Sup Forums I'm fucking torn. This is my girlfriend. She lives 2 hours away from me and we haven't met yet. She wants my dick too and says the first time we meet we are having sex. I know she is real we have video called on Skype multiple times and we talk on the phone every single night. My problem is I don't have a ride to make it to her. I don't have a car and I dont have a license yet because I failed my test twice because of simple stupid mistakes from being nervous. Even the instructor said i wasnt a horrible driver i just need to work on observation. Alright I will get to the point now. I want to take my moms car at night. I would leave at around 10pm and not tell her i left. I did the math and I could make it home by 6am before she wakes up for work. But the thing is my stepdad chooses when he goes to his work and sometimes he wakes up at like 4am to go to work majority of the time he sleeps in until 10am but my luck he would wake up at 4 when I am gone with their car. I am conident enough in driving to make it to her. I will be driving on the freeway and it will be my 3rd time ever driving on the freeway. I need somebody to convince me to do this because right now im not sure what to do. I am a kissless virgin and I wanna get laid. Not even that. I just love her and want to see her so bad regardless of getting some. So Sup Forums since you are always straight up let me know what you think I should do. Should I man the fuck up and just leave, or should I not think with my dick and wait until I have my own car and license. OR should I get tf out cuz underagebanerino.
Sup Forums I'm fucking torn. This is my girlfriend. She lives 2 hours away from me and we haven't met yet...
This is also her without makeup on
Haven't met... And she's your girlfriend.... LMFAO
Yeah ikr. It's p fucking stupid.....but I told her I wanted to meet before I date her but she asked me and i've never had a gf before and i couldnt say no to her
Just do it. What's the worst that could happen?
you're a fag btw....
just take the car whats the worst your parents can do to you. Don't ask the internet for permission.
chances OP even knows this girl.
I know you're on Sup Forums and all but, do you have any friends which could drive you or train, bus etc. in the nearer area? stealing a car might not be the best idea in your situation
I get into a car crash and I ruin my moms car.
Can you autistic spergs give this goddamn cringe a rest for 30 fucking seconds? Thx.
Could you not uber like a normal person?
you are just going to cum in 2 secs so
All my "friends" are fucking assholes and wont drive me even after telling them im gonna get laid if they drive me there
"haven't met yet"
Not your gf.
Regardless, if i meet her im getting laid.
2 hours away. That's what, half a days walk? 4 to 5 hour bike ride. Dude if you really love her you'd walk, bike or gray hound over. I've road a gray hound for 3 fucking days to get some tang on the opposite side of the country. If you are motivated enough you will walk to ends of the earth for the pussy.
do you not know the price of gas these days? jesus christ, you make it sound like they have an obligation to taxi you around in your quest for pussy. listen to yourself, user.
uber, lyft, any other taxi service, train, bus
>like any form of public transportation
How did you guys meet? I'm a homeschooled senior with a pool for dating of absolutely nothing. Since she is 2 hours away I assume you met her online?
I told them I was willing to pay for gas plus and extra $25 and they still said no.
But lmao that was funny
OP's gonna get stabbed, robbed, and carjacked by a tranny.
Uber? Taxi? Hope you get poon user.
What state you live in OP? I will drive you sometime during the day if you pay for gas
You're right. The burly black dudes who tricked your dumbass over are gonna rape the fuck outta you
I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more.
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles, to place my dick in her hand.
I don't have enough money for that
>2 hours
That's about a hundred miles, mate. It would take a little more than 6.5 hours running a full sprint. Nonstop.
Damn this girl lookes like an emo slut. Shes probably had thousands of dicks before you. Let me guess you met her on Tinder?
We met on Hot Or Not.
I wasn't on their to get girls....I wanted to see what kind of girls liked me for my looks because im a depressed insecure fag
Just wait until you have a license and car.
When can you get your license?
She's gonna give me blowjob first....She says she swallows. Even if I do I wont care because I can just go again.
thank you, i try. i wish you the best of luck, anonymous. i sincerely hope things work out for you.
Man should I try that out?
Close. Hot or Not.
