>General Folder #3. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #5. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #6. Very eclectic mix
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy. There is an accompanying chart, available on request.
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic

Other urls found in this thread:


>Handel's Messiah
>Bach's Christmas oratorio
What is some other essential Christmascore?

this is the worst general on Sup Forums

that's a lot of effort for a thing nobody listents to anymomore

>Weihnachtshistorie - Schutz
>Ceremony of Carols - Britten
>Fantasia on Christmas Carols - Vaughan Williams
>Messe de Minuit pour Noel - Charpentier
>L'enfance du Christ - Berlioz
>A Christmas Cantata - Honegger
>Concerto Grosso op. 6 No. 8 'Christmas Concerto' - Corelli
>Weihnachtsbaum - Liszt
>First section of "Christus" - Liszt
>In Terra Pax - Finzi
>Christmas Music - Schoenberg

Post some good, nostalgic Autumn/Winter music.




i like the piano, recommend me something now

Why is Lang Lang so famous? Is it chinese propaganda?



classic mr. nokia tune, thanks

Chinese are like robots, or some sort of insect or fungi. They aren't real people. They are a hivemind of soulless, unblinking animals that exist only to perform specific mundane tasks. The reason they are so prevalent is because there are so many of them, and most people don't really care to question it.

Why was Brahms such a cunt to Liszt?


success breeds jealousy

I think most of his contact with Liszt was when Liszt was in his "rockstar" phase, sleeping with half the female aristocratic population of Europe while Brahms was stuck being Clara's cuck.

There was also the whole war of the romantics in which Brahms got grumpy that everyone liked Liszt so much.

Came here to post this.

Also tasteless plebeians and diversity quotas, largely courtesy of England's (cuck) very own BBC (large black dingus)

Also: Daily reminder that unironically listening to anything other than Mozart is literally pointless.


yeah the former sounds like some pop-psych 101 sophomoronic bullshit. The latter explains everything. Brahms had serius reservations about the saccharine and melodramatic sound that had come to characterize the romantic period following Berlioz. Brahms was trying to maintain some order so that music wouldn't go to shit at the hands of Debussys and Mahlers and Schoenbergs. Honestly I like two of those composers but in a very tangible sense those guys really destroyed musical academia.

>tfw you will never play Handel and Bach with Mozart

>not liking Showahnbuhg

>those guys really destroyed musical academia.
no they didn't, you autist, anymore than "le barbarians destroyed rome"

its not like musical academia by third quarter of the 19th century was worth saving anyway.

I was memeing a little bit. But I remember reading an excerpt from Clara's diaries in which she got very angry at Liszt for turning up to drunk to dinner at their house and then going away to call on some high-class woman because he got bored. Or something to that effect

>with Mozart

Wrong, its Mahluh whom I hate. Although odly enough I am a massive fan of Shosty. I guess the satirical nature of his music plays better as a case of railing against an oppressive regime. Ironically that oppressive regime is probably kept him from developing into a second-rate Berg.


>from developing into a second-rate Berg.
Yeah, instead he developed into a third-rate Mahler.


there is a general for k pop

I always find it amusing how pretty much everyone talks about the circumstances surrounding Shostakovich's music instead of the music itself. Though I suppose it's appropriate, since 2/3rds of the man's works was generic populist shite, filled to brim with """"satire"""" that can't get over itself. And apparently neither could Shostakovich, since he recycled that satire in numerous compositions.

I fucking hate Shostakovich so much. Garbage composer.

his late quartets and his last two symphonies are good

his most commonly played music though is pretty bad, i agree. if i hear that 5th symphony one more god-damn time

and dont get me started on "le portrait of stalin" movement from the 10th symphony

>not liking the 5th

someone recommend me important Bach pieces for my comprehensive introductory playlist for my friend. I sadly don't know my Bach that well to pick out the best.

Schumann's Piano Quintet is GOAT

not even close to GOAT status you fucking embryo


Prelude of Well-tempered Clavier #1 in C, Prelude of Cello Suite #1 in G, Toccata and Fugue in D minor (BWV 565), St Matthew's Passion opening Chorus (Kommt, ihr Tochter, helft mir klagen) and closing Chorus (Wir setzen uns mit Tranen nieder), St John's Passion opening Chorus (Herr, unser Herrscher), Choral prelude "Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ" (BWV 639), Goldberg Variations Aria

I have been listening to some Händel lately, and his music is divine.


back to RYM you go

I'm writing a paper on Mahler. Which of his pieces would contrast well with one of his Wunderhorn lieds?

