Brace yourselves for more rioting, protesting and cop killings

brace yourselves for more rioting, protesting and cop killings....

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Gee, increasingly more black innocent people are getting its pbscene for people to get more and more angry

does not excuse rioting or revenge killings

News flash:

Everyone's getting shot. Doesn't matter what race they are. Media only chooses to cover when the blacks get shot so the #BLM hate group can attack more police.

Honestly I wouldn't give a shit

Fuck the police.


At some point, yes it does. It keeps happening, the officers get away with this shit. And no reform happens. There needs to be zero tolerance on this shit. These are the people we choose to empower. And if they can't do their fucking job, then we take it back and show them what happens when they don't.


im usually on the fuck the nigger for being a criminal side of things

but am i reading this right? the guy was watching an autistic dude, surrendered on his back, and was shot?

this one seems fucked up


If the cops stopped murdering innocent people none of this shit would have happened.

Gonna need to see a source on that OP

So the plan is to just attack people just because they're cops. Even the ones that aren't crooked and are upstanding pillars of the community. Pretty fucking sound plan you got there.

Doesn't resemble ISIS's plan to kill people just because of who they are at all. Not one bit.

BLM's a fucking terrorist group at this point.

at some point the country will descend into chaos and anarchy and people will cry out for help but the uniforms will not come. when that day arrives, the military will seize power and the country will lose freedom. wake up and see what is happening in front of your eyes.

I enjoy it when cops die and I enjoy it when niggers die, so I'm really enjoying all these chimpouts lately

>killing people states away that had nothing to do with anything is ok
Neck yourself


You ask them to wake up, yet you are all going to vote for trump and fuck this country


literally any news source right now? google the words "north miami" "black therapist" "police shooting", its not hard.

No it doesnt and the minute you put domeones life in danger. Yours is forfeit if they carry. You want to act a fool. Expect the consequences. Destroying your own areas and public,private property is stupid. Police profile for a reason. Its not racism to profile a group of people who are extremely violent and uncivilized. espechially inner cities. When some blows your brains out protecting themselves. Its going to be your fault for rioting.

don't worry, people will find a way to explain it away so somehow the cops were in the right because cops are somehow above the rest of us peasants and are incapable of making mistakes.

for England, James

>good cops
Where are the good cops when another innocent person is murdered? Why wont they stand up and denounce the bad cops? Why dont we hear a peep from them?

>he thinks you have freedom

You can't even tell me where your food you eat comes from or what its made of

Oh hey the first one i've seen where it was actually unjustified

I support BLM and I think the cop killing is abhorrent. these don't have to be exclusive thoughts. any sensible person is going to recognize that perpetuating violence with more violence is never the answer.


Even when you adjust for population size, whites on average are getting shot more. Secondly, the most realistic simulation done thus far showed that cops have a disproportionate hesitation rate when shooting blacks, in other words they were the most hesitant to pull the trigger on blacks than any other racial demographic. Thirdly, even before the cop killing spree, cops were more likely to get shot by blacks than unarmed blacks were to get shot by cops.

>"I support BLM"

so did the ex-marines who decided to go on a rampage

>where are the good cops
I just saw a video on social media where cops and BLM in iowa, I believe, had a huge Q&A/Barbecue with the community. The mainstream media won't focus on these things though because it doesn't get ratings and views

Maybe because it's not their fucking job to go in front of the cameras and microphones. They aren't allowed to do that.

Try talking to one rather than wondering why you don't see them on the news.

>Muh hasty generalization

TLDR version

>autist retard-smashes out of idiot jail
>sits in street and shouts
>cops respond, retard catcher responds
>autistic dude yells for sonic
>cops get scared
>shot would be chromosome burgler in leg
>dudes alive, sent back to bel air

Bullshit. This is exactly how blm started. Burning , and destroying shit over a thug. Instead of waiting for due process. BLM are an ignorant, violent, destructive, intolerant, radical group, of people just wanting special privledge. How about the blm niggers killing black cops. Guess that black mans live didnt matter.

Of course they'd hesitate to shoot a black person rather than a white person.

White people don't chimp the fuck out when whites get shot.

>we chose to empower
Who's this we your talking about?
I have never approved any of these people to be an officer, its up to only 1 person and not the communities choice who they are suppose to be servicing.

What do you expect? Before every violent revolution people in power were abusing the shit out of less powerful people. And we're all sitting here twiddling our thumbs saying "yep, that happened. That shouldn't happen. Something should be done." But nothing happens. We're turning a cold shoulder to them. You expect them to lie down and take it? Especially when their peaceful protests never seen to bear fruit? What option is left when the system fails? Just accept it?

No. The only time action seems to happen is when white people fear violence as well. We've become complacent with this shit because it doesn't impact us. The people who are supposed to embody simply can't just run around like terrified pussies with itchy trigger fingers when it comes to blacks. So I say let them see something that is truly terrifying and know the difference.

and I condemn his actions as well. a single person doesn't speak for a group of thousands. he's an asshole and a terrible person, and certainly not a fucking martyr like some BLM people have commented. even so, I still generally support the idea that black people are treated like second class citizens by police, disproportionately. but I think police brutality also impacts all races and is just a general problem.

they'd get fired if they spoke out against some of their own. You gotta understand that cops are like a brotherhood, they look after each other and back each other up. It's unlikely you'll see them go against one another.