She has had sex....Doesn't really bother me
Thanks Sup Forumsro
I know you might be hesitant to talk to someone from Sup Forums user but if you live close enough to me I will take you there
make sure to not bring money for gas.
Op where r u from
>This is my girlfriend.... haven't met yet.
Take a Bus? Taxi? Train?
None of your friends drive?
Are you retarded?
I have just enough to make it her house. She says once I get there she will give me $40 to get back home which is way more then I need,
Do it faggot.
Ik, ik...It's fucking stupid but when she asked me to be her girlfriend I had to say yes
What Kissless virgin would say no??
If you're from pa, or jersey I'll take you
I'll give you a ride faggot as long as I don't go to jail for being an accomplice to statutory rape
No buss or taxi because i live in a small town. I already said my friends are dicks.
You from Georgia? I will give you a ride
You ever thought about tossing up some gas money?
Getting a bag o weed to toke on he trip - and with this chick you've made up?
Christ like yeah little jimmy, let me just uproot my weekend to take you to get laid.
Where are you from
Fag is considering stealing his moms car and driving two hours without a license after failing his drivers test and he hasn't responded to one message offering to give him a ride
I'm from Southern Minnesota
Then you don't have shit
Give up OP she won't want you after she realizes you're worthless
Yes and extra cash too!
I have tried that as well and my friend was like "Nah man I got a drug test soon" which ik is pure bullshit
I wouldn't say that. Teenagers don't really judge worth like that. Go for it OP I'm assuming she wouldn't give a shit that you are broke
just tell friends they can get sloppy seconds
I'll Drive to Minnesota if you let me fuck her first
OooOOOOooo You are so edgy man. I can't handle your edgyness....I'm offing myself now
Uhmmm Yeah sure
Ask your mom for a ride
Buy a tent. Ride your bike. You can do 100 miles in about a day. Camp somewhere overnight. Spend the day with her and bang her. JESUS CHRIS FALLING FOR THIS BATE
Post more pictures of this bitch
Already have LMAO
She said no....
>running at 15mph for 2 hours straight
top kek
how old are you?
I mean holy fuch, go see her you dipshit, take a fucking buss if you have too, how fucking hard can it be if your not fucking 12?
i would drive you in return for nudes
Probably a waste of my time to respond to this since you have 200 other pieces of advice, but here's my thoughts as someone who is now in-between your age and your parents' age (29).
First off, you should expect to get caught. Seriously, you're not getting away with stealing your mom's car for the night, even if you don't get pulled over or crash the car or anything else. You should consider this a probability rather than a possibility.
Financially, stealing her car would be a tremendous risk for her. Her insurance would consider the car "stolen", but legally she's responsible for you, so if you "stole" the car and crashed it, insurance is going to say she is entirely financially on the hook for the car. Normally, if a car is damaged or crashed (especially if the bank owns it), someone's insurance will always pick up the majority if not all of the tab, it sucks and rates go up, but someone doesn't suddenly owe $7,000 – $30,000. Unless you parents are especially well off, this could take them years to financially recover from.
If this is real why are you asking Sup Forums?
you're going to drive 2 hours to get raped and mugged, guaranteed. you're being catfished, retard.
Study harder for your driving test, third times the charm
I want somebody to convince me to do it. I rarely come here but I thought somebody would convince me
How tf can you even guarantee anything?
If anybody's a retard its you.
Take the fucking bus lol
Yeah I meant to state that it is a high probability that im getting caught.
And so, if you choose to steal her car, you are communicating to your mom that you would be willing to seriously fuck her life over for something immature and selfish, and that will really fuck up your relationship with her for a long time before she could trust you again (or, if she doesn't trust you now, she's going to trust you a fuck ton less). This is assuming she is an emotionally stable person. If she isn't emotionally stable and you made a major mistake, she could just throw you to the wolves at this point (juvie + CPS). My wife works for children protective services, and let me say that you and your entire family will have the worst fucking year of your life if they get involved. The whole system is complete shit, and your mom will spend hundreds of hours trying to recover your ass while you live in a shitty group home and have scheduled visits with her every couple of weeks.
