Hey Sup Forums I got into a fight earlier in my school and it ended in my punching him and giving him a black eye...

Hey Sup Forums I got into a fight earlier in my school and it ended in my punching him and giving him a black eye. He has a decent amount of friends and I think I'm going to get beat up tomorrow. I live in a 3rd world country and my school is filled with druggies and gangsters.

hope it goes wrong.

bring a go pro

i think u need another cuz u only up shit o net.

>3rd world

Lol I couldn't care less about you 3rd world scum. It's just another day in your shitty country isn't it? Car bombs, drug wars, poor infrastructure and what not. You're used to being the dirt of this world so suck it up

You're in the 3rd world, bring a RPG

Pray to jesus, but try be smart and learn defence. The gangsters that I have seen which are still alive are usually religious.

This is correct.
This is posted by a no-fun fuddy duddy.

Okay OP. Violence us never the answer and should always be avoided. That being said I'm gonna teach yiu some ass saving stuff right now.

Since we don't have time to learn proper combat between now and tomorrow and since we aren't going to try to kill...I say fight dirty.

Eyes, neck and genitals are a good way to cripple. If you fall down, grab a handful of sand and throw it into their eyes followed by an elbow to the jaw, will keep them down.

Besides that try to keep people with you (to even the odds obviously) and stay relaxed during the fight.

This last bit is key: STAY RELAXED. Only tense up before a strike OP. If you keep muscles tense during the fight you'll wear yourself down and be tired twice as fast. Good luck OP. If you need any more tips let me know.