Hey Sup Forums! Just cruising through from tumblr with a comprehensive list of all* genders

Hey Sup Forums! Just cruising through from tumblr with a comprehensive list of all* genders.
So which do you identify as? :D

Abimegender– A gender which is profound, deep, and infinite.
Absorgender– A gender that changes to conform to the genders of those around you. As you are around more people, even if some leave, they continue to add to the genders you feel. You remain as the genders that you have taken in until you hit a max of some sort. At that point you become like a blank slate, being only one gender (it doesn’t have to be agender or neutral, it can be any gender and the base gender can be different each time).
If you absorb one gender more easily than other genders, you can replace gender in the term with the gender you absorb best. Like absorgirl, absornonbinary, absordemiboy, etc.
Adamasgender- A gender which refuses to be categorized.
Adeptogender– When your gender identity was obtained through your realization of your kinself. as in your kin realization spurred your gender realization. (note: the gender and kin type do not necessarily have to correlate with each other)
Aerogender– See evaisgender.
Aesthetgender– A gender derived from an aesthetic, also known as videgender.
Aethergender– A gender that feels very wide, commanding, breathtaking and powerful.
Affectugender– A gender affected by mood swings.
Agender– Having no gender or a lack of gender identity

a fucking man

I can't see the real genders though

Agenderfluid– See cancegender.

Agenderflux– See librafluid.

Alexigender– Gender identity which is fluid between more than one gender, but the individual cannot tell what those genders are.

Aliusgender– A gender which is removed from common gender descriptors and guidelines.

Ambigender– A feeling of two genders simultaneously, but without fluidity/shifting. May be used synonymously in some cases with bigender.
Amaregender- A gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with.
Ambonec– Identifying as both man and woman, yet neither at the same time.

Amicagender– A gender that changes depending on which friend you’re with at the moment.
Amogender– See flirtgender.
Amorgender– When your gender changes whilst in the presence of an individual to whom you have developed a deep connection for. This could be a romantic attraction, platonic connection, a spiritual affinity or anything similar.
Androgyne– Feeling in between, or a combination of, man and woman (or boy and girl).
Anesigender– Physically feeling like a certain gender but feeling more comfortable identifying as another.
Angeligender– A gender found only among angels, that is hard to describe to non-angels. For godkin and angelkin only.

Angenital– A desire to be without primary sexual characteristics, without necessarily being genderless.

Anogender– A gender which fades in and out, but always comes back feeling the same.

Anongender– A gender that is unknown to both yourself and others.
Antegender– A protean gender which has the potential to be anything, but is formless and motionless, and, therefore, does not manifest as any particular gender.
Antigender– A gender which can only be described as the opposite of another gender, eg. an antiboy being the opposite of a boy. Also known as ungender.
Anxiegender– A gender affected by anxiety.
Anvisgender– See apagender.

There are only two genders man or women

I am considered as the far bottom left (male)

I have a big female mind people say and my body also got some Things that made People think I'm a Girl.

I'm just me, so agender?

A vagina?

And OP

Anvisgender– See apagender.

Apagender– A feeling of apathy toward one’s gender that causes one to have no desire to look further into it. Also known as lethargender, inersgender and anvisgender.

Apconsugender– A gender in which you know what it isn’t, but not what it is, sort of like the gender is hiding itself from you.

Apogender– A subset of agender in which you feel not only genderless, but entirely removed from the concept of gender.

Apollogender– When you have around 9 (can be anywhere from 6 to 10) different distinct feelings of gender that have combined into one big gender identity.

Aporagender– A gender separate from man/boy, woman/girl, and anything in between while still having a gendered feeling.

Aptugender– A gender which feels fitted and secured.
Aquarigender– A gender which is fluid between infinite feelings. Sometimes, these feelings may be close to an existing term, and sometimes they are indescribable or abstract. Also known as genderflow.
Archaigender– A gender that is ancient/old and big, and can either only be described with those words, or is correlated to them.
Arifluid– See arigender.
Arigender– Switching between nonbinary genders while feeling particularly associated with one feeling. Also known as arifluid.
Arithmagender– A numerical gender. it can range from any number/s, positive, negative, decimals, fractions, etc.
Argogender– A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually, or a gender that is defined by its slowness.
Astergender– A gender that feels bright and celestial.
Astralgender– A gender that feels connected to space.
Atmosgender– Having a gender which is present, but unable to be grasped or firmly defined.
Autigender- gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.
Autogender A experience that feels deeply personal to one’s self.