People were sick of police violence. The police changed nothing, a lot of rhetoric was thrown around without any real change as often happens. More people died, more of the same except this time the media didn't care us much. Now, I don't support violence, and I think killing innocent officers for the acts of guilty ones isn't right, but why the hell is anyone surprised this is happening? If talking yields no results, what option have you left? As if often the case in these situations, people realized they still could use force. Perhaps next time the police shoot an unarmed man, they'll consider actually punishing the cop, for fear of an armed man shooting an officer in retribution.

I condemn the rioting as well. but you have to recognize that a small portion of BLM rioting doesn't speak for the actions/motives of the entire group.

I think too often BLM people jump to conclusions about justifications (specifically lack there of) in cases involved with police and use of force. I try to take a pretty neutral stance, but that doesn't mean that police are perfect or always justified.

threads like this are just stupid. Nothing changes, life goes on. You may as well just accept that police are crooks and live your life in fear

So they're asking for it?
>oh the irony

>Especially when their peaceful protests never seen to bear fruit?

What "peaceful protest?" Every single time I've seen a "peaceful protest" from BLM some dumb motherfucker starts some shit and turns it into a riot.

They're standing in the middle of a fucking highway blocking traffic while spewing insults at cops and trying to call it a "peaceful protest."

No. Theybjust atent getting the bullshit political cotrect intimidated results that they wanted. Whether right or wrong.

Political correctness ignored and didnt show zimmermans face. How badly trayvon fucked him up. And in defense got shot. Political correctness thigs pushed prosecution to make it about racism and lost a case that they might have won because zimmerman was told to stop following trayvon by a dispatcher. But hey. Details are nothing blm ficknuts give a shit about.

Lack of transparency on the part of both sides, I think, is why people are jumping to conclusions and sparking these black vs cop wars. Media are partly to blame, as well as the cops that fail time and time again to justify their actions.

He didn't even die, don't expect the Jewish media to run with this as fast as a actual dead person. Did he deserve it? Not at all.

Chaos and anarchy only arise when the system has failed. Riots aren't for nothing. Something started it. And it's when guilty people hey away with shit because of an imperfect system. If the system never revises and fixes itself, it's going to be the reason the chaos of created in the first place.

I'll agree, making this about race is something that infuriates me to no end. The police are a problem to white black asian and mexican Americans. Frankly, making this about race and creating a divide, instead of going "hay, fuck the police, they'll shoot your son" is something I find dumb as all hell. All live matter, and the police shoot everyone. How about we stop drawing lines in the sand and focus on the real issue?

Anton was illegally carrying a gun. He was a sec offender who raped a minor. Had drug charges and i think other stuff. He flashed a gun at someone to intimidate them. Gun was in his pocket. Hands went for it and officers responded to the threat.

But hey political correct fuck nuts and mainstream media ignore this shit and kill leo. For a thug rapist who had a gun and went for it.

cont -

I also think sides are really quick to jump to the defense of one or the other without looking at a situation with any kind of critical thinking. the people who are super BLM are going to take the side of the PoC, the people who aren't are going to defend the police officers, and there's not much of a common ground or not too many people looking to actually go over the incidents and think about them.

there are people out there who are going to instantly defend the cop who shot Oscar Grant, for instance, despite very obvious video evidence and the cop actually getting sentenced. same with things that seem like a fairly obvious overstep like eric garner - "well he shouldn't have been doing something illegal" becomes the most common phrase, and it's like...since when have we given police the justification to execute over petty crimes?

this latest event is just the same. the BlueLivesMatter crowd is going to find out some justification that the cop was right in what he did because cop. just depressing when we can't get past our preconceived notions and try to weigh some evidence and think a bit.

The issue really lies with the combination of the police union and the justice system.

The police union is designed to protect cops from being abused or taken advantage of (like all unions) which in theory is a good thing. In reality the unions actions boil down to "Cops protect cops no matter what" so whether or not the individual police officer is in the right or wrong doesn't matter, they will be protected. Any officer that does something that goes against that, such as standing up and denouncing bad cops, is punished by the other police, this can manifest in several ways such as not being promoted (ever), mistreated by you fellow officers, or in more extreme cases even violence against that officer.

The justice system is also affected by the police union. Lawyers and judges need police officers to cooperate with them so they can do their job, and if you are going around criticizing the police or the police union, they won't. This "status quo" is also enforced by other lawyers in judges because they, in many cases, are just as engulfed in the police state dogma as the officers themselves.

Then again this is not just happening with the police union, many MANY unions operate in this same way.

tl:dr Unions are great in theory but end up acting like the mafia, the Police union is just the most obvious about it.

Who the fuck is talking about Anthon?

cont -



Thats one of the latesy do called victims blm dpouts off. It was only all over the fucking news just before and during the dallas shooting. BLM is talking about him. Thats who.

Kill all the police and start again

Just adding on to this.

