Why are Slav girls so easy?

Why are Slav girls so easy?

is that something bad?

Males from green countries are shit tier

except muslim though

There are no green muslim countries

East slav women are not fond of niggers tho

ask germany

because shit happens when drunk




gib moneys and shiet

cause snow niggers

>Germany harder than Mexico


They are gold diggers, hence easy by western perspective

Uhh, yeah.

German girls will literally not fuck anyone under 6 feet. It's not even a meme like here in the US. One of my friends is a 5'6" German and he actually can't find a job since he fails interviews due to his height.

I've seen plenty of German exchange students go for short Mexicans here. I even lost my virginity to one (i'm not a manlet though),that's why the map seems weird.

why is italy such a halal country?

Oh shit, gotta go east for some partying sometimes.

Surprised to see Denmark so low.
Our media always hype the youth to be the one, that drinks the most, in the entire world.

Fucking hell Estonia

this and this