Would you be ok with your future daughter dating a black guy who was:

Would you be ok with your future daughter dating a black guy who was:

>Well dressed
>Well spoken
>hated niggers
>had a good job

Be honest

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>Well dressed
>Well spoken
>had a good job

Not OK:
>hated niggers


ofcourse, blind racism based solely on skincolour is nigger-tier.

not all blacks are niggers
although most of them are

My family has not kept my lineage clean for this long for her to fuck it up. So not a fucking chance.

If you say yes, you are what is wrong with society

So you'd let your daughter date and have sex with a black guy if he was a good person?

Her taking black dick wouldn't bother you????

Well said but the conservative. I'd have no opinion.

>Not OK:

ohh, what happened to "liberals are so open minded"? you're open minded to everybody that thinks exactly as you do. you are what you preach against and claim the other guy is. projection is the term for it. you are a fucking joke except for the fact you are so dangerous to a free society.

Well said.

it would only bother me if i didn't get to watch her swallow that fucking tool down to the nuts. that would kind of piss me off.

>hated niggers

No! I would rather have her fuck a dog and pay her rent that way.

Well spoken well dressed upstanding citizen pays taxes doesnt chimp out? Fuck yeah dont care that the man is black just that hes not a nigger

Is only inconceivable if your an illiterate degenerate that doesn't know what the word nigger means. Stupid nigger

Some of my better friends are liberals, but what you say is true about them too. It's like people who self-identify as liberals can't fathom the idea of there being dissenting opinions from theirs and will frequently persecute those who hold said opinions.

yes, regardless of specific attributes the resulting offspring would be looked down up and ostracized

>reads post wrong
>responds wrong
I meant that it is inconcievable that any nigger would hate niggers in general, have you seen those BLM terrorists before?

i'd masturbate to just the though of it

Obviously dating an African so no.


I just did.

nope. nappy headed kids with wide noses are ugly. i dont want my daughter to settle for ugly kids just to show she is progressive

Yes. Much better than dating some liberal hipster faglord

This. Would rather my daughter date a conservative black guy than a liberal white nu male

Liberals are, without a doubt, the most intolerant people I know.

Choose one kek
If you're a man and you identify as a liberal, you're just a big ass bitch

Well dressed, good job yes.

AND a small dick. I dont want to nigger drilling the grand canyon in my little baby.

ZERO kids tho, unless he's super athletic and will make me pro money.

Ya, as long as he wasn't liberal I'd be ok with it.

I actually don't have anything against black people, but come on, having your daughter date someone who fits in with the rest of the family isn't really much to ask for and doesn't make you some kind of Nazi.

But what if personality and beliefs wise, the black guy fits in with the family?

Would you be open to them dating at all?

It would be fine with me as long as he wasn't a nigger.

>a black guy who hates niggers

lmao at this fucking newfag

full triggered by some random, probably underaged, person on an anonymous image board, nice

>Nice bait libfag.

You know he's right.


>>Well dressed
>>Well spoken
>>hated niggers
>>had a good job

because of all this, he would get shot immediately by another nigger. so yes, would be ok for me.



Why is it ok for black people to shoot white people, but not for white people to shoot black people?

>tfw black lives matter activists riot through the streets yelling "what do we want? DEAD COPS. when do we want it? NOW"

No, iv'e known a lot of niggers who are.

>Well dressed
>Well spoken
>hated niggers
>had a good job

and somewhere down the line they always seem to fuck up ALWAYS.


Where have you bee fro the last 300 years?

All coal burners will be purged.

>kill yourself kike

No I want you to watch a hot chick get fucked by a nigger OP

implying you haven't/aren't fucked up

Im sure you cant fuck up an inbred blood line any worse by race mixing. If Anything the nigs genes will be dominant and cancel out the deformities.


That was pretty fucked up to say.

If you hate your race so much then just kill yourself.

If he isnt a ghetto retard then thats fine.