Having bitch tits and being a faggot does not mean anything your a guy who likes cock we get it your not special

no civilian/assault helicopter?

post pictures

Which is like asexual but they dont even want to fuck themselves.

So you're saying you're erratic and emotional, but youve got flabby bitch tits and a little dick and balls?

male with the female right arm for sure

Now user we all know faggot is not a gender don't make OP feel special

My gender identity is a 6-simplex, I have 7 equidistant vertices connected through 6-dimensional space.

Gimmie time :3
Autigender- A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.
Autogender– A gender experience that feels deeply personal to one’s self.
Axigender– When a person experiences two genders that sit on opposite ends of an axis, one being agender and the other being any other gender; these genders are experienced one at a time with no overlapping and with very short transition time.
Batgender– See nocturnalgender.
Bigender– Identifying as two genders; may be static or fluid.
Bigenderfluid– Being bigender, with your gender fluctuating between the two.
Biogender– A gender that is connected to nature in some way.
Blizzgender– A gender that feels cold, snowy, and harsh. When it’s paired to another gender, it’s known as wintegender.
Boggender– A gender that feels like a bog, swamp, marsh or similar ecosystem. Also known as swampgender.
Bordergender/Borderfluid– A fluctuating gender experienced exclusively by people with BPD. A gender identity lacking a firm grasp on one’s identity, while still experiencing gender, to varying degrees, but having trouble pinning it down to just one label or identity. Having the sense of grasping at labels as much as possible to describe a gender, one keeps questioning because one keeps second guessing one’s sense of self and consequently, one’s sense of gender.

Can be combined with relevant genders.
Boyflux– When one feels mostly or all male most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of male identity. This can be fluid with any other identity.

Underrated post.

> not including Apache Attack Helicopter

Very cool gender!
Brevigender– A subset of genderfluid in which you feel your gender is never stable for long periods of time, but is constantly changing.
Burstgender– See spikegender.
Cadensgender– A gender that’s easily influenced by music.
Cadogender– A subcategory of polygender identities (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc.) to have a gender to fall back on, or one that you always go back to.
Caedogender– A gender which has been “cut away” by a traumatic event.
Caelgender– A gender which shares qualities with outer space or has aesthetic similarities to space, stars, nebulas, etc.
Cancegender– Agender as “base” gender but experiences fluid/fluxing gender feelings in tandem with their emotions. These gender feelings may confuse or upset the individual and cause their emotional state to go haywire, which causes more gender changes. Also known as agenderfluid.
Canisgender– A small, doglike gender.
Caprigender– A capricious, rapidly changing/untrackable gender.
Carmigender– A gender which is poetic and rhythmic in nature.
Cassflux– When your level of indifference towards your gender fluctuates.
Cassgender– Feeling as if the very concept of gender is unimportant to you.
Caveagender– Having a “trapped” or “imprisoned” gender.

I sexually identify as a Navy Seal. Ever since I was a child I dreamed of being the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. People say to me that having over 300 confirmed kills is impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a secret network of spies trace your IP right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. From now on, you're fucking dead, kiddo. If you can't accept me you need to check your gorilla privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

... what the fuck is up with the "my leg is a different gender" shit?

