So, why are you single /b?
Starting off
>Gets attracted to girl
>Fuck/hangout a couple of times
>All of a sudden get bored of them
So, why are you single /b?
Starting off
>Gets attracted to girl
>Fuck/hangout a couple of times
>All of a sudden get bored of them
I hate people
Nice dubs and outlook sir
every girl i have ever dated has broken my heart
How so my man?
the girl i loved with every bit of my fucking heart left me for my bestfriend
got tired of everything revolving around sex, man or woman
had 8-9 sexual partners in my life, 3 of them male, the rest female, dated countless more people: all relationships ended up boiling down to sex (either I won't give enough, it's not good enough, it's not the sex they want, or they just flat out get tired of a good thing)
you can spend years propping up a relationship on all the fundamental things the television, your teachers, and your parents tell you but in the end males and females alike will throw it all away for dick in a literal heartbeat
if i wanted to get off quickly i wouldn't go through all the pretense and just jack off instead tbh, and that's where I am now: tired of paying for a chick's food just so she can half-ass in bed then bail the next day
Ahh, shit, sorry to hear user! Dog eat dog world that's for sure