
drugs edition

Other urls found in this thread:




-Ditch the degenerate things in your life (Christianism/TV/nigger musics etc)
-Read more, educate yourself, improve your vocabulary
-Get an aesthetic body like in your picture (Bodybuilding etc)
-Be good at cardio (running/swimming or a martial art)
-Don't eat junk-food
-Dress better, stand straight
-Don't let anyone disrespect you/your family/your friends
-Buy weapons and train with it
-Prepare for incoming race war



It's moi birfday so it is. Pay attention to me ye fuckers. All ois on me.

dire thread so far

been lifting a good 2 days now and do not see ANY difference


Then you woke up you daft cunt

Anyone who doesn't realise the prequels were philosophical kino masterpieces is a normie twat who probably liked Force Awakens because of the "witty dialogue"

Enjoy my dreams more than my actual life

don't feel comfortable posting pictures of my female coworker desu


2 and 3 were alright, 1 was pure shit

Bitter abnormie, have you never seen someone post that it's their birthday here? Sadcunt

good post

Cringing at you recycling outdated Sup Forums memes

Sad cunt. Get with the times.

howdy yall what the fuck yall up to

literally laughed out loud

Shan't be doing most of this


Glad you mentioned birthday again. Forgot it was your birthday for a minute.

reddits first time on Sup Forums?

which k-on does she look like?

i'd say i'm quite good looking and i've gotten with some lookers in my time
my main downside is that i'm v skinny.


Whipping and nay-naying my nig.

my birthday this weekend lads
give me attention

I just like the prequels because of the nostalgia from my childhood

good progress for 2 days 2bh

Never watched a SINGLE star wars movie

This. Remove all degeneracy from Sup Forums

when i was in primary school, we used the word "nigel" to refer to billy no mates

I'm the birthday king



Birthday weekend boyos haha drinking with the lads how's about a few birthdays wishes

Reminder the prequels were good because all of star wars are fucking kids films and kids just want stupid robots and flashy light swords

Reddit hates the prequels you dumb cunt

with a body like that you may as well just become a trap

did absolutely terrible in ny exam today lads

good post

Hated lightsabers as a kid.
The clone troopers were way cooler.

everyone does but normoids and autistic contrarians like yourself

>biceps have grown 1/2 inch and increased weight by 2 kilos in a week


hope you fail and end up on the dole for the rest of your pathetic existence

Me too, you about Limerick? We can have a joint bday bash

Mum told me she's looking into an 80th trimester abortion

>exam on your birthday

Unlucky lad. You should have been at a party organised by all your family and friends in your honour.


because fuck you thats why

Because of Reddit letter media

well done you're getting fat

Haven't been out with a friend since March last year

>she looks like the real thing
>she tastes like the real thing
>my faaaakkeee plaaaaaastiiiccccc love
>but I can't help the feeling
>I could blow through the ceiling

because i take pleasure in the suffering of others

the word is schadenfreude for future reference


>t. DYEL runt
Look forward to encountering your skinnyfat body with my runtcruncher fist-bludgeons you insolent despicable plankton

Birthday KING here

Give me PRESENTS and good WISHES

been nearly 8 years

>the word is schadenfreude for future reference

>being born a few weeks too early to be an aquarius master race

the fucking state of you

you bulking lad?

I'm on 4000 calories and 230 g protein a day at the moment

I'm 6'5 so I need it

If you put on 2kg in a week you've either LITERALLY just started lifting or 75% of it is fat

What happens to the proles when machines become more common in the workplace?

cleaning the ol beak out in preparation for some charlie

Hail aquarius brother

they get fucked on camera by said machines

lads, i've run out of taco shells but i've still got plenty of filling left

what do?


Absolute best scene of the prequels

Who's out in manny tonight

They become machine maintenance people

could literally heem the whole town of limerick with one half hearted punch

no, not really. not even bough protein yet.
My TDEE is 3000kcal because I'm 76kg and 181cm and do about an hour of cardio a day.
I haven't even been going to the gym recently, this is all from my night-routine with bodyweight exercises and dumbbell lifts

This is objectively correct

post a pic of your jacksie

>gf hasn't replied to my whatsapp since wednesday
>last seen online at 15:31

won't just be the proles, for example they'll have robo doctors soon as well

they just do what muslims do here. bennies and crime.

After scanning numerous twitter pages of socialists ranging from the U.K. to the U.S.A I have come to the conclusion that most of them are fake.

You gain the most laughs out of ones that are 'teachers' and have 'students'.

too long johnny
too long, it's way too long

I agree tb h

did the spaceman fight the other spacemen with his laser sword?


I unironically haven't checked my phone, email or facebook since November

Don't mind me lads, just enjoying the first of many BIRTHDAY beers

(Coors is pisswater)

I post-ironically agree with this

fuckin hope not mate I want to have a good night and not be paranoid that poleaboo is lurking behind me

>I haven't recieved a call, text or voicemail for 4 years

Is this normal?


whats your number we'll text you

I post-ironically watch and enjoy the prequels regularly

Step it up m8

post your number

I also read the EU

give us your number lad I'll sing you a soothing lullaby down the line

doin a cross-thread fedora

thoughts on Milo Yiannopoulos?

No you'll send me abuse and sign me up to automated messaging

Been here before

I post ironically voted to remain


bit gay