Cavusgender– For people with depression. You feel one gender when not depressed and another when depressed. The gender felt whilst depressed can be attached as a suffix (eg cavusboy, cavusgirl, cavusnonbinary, cavusace).
Cendgender– When your gender changes between one gender and its polar opposite, OR a gender that can be summed up as an unidentifiable thing which manifests as hundreds of different genders or none at all at any given time, at the same time and/or separately, fluid, and ever changing.
Cennedgender– A gender identity heavily influenced by one’s parents.
Ceterofluid– When you are ceterogender, and your feelings fluctuate between masculine, feminine, and/or neutral.
Ceterogender– A nonbinary gender with specific masculine, or feminine, or neutral feelings. (Can be used as ceterogirl, ceteroboy, etc.)
Chaosgender– When your gender does a lot of things that have no identifiable pattern or logic.
Cheiragender– A fluid gender that is always or often in opposition to its owner’s desires, or is manipulative towards its owner.
Circgender– A gender that feels so magical and grand as to be indescribable.
Cloudgender– A gender which can’t be fully realized or seen clearly due to depersonalization/derealization disorder(s).
Cocoongender– A gender that has not come out yet, or has yet to emerge in its full form.
Cogitofluid– A gender that is fluid only when one thinks about it.
Cogitogender– A gender that only exists when you think about it, is quiet until called to attention, or is characterized as feeling genderless until a gender is consciously chosen.
Coigender– A gender that feels like it “is on mute”.

A meme

I am a transgender lesbian assigned male at birth , but recently ihave discovered i am also a tutle-kin, so i am seeaking a woman that can peg me all nigth and that accepts that i am a beautiful turtle

I sexually identify myself as a Mudkip

Collgender– Having too many simultaneous genders to describe each one.
Colorgender– A gender associated with one or more colors and the feelings, hues, emotions, and/or objects associated with that color. Can be categorized by the specific color(s), such as pinkgender, violetgender, etc.
Comgender– To experience gender, polar opposite of agender.
Commogender- When you know you aren’t cisgender, but you settle for your assigned gender for the time being, e.g. commoboy or commogirl.
Condigender- A gender only felt under certain circumstances.
Contigender– A gender that flows through space and time and constantly changes and is always moving, OR a gender of, or related to, space and time.
Corugender– A gender affected by flashbacks.
Cosmicgender- A gender so vast and/or complicated that it can only be processed a bit at a time; a gender you cannot experience all at once. Infinite in its possibility, it may contain relevant subgenders that define a part of the vast whole.
Cryptogender– Gender identity that one can’t discern, describe or define in words and confuses or puzzles the owner.

Crystagender– A fluid gender that is experienced as one’s gender being fractured or broken into pieces and put back together again.

Cyclogender– A gender identity that changes with one’s menstrual cycle.

Daimogender– A gender closely related to demons and the supernatural.

Deaboy– for masculine-identified or partially masculine-identified people that still feel a connection to feminine energy due to their spirituality. Intended for pagans but is a possibility amongst anyone who practices goddess worship or feminine energy worship of any kind.

Delphigender– A mysterious, obscure and sinister gender.

Demifluid/flux– Having multiple genders where some are static and others are fluid/flux.

Demigender– Feeling partially one gender, and partially something else, ex. demiboy, demigirl, etc.

Closeted Trans who is pissed off about the Heinz 57 varieties of gender. Cis, Trans or genderfluid I'll take. It covers everything in between. Agender is not something I can see, but whatever I don't care on that one. The others can fuck right off.

Digigender– A digital gender. It can range from any digital thing or file; virus, mp3, .txt, etc., often for techkin.

Diurnalgender– See flowergender.

Domgender- Being multiple genders with one specific gender emerging as the predominant one, e.g. domboy, domgirl, domnonbinary.

Drakefluid– When your gender fluctuates, but you can’t find just a few terms to describe what your fluctuating gender is, so you “hoard” gender terms that fit you. To be used by dragonkin individuals only.

Dryagender– A form of agender that is best represented by an empty, tranquil forest.

Dulcigender– An aesthetically-centered gender that is associated largely with stereotypically feminine things (such as pinks, frills, buns, and general cute things).

Duragender– A subcategory of polygender (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc) with an identifiable, long lasting gender that is more prominent than the other genders experienced.

Eafluid– See enbyfluid.
Earthgender– A gender identity that is directly affected, tied to, or influenced by the earth or nature.
Egender– See exgender.
Ectogender– A gender that seems elusive, constantly out of your grasp, and impossible to pin down.
Effreu– A scary nonbinary gender. If it’s nonbinary feminine, it’s known as effrille. If it’s nonbinary masculine, it’s known as effron.

Digigender– A digital gender. It can range from any digital thing or file; virus, mp3, .txt, etc., often for techkin.

Diurnalgender– See flowergender.