Nigga im black, only whitebois kill themselves. Im assuming your witty comeback would be "hurdurr u nig gon get shot by polise". Well to that i say it be better being shot than living a life as a scrawny pathetic beta fag too scared to do anything like the ever growing majority of white western society.

Very much so, that'd be a fucking God send. Praise the /k/ cube of war.

*He tried so hard and got so far... but in the end,, he was just a troll nigger*

I am a proud north dakotan white man. My family is damn near pure blood with almost all of it being either English, Welsh, and Scottish. Call me inbred all you want, but I do not want my future daughter being "PC" or going for someone who will ruin the bloodline. I want her to be proud to have a man that will not leave her and name the kid Shanequah or Tyrone. If you do not like being white, do us all a favor and off yourself.

Not a liberal, but "you're open minded to everybody that thinks exactly as you do" isn't true for the one example of Muslims.

They just don't seem to like Christian conservatives, which, I can't really blame considering how degenerate and disgusting you people are.

>overused meme
You're as edgy as a circle.

fck no

Is there any video of that chanting going on?

>basically me

>I'm not a liberal
>Proceeds to defend sand niggers

Sure Carl.

>pure blood
Ignoring that biologically speaking we as a species need diversity in our genes. the only way to truly be "pureblood" is to keep your family in a shack off in the country side and popluate the area with your mother and your/her children and there children. Just keeping the bloodline pure eh awhole new meaning to redneck.

>If you don't have nigger blood in you then you're a redneck

>If you don't want your kids to fuck a nigger then you must be inbred

This shit is either samefagging or bait. Nobody is this fucking stupid on purpose.

Its bait.

Look whose stupid. completely misinterpreting what has been said.
Never said you needed nigger blood. Just making the point that being pure blood of anything does not exist unless you literally keep it in the family you mouthbreather.


fuck off faggot gtfo


So why doesn't everyone just check mixed on their job applications?

According to you whites don't actually exist.

Because there's only conservatives and liberals right? Frankly they're all borderline retarded.


No books.google.nl/books?hl=nl&lr=&id=BMXVZzvLXz8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=inheritance of intelligence and environment&ots=K-nYiF_QuA&sig=5PacPY72szQGAtfkkAPHWG1UlSs#v=onepage&q=inheritance of intelligence and environment&f=false

Everyone is retarded except you right?


>who is
>vapid cunt

What are you talking about, OP? Most of the guys on Sup Forums would be too busy trying to fuck their own daughters.

Thanks for sucking on muh bait dumb cuck



Yes. Reason?
you have not described a nigger.

Do you hate black men because they have bigger pee pee?



>whites dont actually exist
Are you brain dead. Where and when did i say that. How could you possibly have gotten that. A white from the south of America And a White from canada. Would have different genes due to epigentics ie their environment and other factors. Making both their complex bloodlines diverse enough for healthy offspring. This Applies to every person on the planet who isnt a direct blood line to you you numbskull.

I am glad I am of UK decent. I do not have to be tied to others until I get way out.

I'd be fine...who doesn't want to see his daughter ploughed by a monkey?

>posting this comic
>Being this butt hurt
>being this pwnd

Nimmer!! sciencenordic.com/scandinavians-are-earliest-europeans

Honestly I wouldn't care unless she had kids with him. Not even in a traditionally racist way, I just want white kids and for them to have white kids right up to the point where it's no longer sinificantly beneficial/makes their lives easier.

No, I'd like my grand kids to resemble me in some way.

The dubs have it.

>still uses the word pwnd
>like a 12 year old

go back to 9gag, faggot.

Wow you truly are inbred

You can't check your own dubs, faggot. This is just embarrassing.

Fight me at my pokegym IRL

What part of disgusting smelly swamp donkey jiggaboo don't you understand?

The fuck you can't.


No you dont , the isolation actually leads to further specialization were as : all interbreeding for muh diversity leads to mediocre quality of people as you revert to the common denominator.

Now when you factor in that africans are a earlier step in evolution is absolutely undesirable to interbreed with them.


He'd have to be as rich as a slave owner.