The reason we continue to have bad cops is the same reason we continue to have bad teachers/nurses/electricians/etc.


Truth. You reach for a gun, you die period. A gun he wasnt legally suppose to carry.

But im glad you supprt a convicted child rapist. True colors and intent showing.

We trust our very lives with the police. They basically police themselves and because they are tied in so close to the justice system and because they are mindlessly celebrated like troops, they never deliver real justice to themselves. Instead of serving the people, they're terrified everyone is going to pull a gun on them and it becomes an "us vs them" scenario with policing. They are thinking of their safety over the people's safety. And whenever our trust is broken and they can't hold themselves actually accountable, there HAS to be a response. When lives are lost illegitimately they can't walk away with resignation and a slap on the wrist. But we see them acquit each other left and right because the laws demands far more proof for something we all know to be as wrong.

Want to fuck with the Police?
Get fucking rekt.


Miami is 95% Cubans and other spic mongrel races, all of which are the most racists mother fuckers you can imagine (btw all latins in Miami, no matter how dark, all will tell you about how "white" they are) & they sure as fuck won't give a shit about a black guy getting shot, the small percentage of blacks that live here, that don't play for the Heat, are too busy stealing bikes, begging for money in the middle of EVERY intersection of the entire city, and stabbing each other to cause much of a protest.

Half of the video was cutout on that link, i assume the website did it to censor the violence. Anyone got a source with the full video?

I wonder how many people will show up at your funeral. God I hope at least one.

Your literally just citing the recent highway shit.
Every other time there are rallies around city halls and police departments in the cities this shit happens at.

It's fucking happening

trump wants this

I support the Wermacht, but think the Nazi party is abhorrent. Any sensible person can see that the Wermacht and the Nazi party were two separate entities.


it doesn't you fucking chimp moron.
This is exactly why you negers will always be where you are right now....
Nothing legitimates violence today

tbh this one was pretty fucked, a black tardwrangler was shot while laying on his back while his tard sat there with a white toy truck

I wrote some other fag wrote I dunno why you brought up anton in the first place, but yeah he seemed like a pretty bad guy judging from his past. I think it's fair to use that as an indicator of the kinds of actions he might take in the present. I understand why he was shot and it definitely appears he was reaching for a gun. I think it was pretty justified.

could you say it again? but with more epic maymays this time?

And when leo walls off your lovely ghettos and makes them no go zones. After the general civilized public has had enough. Then what. Dumbasses like you with this type of sentiment are the problem. You'll reap what you sowe at some point (the point public opinion is fed up with it)and it wont be pretty. Then who are you going to blame?

'need a cig'

Why are cops so resistant to tasering people?

Tell that to the cops then.

Also I'm white.

You guys can argue about how it's wrong for others to murder cops until your blue in the face or your fingers bleed. It's pointless. Nothing you think or say vwill change the fact that more people are going to take up arms against police. More police will die, and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's too bad this is how it's going to be, but this is how it's going to be, period. The police brought this on themselves and are being profiled for a reason.

Yeah. Why do they opt for the gun when a Taser is safer?

false equivalency, but I'm sure you're just trolling, new friend :)

Prep for the race wars of 2016. Shits finally about to come to a head. Scary watching the impending shit storm we're about to go through. No way we're not waking up to riots in the streets in the next couple days here. This at a time when nobody with half a brain would support any politician we are about to elect to lead us.

and that's when a bunch of good cops become bad cops.

Because just like the majority of thugs that have died because of their actions. BLM supports these fucks. I didnt quote anyone in my aton post but was called a dick for posting facts on blm and mainstream medias ltest posterboy. At least around the dallas shootings.

BLM supports thugs, violence, ignorance, destruction, and radicalism. Tearing up their own neighborhoods from day one o er thugs.

My entire family are cops. Dad, two uncles, grandfather, great uncle, etc.

I get that policing is a brotherhood. But that's part of the fucking problem. They're supposed to be servants of the law and the community, not part of some justice gang. There's some fucked up shit going on in police culture.

>increasingly more black innocent people are getting shot
like who? most of the blm martyrs have been criminals attacking people or resisting arrest.

Tazers do not always work. They do have a failure rate. From clothing. To certain drugs making people resistant. To the person in general.

A single bullet doesnt always work. Espe ially on doped up perps. Someone can be walking dead from a shot and still charge you. Its why they fire multiple shots till body falls.

Dont want to be shot dont be stupid. Seriously.

Why do you support the BLM?

Have you ever used a taser? Been tased? I doubt it. If you knew how difficult it was to get a good hit on someone you'd be a little less clueless.

Ooh yeah? Like that one guy who fled the cops because he had a warrant out for his arrest for bailing on child support and guy shot in the back?

Let me know when you give up fox news

Is running a red light a death sentence?
If it's 2am and I carelessly turn left on red on an empty road should my right to a trial be taken away because I was stupid?

It's your own fault for importing so many niggers in the past.

So running away, having your back turned, or being pinned down by two cops earns you a lead salad?

When the streets run red with blood of the innocent.
Only one man can do the job right.

>so many retards shitting on police and defending niggers ITT

redditors out in full force