Domgender- Being multiple genders with one specific gender emerging as the predominant one, e.g. domboy, domgirl, domnonbinary.

Drakefluid– When your gender fluctuates, but you can’t find just a few terms to describe what your fluctuating gender is, so you “hoard” gender terms that fit you. To be used by dragonkin individuals only.

Dryagender– A form of agender that is best represented by an empty, tranquil forest.

Dulcigender– An aesthetically-centered gender that is associated largely with stereotypically feminine things (such as pinks, frills, buns, and general cute things).

Duragender– A subcategory of polygender (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc) with an identifiable, long lasting gender that is more prominent than the other genders experienced.

Eafluid– See enbyfluid.
Earthgender– A gender identity that is directly affected, tied to, or influenced by the earth or nature.
Egender– See exgender.
Ectogender– A gender that seems elusive, constantly out of your grasp, and impossible to pin down.
Effreu– A scary nonbinary gender. If it’s nonbinary feminine, it’s known as effrille. If it’s nonbinary masculine, it’s known as effron.

> digigender
I now sexually identify as ptenga.a

My leg has a vagina, and is a huge slut.

I don't have sex with outdated file formats.

> file format
> implying you even know what ptenga.a is

Why arent there cis genders. Fuckin gender shaming scum

down with cis


Looks like 2 to me, and then they let some tard kid paint them all funny colors.


I'm a jpeg


You sir, needa dictionary

3 genders
3rd is mental illness


Im cis. Im also a girl. I roleplayed as a guy when l was younger though and I always tried to work on a guy's voice. But I never convinced myself to be a guy and never thought I was one.

needs more girls

Sir, you need to calm down sir

Si me no esplabiosios

Why is it only fucking females that go with tumblr terms and say "im cis" or some shit.

anyway tits or gtfo.


Im not genderfluid or trans or anything. But I know that gender doesn't mean that u identify as a male or female.

Kek. I lost it when you said "only females"

>man with one feminine leg
>Man with a feminine arm
Wtf does that even look like

enough ?

More. Add some more boys in there too.

What are you on about


What else could there be

no you fucking faggot

¿Esplabiosios? ¿De que la chinga estás hablando?

Mental illness.

This whole fucking thread is cringy because there are a lot of people out there who legitimately take this shit seriously.
First world "issues" like this are fucking laughable. Go find something better to do with your time you bored attention seekers.

Trips of truth!

not a single person has taken it seriously kek

>>man with one feminine leg
>>Man with a feminine arm
>Wtf does that even look like
Find a btard and see for yourself. Their fapping arm is usually the only developed manly thing about them (not that there is a problem with that).

¿Que dijo este pendejo?

I tried to type in any of the words you claim are a gender, and autocorrect insists they are not words. Because they aren't. Gender should go the fuck away. It should be you have a physical sex and beyond that we accept that everybody is unique and may experience sexuality differently but that does NOT mean there's anything beyond man and woman. It's merely how you perceive and experience your own sexuality. Fucking dumbasses. Fuck off with your politically correct horseshit.

Came in this thread ONLY because I knew some fucking faggot was going to use the ol' 'Identify as an attack helicopter' Joke hahahahahah jesus the fucking joke just doesn't get old. Like god damn guys All that gender bullshit is bullshit, but the helicopter joke is so fucking overused that it has just lost all hope of ever being funny again. God damn.

>being this upset by satire

Nah I just enjoy having moments of irrational rage and taking it out on things and people who don't deserve it. Usually cute things. Like kittens.

>Sup Forums
Back to Redly you go, faggot.

> satire
Have you even heard of Tumblr?

> kittens
> things that don't deserve pain
Pick one

- male
- female
- sexual assault copter

mine's not listed, its 'AH-64'.

if you think what's going on in this thread isn't satire you should lurk more

i identify as a trans pansexual genderqueer apache helicopter

I think it has more to do with my extremely low esteem of others.

I don't trust most people on any forum to be smart enough to get satire.

And on this forum, I don't trust that it isn't filled with fuckin Tumblr fags being completely serious

Actually I copy pasted this list from a website purporting to have a list of all tumblrs genders (albeit shitposting)

Having half of your giving leg female