Trump says U.S. funds spent on border wall would be repaid by Mexico.

"The dishonest media does not report than any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!" Trump said on Twitter.

CNN and other media organizations reported on Friday that Trump's transition team had signaled to congressional Republicans that he preferred to fund the border wall through the appropriations process as soon as April.

How does this make you feel? I think the MAGAs got flim-flammed and it gives me shameful joy.

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Only a little bit more than half of Trump voters say they actually believed this line of bullshit from him, and most of those are probably memeing.

>build a wall
>have american tax payers pay for it

Isn't his plan to recoup the costs by fucking with remittances to Mexico?

That's what the article says. I have no idea what they mean by remittance, though. Is it just 'money sent back to the family in mexico?' If so, how on earth would that be enforced?

Of course it gives you joy, you will never be happy with any success he has. Anyway, the man hasn't started yet and already he has done more for the economy than Obama in 8 years. If he only does a portion of what he promised it will already be better than the disaster HRC would have been.

Sometimes I wonder why do other countries suck up Trump's dick, it's pretty weird...

>He thinks Mexico will have any money to pay with
Regardless of the issue no Mexican politician can agree to pay for the wall and live you must be delussional not to notice his fucking barrage of tweets are fucking destroying our economy. There simply will not be money to pay for the wall. Again, provided any Mexican politician would be that stupid not to know it'd be the end of him.

Fact, we will never pay for the wall.

You're right, he hasn't started yet, and you're also right that I'm not feeling charitable. Regardless, this does feel consistent with 'Trump as persuasive con-man' narrative. The 'better than Hillary' argument is rapidly losing steam and will become a bitter joke at his expense if he fails to deliver.

I think there's two sides to the man - if you are on his side, you're great together! If not, you see how he salts the earth. I wonder how much of the wrong side of trump his base is willing to tolerate.

I have been telling this exact thing for the last 2 years and people didn't listen.

>how could he win
>if he wins, the wall and trump are going to be good for mexico, somehow, LOL XDDD

Don't think anyone with half a brain expected him to get the money first and then build the wall: legislation moves slowly so for the wall to be built the process needs to start asap.

Mexico was never going to pay for all of it, it's a classic business negotiation tactic
>you are going to pay for the wall!
>you are going to pay for the wall!
>you are going to pay for the wall!
>you are going to pay for the wall!
>you are going to pay for half of the wall!!
>see, that's more like it! (ha, stupid American actually thought we were going to pay for all of it, we showed him!)

If Trump gets his policies enforced, USA is in deep shit when consumer prices start to go up. Little point in manufacturing domestic products when you can't sell them like you used to.

Also I don't want to think how much taxpayers money and debt are going to be wasted on Trumps infrastructure projects.

Shut the fuck up you libtard kikes


He said so, now fuck off

Not a single fucking cent.

He also said he was going to have a press conference about his conflicts of interest, reveal secret information known only to him about Russian hacking, and prosecute Hillary Clinton for emails. He lies a lot m8

>defend trump
>get called a libtard kike

they will just cut aid that is sent to mexico, and make you pay in that way

That does seem like an actual plan but one that'd have catastrophic side effects. No alien can wire money outside of the United States without providing proof of legal presence? This effectively robs legal foreign workers of their resources the moment their visa expires, and prevents visiting foreign nationals from making routine transactions. I don't think this would go over well.

Why does Trump has a specific hate for Mexico and not other countries where illegal immigrants are actually coming from?

He tried to make some hotels here and got ripped off by the government. He is been talking shit about us for a long time, way before he decided to run for president. He even bitched on twitter when Cuarón/Iñarritu won oscars.

>be retarded redneck
>claim you want small government with fewer laws and regulations
>...unless its against people you don't like, then government is fine (gay marriage, abortion, flag burning, etc)
>claim to want lower taxes and less government waste
>...yet support dumb fucking shit like this wall and wars in the Middle East and money for Israel
>claim to want jobs and fewer entitlements
>...expect old-school factory jobs (that, btw, have been almost entire replaced by automation) moving to your desolate isolated rural flyover small town despite you being uneducated and unwilling to move to a city
>be more of a gimmedat that actual niggers

Universal suffrage was a mistake. Rich wealthy white landowning males should run the show like they did back in the day.

>a classic business negotiation tactic
Mexico isn't going to pay anything of what is going to be upwards of $100 billion. That tactic only works when you have leverage, Trump doesn't have that kind of leverage over Mexico.

He can impose some kind of economic penalty, which hurts US businesses as much as it hurts Mexico, so that's not going to happen. And he can't fuck with their aid, because a lot of it is for stuff like fighting the cartels and that won't go over well with congress or anyone. That leaves, what, military action? Not going to happen.

Just admit it, anyone who thought the wall was actually going to happen got fucking played like a fiddle.

>countries where illegal immigrants are actually coming from

>the undocumented U.S. population had reached 11 million or more, including more than 6.5 million undocumented Mexicans, which is around 60% of all unauthorized immigrants

Because most of those people come through Mexico! Sad!

the rest are all Central Americans who all enter through the Mexican border anyway.

he's not going to have any trouble cutting foreign aid with a Republican congress, especially since there's a reason for it.

>We're gonna expand the currently existing system of fences!!!!
>and we're gonna get the American taxpayer to pay for it!!!

>Rich wealthy white landowning males should run the show like they did back in the day.
>yfw rich, wealthy, white, land-owning males overwhelmingly voted for Trump

who are you quoting?

We ain't getting shit from the usa, there's no such thing as "aid"

see the second reply in A) We don't send anywhere near $100 billion to Mexico. We send less than $1 billion (0.6 billion IIRC). Mexico paying even 5% of the wall would amount to about a decade of US aid, so its a no-brainer to refuse.

In other words, unless they were asked to pay