Hey b

hey b

any idea what this is? do you smoke or eat it? what is it supposed to do?

stick up ass. its a suppository

dog treat?

Hash. Dont eat it unless you want blow up tour stomach.

thats a fertiliser bomb, you put it in the ground at the base of a plant and it slowly decays into food for the plant

Congratulations, you have a piece of camel shit.
You should definitely shove it up your ass.

I feel like this is probably what it is

Looks like a dog treat.

But don't give it to you're dog... because you have no idea what it is and are stupid enough to be contemplating consuming it yourself.

this is my best guess

Looks like hash. To be sure, use a lighter and burn it A LITTLE BIT, if it smell strong (not like poo, by the way...) and good it's probably hash.

I don't think eating hash is the best way to get high, there is recipe on internet but it never worked for me.

Smoking it is nice, looks like you have between 3 or 5 grams, with that you can roll some dozen of stick.

Good luck, hope is not poo.

Yeah looks like it a little bit but well... Looks really like hash. Can't say if I don't have it in my hands.

its pressed tea user


Cut it and show us the inside.

are you retarded or just trolling?

Looks like a peyote button to me. Chew but dont swallow the plug. And savor the juices man

Pressed Chinese tea

This, now.

>3-5 grams

Your eyeball scale is off or you've never seen hash before. That a gram or less faggot.

lol stop smoking soap bar hash

I'm smoking since years, you can't really say how much there is. It can be compressed or expendand YOU BIG RETARDED FAGGOT

It's a fucking button

Fucking teenage DUDE WEED LMAO fags.

I'm 25 idiots. Also (I'm not english), the word I wanted to write was "inflated". You really can't say how much there is with your (or my) eyes. Also we don't see how much it's thick.

Stop being stupid, please.

need more info, like where the fuck did you find it?

This is an excellent question. If he found it in one of the stuff in the picture it's *probably* hash. Can be a trick too. I think he need to cut it and try to burn it a little bit with a lighter to have more informations about it.

cool kids picking on you at school huh