>listen to Sibelius
>it's fucking legend of zelda music
What the fuck, Finland.

anything, the wunderhorn lieder don't even sound like the other lieder he wrote

Is the accordion, dare i say it, our instrument?

The only legacy Finland has given to the word are dank memes.
They're terrible at anything else.

God I hope not

>Shostakovich was in many ways an obsessive man: according to his daughter he was "obsessed with cleanliness"; he synchronised the clocks in his apartment; he regularly sent cards to himself to test how well the postal service was working.
Was he autistic?

Almost as bad as Bruckner stopping people with buttons on their clothing so he could count them all.

How'd he do it?

That fucking trio from the scherzo gets me every time. Like, seriously how could that music be conceived in early 19th century Vienna?

Op. 131 and this C major quintet divide all subsequent chamber music. There is no third.

Post Mozart's most underrated piece. NOW!

I remember that a decade ago my music teacher showed in class a video of his son performing a concerto for accordion.

I like Valse triste. I'm Finnish though.

Was it good?


lmao did he wipe his ass with the bottom left corner or something

I don't remember. It was a decade ago and I was a little kid who didn't listen to music at all.
Now I'm interested, though, can anyone rec a good accordion concerto?

Hildemith's Kammemusik No. 1 has an accordion, if that counts.

What would Beethoven think about you, your piano technique and your compositions?

I can just make up some bullshit about how my shitty piano playing is considered exceptional in the future

>teaching your son how to play a classical accordion

How can you possibly hate your prole this much? If he really likes music he is stuck with a shit instrument, if he doesn't you have wasted his childhood with an instrument that everyone see as lame.

What a shit move.

I'm pretty sure that he would be pissed at you because you haven't mastered the baroque and classical style.

How would he know if he's deaf?

the nutcracker is such a silly name

what were they thinking?

>about an anthropomorphized wooden tool used for cracking nuts
why not call it The Nutcracker

Well why don't you come up with something better if it's so silly?

guys, where do you find sheet music?


How about "Wood Toy Saves Christmas"

t. actual chinaman

Terrible, see me after class.

Thanks user


China has a new money McMansion culture of importing luxury western products. Classical music is like a Dolce & Gabbana purse. It isn't handed on to them over the centuries from their perspective.

It's foolish of me to not listen to Handel more since I only really know English. I'm just used to hearing music purely as arranged sounds I guess.

How about the Nutcracker? It's everywhere these days.

LiterL /r/classical tier post

Why do you guys hate popular compositions this much?
Plebs don't really care about old nerd music anyway.

I started listening to classical within the last couple months, and I've realized it takes multiple listens to find out if I really like a certain piece or not. Will I ever reach a point where I can get enjoyment out of a piece on first listen?

There are many superficially attractive pieces.

For instance:

you will never have sex if you don't listen to this song

Why the fuck are you posting something I already posted on the thread you piece of shit.
I wish I could hate you and your whole family to death you stupid fuck.

t. Erik Satie

I don't mean relatively simple(?) pieces like that. My favorite symphony right now is Dvorak's 9th. It's a pleb choice, I know, but it took me multiple weeks to fully appreciate. Same goes for Beethoven's Grosse Fugue, and pretty much everything else.

My question is if I will ever be able to tell what I like upon first listen.

Not always.


Has your favorite composer composed a cell phone ringtone?

>Christmas music

It was supposed to be a lenten, piece, or at least that's what Handel intended.

That was really nice

pop is boring, classical composers know what they're doing, and we dont really care what plebs think.

Its my main instrument these days. Play it every day. Learning to sing thin rowan correctly (in Russian of course).

based italians

Ever heard this gorgeous guitar version? youtube.com/watch?v=7udClrQtmws

I was talking about popular classical compositions.
Don't bother replying, I'm going to filter you.

I listened to Das Lied von der Erde. The ending was really beautiful.

gay visuals :^)

I like the warm sound of the guitar, it sounds nice.
Kinda shitty that you need two to play the full piano score though.

There's a third one here and there.

Yeah, that sucks.

remove kebab

what are some good pieces with a nostalgic, sweet, kind of magical or exotic feeling similar to debussy?

ravel and petzold