I'm not exaggerating by the way, my wife deals with families constantly where the kids did less than this (imagine you get pulled over by a cop, your mom's car gets impounded an hour away from her house so she spend $500 getting her car out by the time she gets there, and she has to pick you up from the police).
Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying it's impossible for you to get to your girlfriend's place... I'm just implying that stealing your mom's car is probably a poor choice.
seriously tho, if i was in your shoes i would do what it took. when i was about 19 i would walk 3 hours up a god damn mountain to get some ass for a few hours then leave at 5 am before her parents woke up and walk 2 hours back (uphill is slower than downhill). got home in time to sleep for an hour and go to work for 8 hours. goood times. married to her now btw, must have impressed her with my dedicated love of her pussy
OP don't be so fucking stupid to risk your own lives and others just because you want to fuck a 15 year old 2 hours away. I'm sure there's plenty more 15 year olds in your area you can sleep with
I have got more if anybody wants
This nigga isn't even done and he's already spitting the realest advice itt.
post nudes
Take a bus?
Ride a bicycle?
or won't get hard from stress. been there, done that
Sure, let's be in a relationship even though we've never met, I have no car, no job, no money and a massive victim complex because someone should give ME a ride. You sound like a real piece of shit, beta fuck.
Listen to this shit, OP. And then go give yourself a hand job and gtf over it. You'll get laid eventually, maybe even still with this chick. Just bide your time and don't be a fucking beta about it.
How far south? Northern minneapolis suburbs here.
Pffff, riiiight
Op fuckin go for it man i wouldnt fucking trip about it. However.. make sure she isnt going to be like wtf when you get there or not be home or some shit. Drive chill in the middle or slow lane. And from this point on... get a fucking job man.
Thank you for this user. It's not worth the risk and I am just going to have to get there some other way
How the fuck is asking us gonna make you a better driver? Do what I did living in BFE my whole life walk you fucking retareded faggot 2 hours of driving what is that like 5 hours walk. Fucking niggers!
take the buss
Secondly, I'm not sure if shit high schools these days make you read literature, but I think you should get a copy of "Catcher in the Rye". Basically, it's about a kid who takes his train money and does whatever the fuck he wants for 5 days before going home to face the music. Basically, if you're really determined to do this, I think you should buy a copy of it for $8, and leave it on your bed so your mom can infer what's going on, and then come up with an excuse to be somewhere with a friend for the night, and then go missing for a couple days while skipping school.
I think you should find a way to get there on public transportation, which might cost $70-$120 for this entire shindig.. That seems like a lot of money, but honestly, if you give a shit you should be able to make that in a week. Seriously, go to your friends parents and ask if they need yard work done for $30 for 3 hours.
You should be able to get a round trip bus pass for $50, you can sleep under a bridge and have her sneak you in at night, whatever it takes. But make sure you're the one accepting responsibility so that when you get caught, you look like a moonstruck kid in love who did something stupid rather than looking like an irresponsible asshole who fucked over his family.
If you can pull off the first impression, the love-struck irresponsible kid who worked hard and planned it all out knowing you'd probably get caught but willing to do it anyway for the chance to meet your girlfriend... Even after you get caught and face the music, people will respect your balls for being crazy.
In the second scenario, at best you seriously damage your family relationships upon which you are completely dependent at this stage in your life, and at worse you seriously fuck up any number of people's lives (and assure that you loose access to your girlfriend).
I'm in southeast Minnesota. I'll drive you if I can watch you fuck her haha.
said the guy who failed his drivers exam twice and now wants to steal mommy's car to go get raped and mugged by the "girlfriend" he's never physically met, guaranteed.
You will probably not even be able to get hard the first time dude, you are going to be so nervous
best practice to pass any exam is to pay for it using your own money, it's not rocket science, but you will try harder that way than getting money from your parents for it
Either he has no friends or his friends are kids and don't have cars.
Unless your mom is wealthy then don't take her car
Yo fuck that. Life is so short to worry about what could happen. This is garunteed pussy. This will be something your family looks back on and laughs about. If you don't do it, soon she will grow up and drop your ass as she goes through her slut phase. Just do it. Trust me all the consequences will be worth